Good afternoon! We are going to do some STEM activities and Topic work this afternoon.
Your task this afternoon, is to create and design your own marble maze for a child of your age. If you don’t have all the materials try to make do and use what you can find around the house! First watch both the You Tube clips to get some ideas and then make a start on your own creation! If you don’t have straws try rolling paper tightly round a pencil. You can either use the designs in the clips or create your own. Experiment by making your design more detailed and intricate. Do you think this will make it easier of harder to get the ball back to the beginning of the maze? What would happen if there were too many gaps in your maze? What effect would flattening the straws have ? I can’t wait to see your finished work uploaded to your PLP.
We are going to learn about the second Jacobite rising 1715- 16 in support of James Francis Stewart (known as the Old Pretender.) Read the document attached below, imagine you are Donald McBean and that you have had property stolen during the uprising ! Put together your own ideas suggesting how this might have happened. Consider the questions at the bottom of the article. Remember you are being asked to make suggestions as to what might have happened so your answers can’t be wrong !
Now research James Francis Stewart and create fact file on him. Copy it into your learning journals if you are unable to print out the sheet. Have a great afternoon!
Mrs Lea and Mrs Morrrison