St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

Primary 6B Morning Activities 15-5-20


Good morning Primary 6, it is Friday already and remember there will be no learning posts on Monday as it is a holiday! I am looking forward to chatting to you on our Teams chat at around 10am.  Here are your tasks for today:

Task 1 – Health and Wellbeing

Your first task is to complete the school meals survey.

I would like you to create  a “perfect packed lunch” for your P1 buddy!  You can choose the foods that go in and you can also design a lunch box to put them in.  Think about the foods that you would enjoy, and consider the things that a P1 would enjoy, but remember to make it balanced and nutritious. It should follows the Eatwell plate guidance.  I’ve attached it below.

Lunch box template


Task 2 – RME

We are currently in the month of May which is a Marian month (this means that it is one of the months where we offer our prayers and intercessions to Mary).  Have a listen to the song on this video clip, it’s a beautiful hymn.  It is really peaceful and calm, something that is important during this time.  I hope you enjoy it too.

Your task is to create a visual representation of Mary.  You can use any media that you like to do this.  You could paint a picture, create a word cloud, use natural materials to make a collage  – be as imaginative as you can. Remember to post your work on your PLP.

Have a great weekend and keep safe!
Mrs Lea







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