Good Morning Primary 7, hope you are ready for a full day of learning!
Numeracy tasks
In numeracy this morning we are going to be starting with a some more Big Maths, using all of you mental maths skills to see how you are getting on.
We are continuing to look at time intervals and timetables and how to read them, they are a vital life skill! Before starting the main task have a look at the link below, which gives a few different examples of how to read a timetable. There are a few different levels so make sure you test yourself!
Literacy Tasks
We are going to be continuing on with grammar today, looking at suffixes. Just like the past few weeks the PowerPoint below has an explanation as to what a suffix is and then has a variety of different tasks on the slides. Please complete these in your home learning jotter or on a device.
Remember to upload your work onto your personal learning blog