Good morning everyone ! I hope you are ready for another day of learning ! We are going to do some literacy and numeracy this morning.
Numeracy The number of the day is 456 891 !
We are going to build on our knowledge of using the grid method for multiplication and learn to multiply by 2 digit numbers. The method is exactly the same and the PowerPoint gives you lots of examples and help. You can choose to complete a mild, spicy or hot worksheet. I have attached an extra mild worksheet for anyone who does not feel ready to multiply by two numbers just yet. However if you feel like challenging yourself today then try the ” hot” worksheet which requires you to multiply a four digit number by a 2 digit number. Have fun and remember to present all your work neatly and upload it to your personal learning profile when completed.
mild grid method multiplication
Spicy grid method multiplication
Hot grid method multiplication
Reading Comprehension
Our reading comprehension passage is based hedgehogs and highlights many interesting facts that you perhaps didn’t know! Read the passage carefully and if you have been able to print out the sheets then you can underline key words. Next choose a mild , spicy or hot worksheet. Remember to look for the correct information in the text and answer in full sentences.
Extension task – 1
Create your own questions based on the passage and ask a family member to answer them !
Extension task 2
Write a summary of the passage. Remember that a summary is a brief account, covering the main points in the text using your own words.
Hedgehogs Mild-Reading Comprehension Text
Hedgehogs Mild Reading Comprehension Questions
Hedgehogs Spicy Reading Comprehension Text
Hedgehogs Spicy Reading Comprehension Questions
Hedgehogs Hot Reading Comprehension Text
Hedgehogs Hot Reading Comprehension Questions