Good morning Primary 6 . I hope everyone had a great weekend ! I really enjoyed seeing some of your rockets and hearing your sound rhythms which you uploaded to your personal learning profiles on Friday. Your work was amazing! This morning we are going to do spelling and maths.
Spelling Task
I would like you to copy out your words carefully into your home learning jotter. Next you should do rainbow writing, backward writing, pyramid writing and finally create a word search with your with your spelling words.
Maths The number of the day is 56 789 !
We are going to learn about about Compass Points and use them to follow directions. Watch the PowerPoint carefully and then try and complete the worksheets. You could print the sheets or if this is not possible answer the questions in your jotter. There are three worksheets, mild, spicy and hot and it is entirely up to you which one you complete. Have a fun morning!
Mrs Lea