Good morning P2!
I hope you had a good evening and are ready for some learning?
This morning we are going to be doing some work on symmetry and our reading groups but it will be a bit different from when we are in school. We are going to use a website that lets us read books. You will find the book name for your group on the activity sheet. Try to read your book aloud to either an adult or an older brother/sister if you can. Remember to use your soundbox if you get stuck on a word! Please let us know if you are having any problems accessing the site or don’t know which group you are in!
Here are today’s activities:
Home Learning Tasks P2 23 April AM
This page gives instructions on how to access the website:
Home Learning Tasks P2 Additional Instructions 23 April AM
Here are the links that you might need:
These are the resource pages that you can print or copy:
Green Group Comprehension Sheet
Have a good morning!
Mrs Callaghan