St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P6A Learning Highlights 24.1.20


Primary 6A have had a busy week as we continue to get ready for our upcoming Burns Supper next week.

Curriculum Areas & Subjects

In Maths, we completed an assessment to check our knowledge of co-ordinates and angles.  We have also been working on decimals, where we have been introduced to thousandths.

Interdisciplinary Learning

As part of our learning about Robert Burns, we completed a comprehension activity.  We looked at tartan and had a go at designing our own.  We practiced in the hall for our Burns Supper.  In spelling we were learning some Scottish words.

Ethos & Life of the school

We took part in the senior Scottish assembly this morning where we sang “The World Must be Comin tae an end”.  Mrs Egan and Mrs McKissack performed the poem “A Dug a Dug” which was funny.  We liked hearing the performances of the other classes and enjoyed the shortbread that we had as a special treat.

Opportunities for Personal Achievement

Andrew attended Milkshake this week for going over and above in his learning.  Carla has been making clothes this week, and we might get a sneak preview at our Burns Supper.

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