St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3B Learning Highlights 24/1/20


This week in P3B we learned our 3 times table and practiced our other times tables. We also learned to do addition with carrying.

We have been learning our Scots poem The Sare Finger and we learned how to say different body parts in Scots. We performed our poem and signed along to the song “I’m On My Way” by The Proclaimers. We were fantastic!

Our preparation for our Reconciliation has begun. We have all learned about Baptism and our Reconciliation group have started to learn the prayers they will need to know for the Sacrament.

In PE we played chaos tig and played a game where we had to make different letters with our body.

We have been reading Gangsta Granny. It is really funny and gross.


Our Learning Highlights:

“I liked at assembly when we did our signing to I’m On My Way and I was the Granny for the poem” – Niamh

“I am enjoying reading Gangsta Granny. It is really funny and a bit sad.” – Rabail

“When we were doing the 3 times table, at choosing I got to go with Mrs Garvin to practice, it was really fun” – Vivien

“I liked chaos tig during PE and I enjoyed doing the letters” – Naman

“We made puppets at Nurture Group. It was a turtle” – Alex

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