St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P3A Weekly Update 17th January 2020


This week in P3A we have been learning the 3 times table. We have been practising our 5 times table too. We had maths stations to help us with our dividing by 2, 3, 5 and 10. For the assembly next week we have been saying a Scots poem and we have nearly learned it all off by heart.  During activity zones we got Draw Bots, we have named them Dave and Kev!  This week we have been learning how to play hit the button and here is the link for this game.

Some of our personal learning highlights are

Daisy – In Science we learned about the 5 kingdoms.

Emily – I learned about the 3 times table and practised  using the activities on the purple tray.  I used the numicon and the googly eyes.

Inaya – I have learned about the plant kingdom.

Aoife – Because we were good we got to have a snowball fight before lunch using the indoor snowballs.

Josh – I learned the 5 kingdoms.

Sam – I liked learning about the 5 kingdoms.

Ronan – I liked making up music on the IPad.

Patrick – I liked learning about fungi kingdom and the animal kingdom.



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