St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a Learning Highlights


Curriculum areas and subjects

In Maths, we were learning about times tables. We focussed on the 2 times tables. Some groups learnt how to use chimney sums to multiply by 2. Some groups looked at how to use arrays, equal grouping and repeated addition.

In Writing, we have been learning how to write an explanation. We wrote about how we celebrate New Year and how other countries celebrate it.

Interdisciplinary learning

This week we have been learning about SHANARRI. We looked at S-safe, H- healthy, A- active and N- nurtured.

The ethos and life of the school

We are learning the Scottish song, ‘Donald where’s your troosers?’.

We have started our 12 week block of NYCOS. During NYCOS we were playing different games. One of the songs we sang was called ‘Columbus sailed the three ships’. We had lots of fun!

P4a have been recycling crisp packets. This week we have collected 282 crisp packet so altogether we now have 2259.

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