St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P4a Learning Highlights


Curriculum areas and subjects

In Maths, we have been learning about subtracting and adding using the column method. We learnt how to carry for addition and how to exchange for subtraction.
Image result for exchanging for subtraction method image Image result for carrying for addition method example image


Interdisciplinary learning

We have been learning about litter and recycling. We did a survey with the whole school to find out what everyone eats during break. Lots of people have crisps so we have decided to recycle crisp packets through Terracycle. We are going to be in charge of this.

We have been learning about the journey of a plastic bag from it being dropped to it going in to the sea. It is dangerous because some animals might eat it or get stuck in it.



The ethos and life of the school

We had our Vertical groups last Friday.

As part of the First Ministers Reading Challenge, we are going to be hiding reading books in the community. We made a letter and on the back of it we drew a picture of a person reading a book.

In the 1 + 2 Gurus, we made posters to show the colours of school lunch tray with the Spanish name on it. We also made speech bubbles of different sayings in Spanish and English.

In Sport and Health, we were writing on a sheet what clubs we would like after school.

In the Tech team, we were learning about how to go on to pupil shared on the laptops. We got to write a story on Word. We then learned how to save it in to a folder.

At Mini Vinnies, we were making posters saying bring in books for a book sale.

In the Rights and Respecting School team, we were learning about the needs and wants. We were drawing pictures  to go in to the needs and wants.

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