St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P1B Post


Week Beginning 28.10.19

P1B highlights:

Paige – “My favourite part was having the rabbits.”  The SSPCA delivered some mechanical rabbits to P1B and we learned how to take care of them so they are happy and healthy.

Layla – “I liked finding Numicon on the branches.”  The children have been learning about Even and Odd numbers.  We met a little owl called Even and he only ate 2, 4, 6, 8 and O ending numbers.  The song is to the tune ‘Old MacDonald Had a Farm’.  Ask your child to sing it to you.  We went on a number hunt around the school and wrote the numbers down in the correct column.

Ishani S – “I liked seeing the classroom full of leaves!”  We started our new topic, ‘The Graffalo’ this week.  The children found the room with a carpet of leaves one morning and different footprints.  They had lots of ideas about who the footprints belonged to!  Some thoughts ranged from wolves to bears!  At last we discovered the book and linked the footprints to the characters.

Jude – “I like making Halloween cookies.” On Thursday the children rotated around the P1 and P2 classrooms and engaged in lots of fun Halloween themed learning.

Mrs Devlin: The highlight of my week was today when we put the letters we have been learning together.  We put c and a together to make ca, s and a together to make sa, m and a together to make ma and finally p and a together to make pa.  I revealed to the children that on Monday we will meet the new sound ‘t’.  We placed it at the end of our letters and some people read sat, mat and cat!  It was truly magical!  Keep an eye out in your child’s diary for suggested words you can make with your sound flashcards by gluing them together.

We will have a new pupil join our class next week called Emily.  She visited our class today and listened to a story.  We are so excited to have a new friend join P1B.

Please keep the ‘Common Words’ flashcards bag in your child’s homework pack so these can be updated on Fridays.  Keep the ‘Sounds’ flashcards bag at home as you have been issued with the sounds we will be focusing on up until Christmas already.  Thank you.  This message is only relevant for P1B.


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