St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

P7B Outdoor Learning


As part of our regular Friday Outdoor Learning, this week P7B were taking part in two activities:

We were learning how to use flint and steel, cotton wool and petroleum jelly to light a fire in preparation for two weeks time when we are going to make toast at the fire pit.

The other task was to use sticks to make a frame and then create a picture using found materials from around our woodlands. We had some very different approaches!

P7B intend to be out regularly on a Friday and if parents can support us in providing children with a change of clothes and shoes (that are allowed to get muddy) and a waterproof coat/jacket, which takes account of Scotland’s usual weather, that would be a massive help.

Many Thanks,

Mr McGurn

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