St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

March 16, 2025
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 10th March 2025

Hello P5B Families,

Here are the learning highlights for this week as recorded by the Blue Table:

Addison and Amelia have said that the outdoor learning event was the best part of their week.  I know you will all agree that Addison read very well at the welcome in the hall. (Most of the children wanted to pick the outdoor learning event as the highlight of their week but I convinced them to pick another so our parents would know what else we got up to in P5B this week.)

Aaeryn-Leigh has been enjoying our daily Lenten walk as we try to walk enough steps to get us to Rome.  From next week, we will begin each walk with a special Lent prayer.  Our first walk was 20mins as we walked our daily 1KM but we have managed to get it down to 13 minutes!

Nicolas loved the lesson we had on how electricity can be created through the movement of water.  The children have been learning about damns and reservoirs and took part in a group hydropower challenge (see photos).

Flynn enjoyed eating the cake that Mrs McKissack kindly bought each class to celebrate the Feast of St John Ogilvie on March 10th.

Sean and David said the highlight of their week was their first recorder lesson with Mrs Morrison.

Haadiya has been enjoying our new class novel.  It is another David Walliams as voted for by the class and is called ‘The Ice Monster’.

Georgia and Ellie-May loved playing a new game that Mrs Brown saw online that helps bring the noise level of the class down after a busy day.  The children get to sit on their desks (which I think is why they love it) and toss a teddy around to others at the other side of the room.  If you miss, you are out, if you talk, you are out and if you fire it, you are out.  It has been a hit!

My highlight of course has to be our outdoor learning event.  The children were so proud to have their parents come to school and join in with their learning.  Well done to all the parents for braving the slack line!  There is a separate Blog post which has some super photos recorded.  See if you can spot yourself!

A big well done to Sean, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Mrs Brown




March 16, 2025
by Maria Brown

P5 Outdoor Learning Event

A massive thank you for your support at the Outdoor Learning event.  It was great to see so many parents engage and get “stuck in” with the various activities.  Thankfully it didn’t rain!  🙏🌧🗺⛺️  I hope you enjoy the photos below that helped capture some of the fun and learning that happened.

March 14, 2025
by Mrs Lea

Primary 6A Highlights 10/3/25

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week has been exciting with lots of different learning activities happening both in and out of school! We had our class trip to Dynamic Earth which was amazing! Both classes participated in a ” Shake, Rattle and Roll” workshop where, we learned about Extreme Earth through interactive activities.

Our class continued to walk more km for our Big Lent Walk. We are all very proud of our efforts to work as a team and raise money for charity. In Numeracy, we had fun ordering decimal numbers in ascending and descending order. Primary 6 learned more about artificial and natural ecosystems during our topic lesson. We took notes and created our own mind map.

Thursday was our day of Prayer in school and many of us wore purple to raise money for SCIAF charity, who do invaluable work with children in Columbia, who are living in violent and unsafe situations. Everyone created a prayer person. We are going to join them altogether to make a prayer chain in our classroom.

We also celebrated St John Ogilvie Feast Day ! We learned more about St John Ogilvie and the good work he did throughout the country.

Congratulations to Alfred who was nominated our Hot Chocolate winner this week!

Have a super weekend!

Mrs Lea and Primary 6A


March 14, 2025
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P6 B – WB 10.03.25

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all very well!

This has been a very different week so our highlights will also be very different from what they usually are!

  • The story of the life of our patron Saint, Saint John Ogilvie and the miracle that he performed in John Fagan, through the intercession of God. We were all amazed at the fact that St. John Ogilvie had risked everything for his faith and became big admirers of him.  ♥ The whole of Monday was dedicated to our Patron saint and we even had Mass in school, which was lovely!
  • Our trip to Dynamic Earth with P6A was amazing! We loved everything about it and have learned so much about the Earth, biodiversity, the different biomes and many other interesting things! The workshop on natural disasters and natural hazards was also great and reminded us of the difference between both. As we had learned a lot about earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes we were quite good in the activities and even managed to teach the teacher some things we still remembered about the 2004 tsunami!😃
  • Our badminton festival, which was a great opportunity for us to get to know and/or practise this fun sport! We really enjoyed all the different stations and many of us came wanting to join a badminton after school club!
  • Music with Mrs Morrison, who was back with our class and feeling much better, thankfully!
  • Spanish with Mrs Broadley who was also back and feeling better!
  • Our spelling words this week were very different and directly linked to what was going to happen during the week. Let’s see how well we’ve done since we didn’t have much time to practise!
  • Today we have had our spelling assessment, continued our Magical Shops and dedicated the rest of the school day to Pray and learn about Colombia, the country being helped by SCIAF WEE BOX’ s Lent appeal this year. We are very sorry for what Colombians go through every day and hope that our donations can help them to become more independent and live better lives.🥰
  • We  congratulate the Flying Pancakes Table, who won this week. Although they had only 2 points at the beginning of the day, they worked really, really hard following the rules and tidying up beautifully! Well done to Matteo, Khael, Daniel, Ashley, Amelia, Alexa and Millie!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏✨🥇🏆
  • The Hot Chocolate will be announced next week because we ran out of time today, sorry!

That’s all for now, we say goodbye wishing everyone a super happy weekend!

P6B and Mrs Valente😘😘

March 14, 2025
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 2/1 Learning Highlights 14th March 2025

This week we have been learning all about snails. We wrote information reports about them and learned lots of new facts. We made our very own snails using card and they even move when we touch them. We also learned about the lifecycle of a snail and ordered the pictures correctly.

In Literacy, we have been learning the ee and ai sounds. We used the magnetic boards to build lots of words and we enjoyed using a game on the Smartboard to help us develop our understanding.

In Maths, we have been learning all about capacity. We visited the monster milkshake cafe and had to choose the correct milkshake for each monster. We then used the sand and water tray to practise using the correct vocabulary.

On Monday, it was our school feast day and we learned about St John Ogilvie before going to mass in the afternoon with the rest of the school. We even got a piece of cake to celebrate! We also attended mass at St Peter’s Church on Wednesday with P1. When we got back Mrs McKissack gave us Headteacher Award stickers as someone in the Church had sent her a message to compliment us on our respectful behaviour.

We have set up a Vet Surgery Role Play area in our classroom which has been very popular.

As we couldn’t go up to the woodland this week. We learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly and made a picture of this using different pasta shapes. We then made symmetrical butterflies using paint.

Here are some of our personal highlights for this week:

Harmony – I enjoyed playing in the sand.

Vivaan – I enjoyed doing RE when we read the book about Noah.

Zac – I enjoyed playing in the vets.

Izhaan – I enjoyed colouring pictures.

Tyler – I enjoyed playing with the blocks.

Harrison – I enjoyed measuring in the water.

Congratulations to Elsie who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week. She has been a super friend and has shown a great attitude towards her learning.

March 14, 2025
by Miss Smith

P5A Learning Highlights Week Beginning 10.3.25

Pupil Highlights

Kayla: I enjoyed the outdoor assembly because we got to spend time with our parents.

Zosia: I liked doing the multi step word problems and marking our work with Miss Smith.

Julia: My highlight was doing the tenement houses.

Chiji: My highlight was Friday because my mum got to come and I worked well with Ruari and Ben.

Ben: My highlight was maths this week as I understand how to subtract four digits across the zero.

Congratulations to Hot Chocolate Winner this week – Olivier ! Your teacher is so proud of you for becoming more confident in class.

March 14, 2025
by Miss Duddy

Primary 3 Learning Highlights 14th March

Hello all Primary 3 families, this week we have had a wonderful time in primary 3.

This week, we have been looking at narrative writing for the first time. We were able to break down the structure of our writing and we had fun coming up with a plan for our first narrative writing piece as a class. We have been doing lots of reading and spelling activities using our sound of the week and some common words.

In numeracy, we had a fun time trying out our array method and having some challenging questions during our Building Thinking Classrooms session. Next week we will be moving on to do the formal written method and will be looking at multiplying 2-digit numbers.

We started our new topic this week which is ‘conservation of wildlife’. During this week we have had a chat about what wildlife is and have drawn pictures of our favourite animals. We learned about different habitats and places the animals can live like the Rainforest and the Ocean.

During RE this week, we learned about SCIAF and what our day of prayer is for and the people in Columbia SCIAF are trying to help. We also read the bible story from the Last Supper and the Garden of Gethsemane. We have been trying super hard with our Big Lent Walk and the children have already walked 250km! They are doing fab and loving it!

Well done to our hot chocolate winner and secret student winner!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend 🙂

Miss Duddy

March 14, 2025
by Mrs Meikle

This week in P1

What a busy week we have had in P1.

We started to learn digraph sounds, which can be a wee bit tricky as its when 2 letters make a sound e.g. ee in feet and ai in chair. We worked with magnetic letter boards to sound out, listen to sounds and build words and then draw them.  We used our ‘ai’ sound to write facts about a snail, Mrs Meikle was very impressed with our writing as lots of us remembered to try and use the connecting word ‘and’.

We have been learning all about snails this week for our Living Things topic. We enjoyed making a snail craft. We also looked at the butterfly life cycle, which we made out of pasta.

We looked at symmetry this week in math and made a symmetrical butterfly using paint. We had lots of fun learning to count in 2s and 10s, we really like it when we can shout the numbers really loud.

We enjoyed exploring new toys in the area.

March 14, 2025
by Miss Maxwell

P4A outdoor learning

Welcome families of P4A!

We have been so lucky with the nice sunny (yet cold) weather these past few weeks. We have taken this opportunity to use some of our schools new outdoor learning equipment and we have LOVED it! (even Miss Maxwell)😂.

The pupils have been learning a lot about the woodland area of our school and have enjoyed getting time to learn and explore outdoors.

We hope the nice weather continues and we can keep up with this exciting way of learning.

Aadya “I liked challenging myself”

Grace “ Everyone tried their best and if they were scared we helped each other”

Tiwa “I liked climbing on the rope and helping my friends”

We are developing so many skills such as team work, risk assessment, problem solving, resilience, communication and leadership.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Each week Miss Maxwell is going to assign someone to help her write the blog post for the week as pupils love to share their learning with their families and be part of the creation of this.

This blog was created by Vivien and Miss Maxwell 😁

March 7, 2025
by Maria Brown

P5B Week Beginning 3rd March

Hello P5B families!

Here are our learning highlights this week according to the Red Table:

Ella has been enjoying The Big Lent Walk.  Each day, each class aims to walk at least 1KM over the course of Lent.  Collectively as a school, we hope to cover enough distance (2000KM) that it will be the same distance to Rome!

Scott loved Pancake Tuesday.  We used this as an opportunity to introduce fractions.  The children have been learning about division.  Due to starting with dividing by 2 and then 4 (in P5 we divide 4 digit numbers) we cut them into halves and quarters.  They enjoyed the various spreads.  We had lime, apricot, honey and raspberry jam.

Moeez thought that our division maths work was the highlight of the week.  We looked at the chimney and bus stop method.  Our division sums involved remainders.  The children made Times Tables posters and brought them home to get tested in the hope to have quick mental recall.  Next week we will look at committing the 4 Times Tables to memory and dividing 4 digit numbers by the number 4.

Olek loved our outdoor learning.  The children practised the skills needed for an activity they will do with their parents next week at our Outdoor Learning Event (invite sent home this week) only the locations and recordings will  different on the actual day than the ones they had/made during their practise.

Matthias and Jayden thought the highlight of their week was World Book Day when we worked with our reading buddy class, P3/2 to plan a story that we are going to write and illustrate together over the coming weeks.  The children were very patient and supportive of our younger friends.  I was very proud of them.  Good teamwork everyone!

Kacper and Cohen loved PE with Mrs Lafferty this week.  They played Dodgeball, one of their favourite sports.

The highlight of my week was our Ash Wednesday service where the sacramental children attended a service at St Peter’s Church.  We look forward to our feast day mass this coming Monday (in school) to celebrate the life of St John Ogilvie, our school’s namesake.

Congratulations to our hot chocolate award winner for this week, Flynn and a big thank you to Georgia for putting together the photographs below for this week’s blog.

I hope you have a super weekend and I look forward to seeing you at our P5 Outdoor Learning Event next Friday, 14th March at 9am sharp.  Remember to dress for wet weather conditions.

Mrs Brown


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