Hello P5B Families,
Here are the learning highlights for this week as recorded by the Blue Table:
Addison and Amelia have said that the outdoor learning event was the best part of their week. I know you will all agree that Addison read very well at the welcome in the hall. (Most of the children wanted to pick the outdoor learning event as the highlight of their week but I convinced them to pick another so our parents would know what else we got up to in P5B this week.)
Aaeryn-Leigh has been enjoying our daily Lenten walk as we try to walk enough steps to get us to Rome. From next week, we will begin each walk with a special Lent prayer. Our first walk was 20mins as we walked our daily 1KM but we have managed to get it down to 13 minutes!
Nicolas loved the lesson we had on how electricity can be created through the movement of water. The children have been learning about damns and reservoirs and took part in a group hydropower challenge (see photos).
Flynn enjoyed eating the cake that Mrs McKissack kindly bought each class to celebrate the Feast of St John Ogilvie on March 10th.
Sean and David said the highlight of their week was their first recorder lesson with Mrs Morrison.
Haadiya has been enjoying our new class novel. It is another David Walliams as voted for by the class and is called ‘The Ice Monster’.
Georgia and Ellie-May loved playing a new game that Mrs Brown saw online that helps bring the noise level of the class down after a busy day. The children get to sit on their desks (which I think is why they love it) and toss a teddy around to others at the other side of the room. If you miss, you are out, if you talk, you are out and if you fire it, you are out. It has been a hit!
My highlight of course has to be our outdoor learning event. The children were so proud to have their parents come to school and join in with their learning. Well done to all the parents for braving the slack line! There is a separate Blog post which has some super photos recorded. See if you can spot yourself!
A big well done to Sean, our hot chocolate award winner this week!
Mrs Brown