A little frustration brings out a WHOLE lot of good!

Frustration, although painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success.

-Author Bo Bennett

A letter from a parent: 

Dear Mrs,

I hope you don’t mind that I have contacted you via your email. I just wanted to share Terry’s IMpossible challenge story with you and will get him to upload his things on the teams thing. I just wanted to share this very special achievement with you, which you are welcome to share with others, because I am incredibly proud of how much perseverance he has shown. In times of frustration and upset he kept trying at it, he came up with a resolution on how he can achieve his challenge.

Terry’s challenge for INspire: He chose Gawi to start with this week. He decided his challenge was to learn to draw Sonic the hedge hog… this is currently his favourite character right now and if you know terry as well as I know you do, you’ll know how much he loves his characters. He had seen the Sonic The Hedgehog movie on Monday night as our movie night Monday and instantly loved it. So when Tuesday came he set to work for him to perfect a sonic draw by hand for Gawi….. Tuesday and Wednesday he had drawn so many attempts, he got angry and frustrated with “not getting it right”, he asked “can I see pictures of Sonic”, so he googled pictures and tried again to draw. Then he watched the movie again and tried again…. but it just “wasn’t working, I need more help, I can’t do it “…… he had a cry and needed some cuddles but he still went back to it after a break… he was so determined.

Last night before bed I said “it’s ok to not get things straight away, let’s rest your brain as it’s worked so hard and see what tomorrow brings us. Fresh mind fresh ideas”

This morning we talked about his sonic drawings and how well he has come already, lining them all up and even though he said it isn’t right, it was great that he still tried…then came his lightbulb moment
“What if people made videos to help kids draw?….”
he asked “can you help me on youtube mum”
My incredibly smart and resilient boy searched for step by step drawings for kids….

Et voila

He found lots of them, he was so happy, with monitoring from myself, he sat and carefully watched step by step different characters being drawn and has worked hard today to perfect it. He is so happy and so proud of himself for his achievement… I just wanted to share this with you… I know it’s not your typical challenge but this was one Terry chose and worked hard at and I just felt like I should share his IMpossible Challenge story!
I’ll ensure he shares his work on teams for others to see.

Thank you!


Are you feeling frustrated? Are things feeling IMPOSSIBLE? Good! Learning is coming!

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