Seafield Primary School

Be Your Best

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 – 22.3.24

Tickled Pink

  • P4 enjoyed their morning at the P4 Sports Festival on Thursday morning. Although it was wet and windy, we took part in tennis, judo, football, cricket and other games. Fun was had by all.
  • We have been recapping our times table and some of us were able to do them backwards and timed! The best time was 13 seconds for the 8 times table.
  • For RME we are learning about the Easter Story and have been making our own Easter wreaths retelling the story of Jesus’ Crucifixion.

Green for Growth

  • We are so sad to say goodbye to our student teacher, Miss Tillbrook. She has been with us for 10 weeks and is now off to continue her journey at University. We wish her all the best and hope she visits soon.
  • Comprehension has been tricky this week because we have been doing it as a 4 door challenge.

Lead learners this week were Jodie and Zac.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 15th March 2024

Primary 6/7 have had a brilliant week with lots of great learning in class. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning through the week and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning this week:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed our buddying session with Primary 1/2
  • We enjoyed our art lesson with Mrs Baty, creating our “neurodoodles”
  • We had fun learning about the persuasive language used in adverts
  • We enjoyed continuing to learn about BODMAS in Maths with Mrs Donald
  • The Primary 7 children enjoyed their trip to the Risk Factory and learning about safety in lots of different ways

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel that our Health & Wellbeing learning was a bit tricky this week
  • A few of us feel that our persuasive writing was quite difficult as we worked on making sure that each paragraph identified and explained one argument about why children should read more
  • Some of still found our Maths learning about BODMAS to be a bit difficult

Our lead learners were Lily, Oscar, Chloe and Caleb.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; to be ambitious during our debating work in class, to be kind outside in the playground and to be polite to everyone. Our lead learners identified lots of the children in class meeting all of the targets, which is great news. Well done for a fantastic week, P6/7. Looking forward to another wonderful week next week!

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 15th March

We have had a great week in Primary 1/2.


Tickled Pink

  • We have been learning about plants as part of our Living Things topic. The children loved doing art this week as they had to sketch a vase of flowers. The children really focused on this and took their time and they look amazing!
  • We had lots of fun in PE exploring the hula hoops. We played different games and done challenges like getting the hoop from one end of the line to the other without letting go of each others hands. The children loved playing rock, paper, scissors as they jumped across the line of hoops.
  • We enjoyed going on a shape hunt in the playground as part of our Outdoor Learning. We had to record a tally mark for each shape that we saw and then total them up at the end.


Green for Growth

  • We have started looking at doubles in maths and some children are finding it a bit tricky to remember the big numbers (eg. double 8 is 16).
  • Some children were finding it a bit difficult to remember the order of the months of the year. We will continue to practise this and discuss the season that each month links to,


Our Lead Learners are Ryan and Olivia!


Have a great weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 15th March 2024

Tickled Pink:

  • After learning about water cycles on Monday, we made water cycle bags during our outdoor learning. We are taking these home to watch the water cycle process happen in these bags. We loved drawing on the bags, mixing the food colouring into the water and pouring the water into the bags.
  • We learnt about Pop Art this week and spoke about Andy Warhol. We created our own pop art portraits and we enjoyed trying out unusual colours for them!


Green for growth

  • We have started a teamwork focus in P.E. this week. Some of us found it very tricky to listen to others and were sometimes not using our resources correctly. We hope to keep trying to improve our teamwork skills.
  • We have been creating PowerPoints about extreme weather. We found creating them quite hard but we are enjoying using the laptops to create something we can present.

Our lead learners this week are Lily and Oakleigh.

by Miss Halliday

Primary 4 – 15th March

Tickled Pink

  • P4 worked on their information handling skills on Monday where they worked out time tables for different real life contexts.
  • We researched and painted an animal that is native to Scotland. Some of us chose to use watercolours while others used pen or pencil.
  • We learned that verbs are action words. We played some matching games and created silly sentences with the verbs.

Green for Growth

  • Equivalent fractions have been super tricky this week, we will continue to work on them in the future.
  • P4 need to continue to show respect and have good listening skills for all adults in the school.

Lead learners were Ryan for being respectful and Adam for being ambitious.

by Mrs Baird

Primary 5/6 Friday 15th March 2024

Tickled Pink

  • During outdoor learning we  planted flower bombs.  Each flower bomb had 30 seeds and we’re looking forward to seeing if they grow.
  • We wrote persuasive texts to share how we thought our classroom could be improved.
  • In PE we were developing our tennis skills.
  • We used Dragonistics cards to sort data and then drew conclusions from what we found.
  • We learned about food hygiene when we visited the nursery to use their cooker to make soup.  It was delicious with many pupils asking for second helpings and all the staff eating what was left at the end of the day!


Green for Growth

  • We had some tricky words to learn for spelling this week and we might need to revisit these.
  • We found some of our division tasks tricky but by sorting the number into groups it was easier.
  • It was quite difficult to peel and cut the vegetables for our soup.


Lead Learner Update

Our Lead Learners this week were Mason and Calla.  The were focusing on having a good attitude towards others and looking after the table resources.

by Mr Hamilton

Primary 6/7 – Friday 8th March 2024

Primary 6/7 have had an exciting week with lots of great learning in class and around the school. On Friday morning, we discussed our learning through the week and decided that we would like to share these thoughts about our learning:

Tickled Pink (things that we feel went well):

  • We enjoyed taking part in our Children’s Rights Day on Friday morning and visiting lots of different classrooms and teachers to learn about rights in many different ways
  • We enjoyed outdoor learning and exploring the area around a couple of small burns and playing ‘Camouflage’
  • We really enjoyed drama with Mrs Baty and developing skills with miming
  • We enjoyed our persuasive writing task this week where we had to persuade our audience that children should read more
  • We had a great day on World Book Day, dressing up as adjectives and celebrating reading and we enjoyed buddying this week as we were able to read to our buddies

Green for Growth (things that we need to do to improve our learning)

  • Some of us feel felt that learning about BODMAS and the correct order of operations in Maths was quite tricky
  • A few of us feel that our persuasive writing was a bit tricky as we had to develop our arguments in a bit more depth following feedback on last week’s writing
  • Lots of us enjoyed our judo session this week but some of us felt it was a bit tricky too

Our lead learners were Chloe, Caleb, Alexis and James.  They were looking for examples of the following targets that they set for the class; try to wear school uniform most days, tidy up after yourself and be resilient during our writing tasks.  Our lead learners saw lots of the children in class meeting all of those targets, which is wonderful news. Well done for an excellent week, P6/7. Looking forward to another great week next week!

by Mrs Wallace

P1/2 Friday 8th March

Tickled Pink:

– we loved dressing up as an adjective for World Book Day! Lots of great ideas to be sparkly, sporty, sleepy and more! Throughout the day if the children heard a bell ringing they had to stop everything and read a book for 5 minutes. The children engaged well with this and were very excited each time they heard the bell.

– we read Room on the Broom and used the book as inspiration for decorating our door. The children loved doing a draw along video to draw the witch. (They turned out fantastic!!) We also wrote a persuasive text about why we think Room on the Broom is a great book!

– today we had lots of activities planned for Rights Respecting School day… including a quiz, fruit taste, scavenger hunt and active play. We discussed the rights that these link to and enjoyed working in our hub groups all day!


Green for Growth:

– in maths we were looking at the number after and number before and some people found this a bit tricky. We introduced number lines and explained how if it is less the number gets smaller and we move towards zero… and if it is more then the number gets bigger so we jump forward. We will keep practising this to help develop a good number sense.


Our lead learners next week are Struan and Olivia!


Have a super weekend,

Mrs Wallace

by Mrs Denholm

Friday 8th March 2024

Another busy week this week


Things that went well !

  • Our visit from Scottish Water  – we learned more about the water cycle and filtration, carried out experiments to test the pH,  test the turbidity of different liquids and test how different items dissolve in the water! We learned to flush the 3 P’s ( pee, poo and paper) We also examined our water samples we collected from various locations  around the village.
  • Our Internet of things, Data collection monitors – Looking at the types of information they collect and brainstorm initial ideas for a class project. We have 2 monitors in our class currently monitoring, light, motion, carbon dioxide and humidity we will examine the data collected and make predictions about the information gathered.
  • Project Based Learning Big Questions ! Starting to share some ideas and plan more creative supporting models.
  • Outdoor learning – creating a raft and testing its ability to float and durability.
  • Trip for P5 to West Lothian College for a sustainability event.
  • World Book Day and dressing up as an adjective.
  • Rights Respecting Schools Day – A Round Robin of Rights Based activities in our Hubs

What was tricky.

  • Maths Challenges – A range of different questions requiring a range of strategies to solve.
  • PE – we were all very tired afterwards!
  • When P5 were at the college the P6 children in class found part of the math’s tricky.

by Miss Cooper

P2/3 Friday 8th March

Tickled Pink:

  • Today was our Rights Respecting Day and we had a fantastic time. We got to go round lots of different activities learning all about our rights to play, to be healthy and to education.
  • For World Book Day we dressed up as an adjective which was lots of fun. Some of us came as sporty, sparkly, magical and different colours! We also had stop everything and read time and even took our books outside to read in an unexpected place.
  • We enjoyed a Judo session with Destination Judo this week. We loved trying out all the different moves the instructor taught us.

Green for Growth:

  • As part of our Weather topic, we tried to make tornados by swirling bottles that were filled up with water and tipped upside down. It didn’t work for all of us but we enjoyed seeing the ones that did work.
  • Some of us were doing missing number subtraction sums this week and found it a little tricky to use the number line when working out our sums.

Our lead learners this week are Sofia and Leon.

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