Tickled Pink
- We enjoyed creating our own Scots poem and some of us will be reciting them at our Burns Supper.
- In art we did Scots words pop art and it was fun trying to make the pop art stand out.
- We all enjoyed Miss White’s party because it was her last day with us, we had a lot of fun.
- We finished our fractions topic and we were all happy we had finished working on such a tricky concept. What an achievement!
Green for Growth
- We were learning coordinates with Mrs Baird, we understood how to plot co-ordinates on a grid but it was tricky to solve problems about co-ordinates.
- We were trying to learn our Scottish poems off by heart for our whole school Scottish assembly and some of our poems were written by Robert Burns and so we have found them a bit tricky to learn.
Lead Learner Update
Our lead learners this week were Jake and Oscar they choose to focus on
do your reading homework
be responsible in class
do your work and don’t talk across your table.
Many pupils in the class achieved these targets. Well done!
The blog this week was created by Shiva.