Here’s a fun task to try over the holidays! Why not try to make some fruit or Spring flowers using paper? If you don’t have coloured paper you can use paper out your jotter and colour it in. Stay safe everyone and I will be in touch again on Tuesday 21st April.
Tag Archives: Creativity
Discovery Landing
Good morning everyone! Hope you’re all well! Today we have a fun activity to try. How cool are these? Elmer made out of used milk cartons. I realise you might not have tissue paper at home but maybe you have flyers, old magazines or catalogues you could cut up? Now get drinking that milk for an empty carton!! Make sure an adult helps with the cutting part.
Discovery Landing
Good morning everyone! Following on from our last post if you are missing assembly today then see the link from Miss Duffy for the Fischy music assembly at eleven o’clock! I’ll be listening out to hear you singing!
Discovery Landing
P3s Update
This week in primary 3 we have been busy preparing for our upcoming assembly about the Vikings on Monday 4th March. The children have enjoyed creating props and showed confidence when learning their lines. We can’t wait to showcase our learning and hope you can come along and watch.
During topic this week we had great fun going out into the playground to measure and draw a longship. They were said to be 21 metres long and 5 metres wide!
In writing we are continuing to learn about persuasive writing and the different writing techniques used in persuasive texts. We have been learning about alliteration and came up with lots of fantastic examples from well-known books as well as examples of our own.
In numeracy we have been learning about the 2 and 3 times tables. We have spotted patterns in both of these and are exploring different strategies to solve multiplication sums.