Summer is here?

Hello everyone, as school holidays quickly approach we would like to remind everyone that nursery is still open over the next 7 weeks. This includes children who are going to start primary school in August. As previously stated these children can be in nursery until Friday 12th August 2022. They will then start school on Tuesday 16th August 2022.

Over the last couple of weeks we have been really busy in nursery. Can we congratulate children for their performance last Friday (June 17th 2022) as they un-officially say goodbye to nursery and hello to starting school in August. All children were fantastic and appeared to have a fun time for their Leaver’s Assembly.

This week we have started a new focus: The tiger who came to tea, where children have been exploring outdoors in the community looking for an ideal location to hold our very own tea party…. perhaps a tiger may appear too and even an adult will be invited to this magical tea party. So when the children have discovered this magical area invitations will be sent home.

As you can see they have been trying everything out to make it fun for them and the tiger…

Children enjoyed stretching themselves and decided to create shapes using their shadows.

Some children have been entranced by this story and want it read all the time. Please feel free to read or even watch this story.

Furthermore, through this story we have been discovering about patterns (stripes) where we will be reading:
Lucy Cousin’s Hooray for Fish
This story is a great way of introducing patterns and children love to share their own thoughts and suggestions. The illustrations are big and bold and a pattern for everyone.

We will also be looking at measurement – some have already started by discovering a metre stick and comparing their own height to that of their friends. Further opportunities will continue next week as children will be making some healthy and delicious snacks before choosing what they wish for their tea party.

We invite parents to do some “homework” with their child through discovering one fact about either a tiger or a creature your child likes. We had one talking about a snake – not my favourite creature but it certainly is with this child.

We have also been learning some ball skills in the Community Hub- we may even have some future basketball players as some children has demonstrated excellent hand and eye coordination as they dunk some shots into the hoop.


As summer progresses and though we may not have that many glorious sunny days, they are warmer than previously. Can we ask for those parents who have NOT supplied us with sun cream, can they do so. We are so conscious of how easily we all can get burned from the sun: especially young children that we are limiting the times which children can explore outdoors – even morning children. The sun is terrific and full of vitamin D, essential for our well-being, however by 10am harmful rays will burn unprotected skin very easily and quickly. We have no hesitation in applying the cream but we do ask if you can supply it as some brands may cause a negative reaction.

Dates for your diary –

You will be pleased to note nothing is in our diary for the near future so we are quite quiet… at the moment.
We will have new children starting from August for the next session – we wish them and their families a happy time.