Full steam ahead…

Hello everyone, what a quick week it has been so far…. Perhaps finally having some warmth and sunshine has boosted us up – at least the temperature is now in double figures rather than 6 degrees I’ve experienced this week.

Boats and whales have still been focused on with some children matching different species/types to a chart which was put up to further develop their learning.

Some children were also making boats using different materials and seeing how to make them move rather than just analysing if they sink or float. Using elastic bands and a home made propeller some boats shot across the water.


src=”https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/wl/public/nurseryaddiewell/uploads/sites/7261/2022/06/02141629/DSC00906-300×225.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”225″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-518″ />

Our challenge for them and you is to see if you can make your own boat and see if you can make it move. I have attached a short clip to get you started.

Make your own boat


We had a surprise visit this morning from P6/5 as they joined us for a fun time in the garden. As you can see both the primary children and our own had a great, even an amazing time. I’m not too sure though who enjoyed the nursery more. I heard one older child saying “I came here and it wasn’t like this. This is fun.”

We’re sure you agree all children looks like they had a super time.

Buddy Visits

From next week and until the end of the school year, P6/5 will visit children on a Wednesday afternoon and a Thursday morning so hopefully everyone will have a chance to meet, greet and mingle with their buddies.


It seems like it was only a short time before schools were closing for their holidays last year and in a few weeks it is that time again. As you know we are remaining open for your child to attend if you chose to do bring them. Our Central Team has sent out a quick answer form asking if you have any planned holidays. Thank you to all who have either completed the form or said to a staff member where we will forward this information.

For parent’s whose child will start school in August, we would like to say your child can attend nursery until Friday 12th August or their usual last day for this week. They will start school on Tuesday as Monday is generally an In-service day.

As we expecting sunny weather – my fingers are continuously crossed (all year), it is essential for children to have the correct clothing and be protected from the harmful rays of sunshine. Could we therefore ask if you can supply us with sun-cream for us to apply this lotion throughout their session. We can add their name so there will be no mix up. We do have some sunhats with a neck cover to provide some protection and we do watch times children are out. But we all know applying sun-cream is the best protection.


All parents whose child is going to school will have had their forms from the school. Mrs McGregor has asked if you are intending to buy a school uniform from us, could you hand in your order forms asap if you want your child to attend their first day wearing a school uniform. It does take some time for uniforms to arrive.

More details as to the Leaver’s Assembly will follow in next week’s Blog. It is on Friday 17th June and hopefully it will take place in the school hall.

Nursery Natter

Tuesday 7th June is our “natter” time. If you wish to join us that will be fantastic. We will let you know if we are meeting face to face for a cup of tea and biscuit or perhaps on Teams. So if you have that question you wish answered or something to share, please come along. This is your time to meet everyone. We can share ideas or suggestions to help move things forward. What time ? Well it is at 2pm!