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Wonka wonderful Gala Day!

What a wonderful day for a Gala Day!  For the first time in a good few years, the sun shone down on us as we made our way around Blackburn with the parade.  This year, we chose the theme, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.”  Congratulations to the Nursery for winning a prize for their lovely, decorated float.  Oompa Loompas galore, Willie Wonkas, Veruca Salts, a great range of sweet treets and winning “Golden Tickets” cheered to the crowd as they made their way round.  Susan Boyle even said hello to one happy Oompa Loompa before setting off in her car to wave to her fans.  Thank you once again to all the parents, children and staff who came along to represent our school.  We hope you all had lots of fun!

Tyres for the Playground

Thank you to……

Mr Findlay, Anna and Lara’s dad, who donated huge tractor tyres.  We have placed them around our playground and the children are using them as seating areas where they can sit and relax!!

Mrs Stewart, Ryan and Cameron’s mum, who donated a variety of car tyres for our playground.   We are hoping to paint these tyres and use them to sit on, jump in or turn them into containers for plants.

Afternoon of Action at Murrayfield Primary School

A squad of pupils, parents, grandparents and staff worked hard to brighten up our playground on Friday 24th May.  The sun was shining, the music was playing and everyone had a fabulous afternoon.

We planted fresh bedding plants and created new flower tubs.  A team of staff and parents used their technical know how to build new picinic benches.  Pupils grabbed paint brushes to refreshed the wood work around our school butterfly garden, plant boxes and existing picnic benches.  Those with a steady hand painted stripes on our front playground wall – a splash of colour!!

Generous parents and supporters of Murrayfield Primary School donated plants, compost, tubs and pots, seeds for planting and even snacks and refreshments for the workers.. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came along!

Crazy Hair and Shades Day!

On Friday 24th May pupils and staff wore crazy hair and shades to raise funds for our summer show ‘Grease the Musical’.

We managed to raise £154.00 for costumes, props and scenery.

Big ‘Thank you’ to everyone

Come along and see the P7 and P6 show on Monday 10th or Tuesday 11th June!!

£530 raised for Five Sisters Zoo

The boys and girls in the HUB are delighted to share that on Friday 3rd May, with your fantastic help, they raised a grand total of £530 to add to the funds raised elsewhere to help rebuild Five Sisters Zoo in West Calder.

Thank you to everyone who got into the swing of things by dressing as an animal or a zoo keeper.  We had some very realistic looking animals and some very talented violin-playing ones too!  Great timing, as visitors to our Friday morning Assembly were also treated to a lovely farm-based performance from the P2 and P2/1 classes. 

The children in the Nursery really enjoyed taking part in the “Bear Hunt”, led by Dannielle in P7.  The hunt, based around the theme of “People Who Help Us”, encouraged the chldren to work out clues to find out which adult in the school the bears would go to for help.

Thank you again for all your help in making this a very successful week.  Special thanks to the Hub children for their enthusiasm and hard work and to Mrs Cordner for her patience, good humour and support throughout!

Playground renovations

Work has now started on our new playground.  We will be keeping a diary of what’s happening and share the information with you.  Here is the diary of today’s exciting development.

Reece P7


Day 1

  • Skip delivered
  • Site assessed for size of area for equipment
  • Skip delivered for rubbish etc (spoil).
  • Delivery of play items.
  • Start to mark the area.
  • The job will take approximately 2 weeks.

Fundraising for Five Sisters Zoo


Pupils at Murrayfield Primary School felt devastated by the fire at the Five Sisters Zoo last weekend in which 48 species of animals died.

We have decided to hold an animal themed dress down day on Friday 3rd May 2013.  We would love it if you came dressed as an animal or a Zoo Keeper and brought a £1 donation for us to send to the Five Sisters Zoo to help repair the Five Sisters Zoo.

In addition we will be doing lots of other fundraising thing to do, for example:

  • guess the teddy bear’s birthday 10p
  • guess where the teddy is from 50p
  • guess the teddy bear’s name 50p
  • tombola
  • paw prints face/hand painting
  • teddy bear hunt

We will be very grateful if anyone could help us by donating prizes for our tombola.  Thank you for your support.

The Hub children.

Destination Judo!

Classes were very lucky to experience a judo session with ‘Destination Judo’, a children’s judo school with clubs all around Scotland. We had fun learning some different judo moves and how to use our bodies properly. Visit the Destination Judo website to find out where and when classes run in West Lothian.