Afternoon of Action at Murrayfield Primary School

A squad of pupils, parents, grandparents and staff worked hard to brighten up our playground on Friday 24th May.  The sun was shining, the music was playing and everyone had a fabulous afternoon.

We planted fresh bedding plants and created new flower tubs.  A team of staff and parents used their technical know how to build new picinic benches.  Pupils grabbed paint brushes to refreshed the wood work around our school butterfly garden, plant boxes and existing picnic benches.  Those with a steady hand painted stripes on our front playground wall – a splash of colour!!

Generous parents and supporters of Murrayfield Primary School donated plants, compost, tubs and pots, seeds for planting and even snacks and refreshments for the workers.. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came along!

One thought on “Afternoon of Action at Murrayfield Primary School”

  1. The playground looks fantastic – brilliant team effort. can’t wait to have a seat on one of those benches!

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