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P6s and P7s Blackburn Schools’ Christmas sing-a-long
Blackburn Schools’ Christmas Sing-a-along
Friday 19th December, 10.30am
Blackburn Church
We invite you to come and hear us, and share in our celebration of Christmas.
The pupils and staff of P6, P7/6 and P7 are joining with staff and pupils from all schools in Blackburn for our first community Christmas sing-a-long.
With a varied programme, you are sure to hear at least one of your favourite Christmas songs!
Come and enjoy, we look forward to welcoming you all!
Kind Regards,
Pupils of P6, P7/6 and P7, Mrs Anderson, Miss Moir and Mrs Stewart
Primary Two
Last week Primary two enjoyed…
* performing as the nativity choir
* learning about the solar system, the moon and stars
* working on missing number challenges in Maths. It was tricky but we didn’t give up!
Murrayfield Remembers Christmas 1914
The Football Council at Murrayfield Primary School, led by their Captain, Cameron Stewart P7, held a series of friendly football matches between boys and girls from P6 and P7 on Friday 12th December.
The British Council, FA, Football League and Premier League invited all schools, football clubs and academies, fans and avid young historians to join the British Council and all of football in a mass-participation event to commemorate the Christmas Truce of 1914.
Although our original plans to play the games outside this week had to change due to the weather, the indoor matches were great and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Well done everyone and a huge thank you to Ms Preston for supporting the children!
Bathgate Transition Experience
As December begins in Primary 3/2 we’ve been learning …
– about the different types of clouds, specifically Cirrus, Stratus and Cumulus. We went outside cloud spotting to see the formation and position of these in the sky.
– the 3Rs of recycling in our eco vertical groups.
– with Mrs Millar we have been singing the alphabet in French as well as finding out about Papa Noel (Santa)!
– Primary 2 have been rehearsing the songs for the nativity. Anton’s favourite is Donkey Plodding and Jack really likes Wriggly Nativity. They are looking forward to performing these during Wednesday’s performance.
What P3A have been up to this week
This is what the children in P3A have enjoyed doing this week
Science – we did an experiment with an ice cube, water and salt.
We were challenged to lift the ice cube up with a piece of string without touching it! Most groups manged to do it! WOW!! (sorry no pics as my camera not working).
French – we learned the alphabet in French with Mrs Millar
Early Intervention – we have been learning the magic e spelling pattern and one group learning when to use Capital Letters.
Numeracy – Circles – using ten rods and units to depict larger numbers. Also writing these in numbers and words.
Triangles – matching up words to numbers up to 100.
Squares – doing addition sums within 20 using a 10 frame and cubes
Reading – the Reds have enjoyed using different voices in their Play.
We have also been writing and drawing Character Studies and Comprehension tasks.
P.E – we learned the Grand Old Duke of York in dancing this week. It was good fun but tiring!
As it’s December and soon time for the big jolly man in red to come…we started a Santa Beard countdown to Christmas picture. Every day we glue on another part of his beard…..exciting times.
West Lothian Council’s Attendance Policy
The AIMS team (Attendance Improvement Management Service) has been supporting schools within West Lothian to help raise the profile and priority of attendance issues. The AIMS team work in partnership with schools and families to support the implementation of West Lothian Council’s Attendance Policy, focusing on early intervention through regular attendance audits and meetings.
West Lothian Council’s Attendance Policy provides a system that intervenes at an early stage and letters are sent to parents/carers when their child’s attendance falls below 90%. This system keeps parents/carers informed about their child’s attendance as absences can mount up easily and this has an impact on their overall attendance percentages. This also allows us to address any concerns or difficulties parent/ carers are facing getting their children into school or getting them to school on time.
Please remember to keep the school office informed of your child’s absence and reasons for this by phoning as early as possible on the first morning of the absence in accordance with West Lothian Council’s procedures for ‘Safe Arrivals.’
Thank you for your continued support and cooperation with this matter.
Mrs Waugh
This Week in P6
This week it was Scottish Book Week and p6 had a fabby day on Monday dressing up as their favourite book character. They also really enjoyed the parade in the hall which was great fun.
P6 designed a poster for the Christmas Fair which will be held this Wednesday 3rd December at 6pm. The posters have turned out really lovely. Well done P6. The children also created their Christmas enterprise to sell at the fair but that will be a surprise for the mums and dads to buy 🙂
On Wednesday this week p6 and p5 went to visit the library and had a great time looking through the books and listening to a short chapter of Charlie and the great Glass Elevator, read by Miss Moir. The children really enjoyed this experience and hope to visit the library again to take some books out on their own.
To finish this week, p6 helped to create a fantastic winter display for the gym hall. We will give you a clue to which one is ours….it is the one that looks like an edible house 🙂
From p6 and Miss Moir
Our P3A Learning
This week we were celebrating Scottish Book Week.
We enjoyed dressing up as our favourite book character on Monday and the whole school had a parade in the hall which was fun.
We decorated our classroom door with a book cover we designed and made for the book ” Horace and the Haggis Hunter”.
We also had a Library Visit with the P3/2 class which was great.
In SPELLING some of us were learning when to add es for plurals. Some were learning ow and ar sounds.
In MATHS we were learning about Venn Diagrams.
We were busy making Enterprise things for the Christmas Fair next week. Look out for our Christmas trees, sparkly tealight holders and Reindeer Noses.
In ART we made Snow globes/snowmen for our class Winter Display in the hall.
In P.E we started learning Scottish Country Dancing.