What P3A have been up to this week

This is what the children in P3A have enjoyed doing this week

Science – we did an experiment with an ice cube, water and salt.

We were challenged to lift the ice cube up with a piece of string without touching it!  Most groups manged to do it! WOW!! (sorry no pics as my camera not working).

French – we learned the alphabet in French with Mrs Millar

Early Intervention – we have been learning the magic e spelling pattern and one group learning when to use Capital Letters.

Numeracy – Circles – using ten rods and units to depict larger numbers. Also writing these in numbers and words.

Triangles – matching up words to numbers up to 100.

Squares – doing addition sums within 20 using a 10 frame and cubes

Reading – the Reds have enjoyed using different voices in their Play.

We have also been writing and drawing Character Studies and Comprehension tasks.

P.E – we learned the Grand Old Duke of York in dancing this week. It was good fun but tiring!

As it’s December and soon time for the big jolly man in red to come…we started a Santa Beard countdown to Christmas picture. Every day we glue on another part of his beard…..exciting times.

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