Remember we are wearing something red tomorrow to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation.
Donate £1 to wear something red to school.
P1F will be leading our Wear It Beat It assembly at 2.15pm on Thursday 12th February. Everyone welcome!
Remember we are wearing something red tomorrow to raise funds for the British Heart Foundation.
Donate £1 to wear something red to school.
P1F will be leading our Wear It Beat It assembly at 2.15pm on Thursday 12th February. Everyone welcome!
Primary 1F are learning all about castles this term! We will be exploring what life was like in a castle in the past, compared to our own lives now. This week we have been learning about knights and their role within a castle. We were learning about coat of arms and why each castle had a different design. We then had designed our own coat of arms. The finished product was fantastic! We’re excited to learn more on castles this term!
Miss Ferguson and P1F
* received a special letter from Norman the Knight!
* enjoyed a healthy breakfast at school last Wednesday
* been creating fantastic castle artwork and displays- pop in to have a look!
Congratulations to the Euro Quiz team who competed in the Euro Quiz on Friday 6th February. They did fantastically well representing Murrayfield and came 19th out of 26 schools. Well done Eva, Hannah, Emma P Jacob 🙂
P6 have had a great week filled with learning about coordinates, landmarks of European countries and having a fantastic time at the P6/7 Ceilidh at St Kents. The children did lots of different dances and had lots of fun. They also did well representing Murrayfield. Well done boys and girls.
Congratulations to Emma Parker in P6, who has made us very proud by winning a bronze medal at the Scottish Schools Swimming Association’s Swimming Championship in Aberdeen today, 31.1.2015.
Very well done Emma! We are really looking forward to hearing all about your adventure in Aberdeen and seeing your medal at school on Monday!
We have had a very busy and successful week in P3/2. We have been finishing off our mini-topic in preparation for starting our new topic next week. Our new topic is Castles. We are working on and developing a number of areas within the core subjects this term. Our literacy focus is imaginative writing and the children have been planning an imaginary story about ‘My Monster’! In numeracy we have two focus areas: telling the time and fractions. Please note that our PE days have changed to a Monday and a Wednesday.
Scottish/Burns mini-topic and assembly
The children did extremely well with this topic and enjoyed the challenge of learning through a variety of curriculum areas, including Literacy, Numeracy, the Expressive Arts and Social Sciences.
Here are some examples of their fantastic work:
Some of the highlights of our mini-topic chosen by the children were:
Personal and Social Development
On Thursday we made the most of the snowy weather and decided to take our learning outdoors! The purpose of the lesson was to give the children a first hand experience of the importance of effective and appropriate behaviour when working as part of a team. The class were split into groups and their task was to work together to build a snowman. We have some fantastic photos which I will upload on Monday.
Success Stories
We had a number of individual success stories this week:
Star of the Week
I have introduced this to our class and will choose one child each week that shows skills, commitment and attitude over and above what is expected from them in line with the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence: Successful Learner, Confident Individual, Responsible Citizen, Effective Contributor.
Our star of the week is Ryan. Ryan won this award for his outstanding effort and commitment during the Scottish topic.
Ryan is a Successful Learner. 🙂
Well done Ryan!
This week’s whole school target for Skillionaire was ‘Understanding’. Our class winners were Nivyn and Emma for their excellent understanding and ability to translate a variety of words from the Auld Scots language.
Well done girls!
Next week’s target is ‘Evaluation’ … Good luck everyone! 🙂 🙂
Head Teacher Award
I am extremely proud to say that we had a number of children receive an award from Ms Macrae this week:
Well done and keep up the good work!
Well done P3/2, you have all worked extremely hard this week. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
See you on Monday.
Miss Preston x
Primary 6 and Primary 7 are working hard collaborating and sharing ideas relating to their perception of issues that face the residents of Blackburn. They have highlighted their concerns and discussed possible solutions. Today a small group interviewed members of the Blackburn Community to find out their views on the local area. We are all looking forward to hearing these and working together to address their concerns.