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Welcome to our first P3/2 blog of term 4!

In P3/2 we have had a very busy start to term 4.

We have started our new IDL topic on ‘People who help us in our local community’.  We will be linking this with our learning of the French language by making comparisons with a similar sized French town.  We will be looking at differences and similarities in culture, shops, amenities etc.  ICT will be used as a research tool for our topic.

In numeracy the children are working on a variety of different areas ranging from new addition strategy (chimney sums) to numbers to 20 and 100.  Our whole class math focus for this term is measurement.

We will be concentrating on informative/functional writing in literacy.  Keep your eyes open for an information booklet written, designed and made by the children.  Our term 4 timetable has changed so reading days are now Monday and Wednesday.  This does not affect the children’s homework.  This will continue to be handed in on Thursday.

Our expressive arts lessons will be taught by Miss Taylor.  Miss Taylor will be teaching the children music.  Art and design will be covered through our IDL topic work as the children design and create a coat of arms for Blackburn and planning a map of their ideal town.

Celebrating Success

We have had a very successful start to term 4!


This week’s Skillionaire target was ‘Understanding’.  We had two very worthy winners!

Neve McMillan for showing a sound understanding of our new addition strategy and knowing and being able to articulate why it is important to add the unit column then the ten column.


Emma Brown for being able to identify a number of people within our community that help us.  Emma even shared the correct name for the pharmacist!


Well done girls!

Stars of the week

We had two this week!

Cara McLeod received her award as an ‘Effective Contributor’ for always putting in 100% in her class and home work, being kind and caring and for making our class a fun place to be with her mischievous ways and sense of humour 🙂 🙂


Anna Findlay also received her award as an ‘Effective Contributor’.  Like Cara, Anna always puts 100%  in all her class and home work, she is extremely kind and caring and she makes our class a positive, happy and friendly place to be.


Head Teacher Awards

I am exceptionally proud to let you know that we had 3 children receive a HTA this week.

Ryan Reston for increasing his ability to work independently. Keep it up Ryan! 🙂


Neve McMillan and Leona McCormack for demonstrating excellent problem solving skills.  Well done girls!

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Blackburn’s Got Talent

The auditions were held this week across classes P1-3.  We had some fantastic acts perform!  All class teachers were so very proud of each and every single child that auditioned.  They demonstrated such confidence and self-assurance.  A HUGE well done to all who participated.  On Wednesday we held the P1-3 semi-final.  It was with extreme difficulty that we managed to choose our final 3 acts to go through to the whole school final being held next Friday (21st May).  I am extremely proud to say that out of the 9 finalists an impressive SIX of them are from our class!

Watching our semi-finalists!

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Well done to all our finalists with special congratulations to our Anna, Nivyn, Sasha, Cara, Marti and Neve.


General Class Information

As you may be aware the interior of the whole school is currently being repainted.  Our classroom is scheduled to be painted early next week.  We are all really excited to see the finished result 🙂

Remember it is a holiday on Monday (18th).

Our whole class assembly is on Friday 29th May.  Our theme is teamwork, what makes a good team player and the importance of working as a team.  The children will also be showcasing their learning in 2014/2015.  We hope you can all make it along.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Miss Preston x

Brilliant Catch!

dale-robertson-overall-winner-april-2015_3297631Congratulations to Dale Roberston from Primary 4.  Sky Sports Tight Lines Young Angler of the Month (April) for catching this impressive fish.  As overall winner Dale has the opportunity to travel down to England to fish with the best of the best.  Well done, Dale.  We are all very proud of your achievement.


P6 News :)


Congratulations to Abbie Heaney who entered the Kinder Egg Story Maker competition and won with in her age category. This is Abbie standing with her wonderful story that she wrote and published as part of her prize. Abbie was allowed to choose the characters in her story and make up an imaginative piece of writing to go with the pictures.


Well done Abbie!

Miss Moir and the staff and pupils of Murrayfield are very proud of you.


Our focus skill for this week is Remember

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of remembering in their learning this week are:

Primary 1F

Evie C and Ross F

Primary 1B

Freya and Warren

Primary 2/1

Teresa W and Jamie O

Primary 2

Makayla W and Jamie R

Primary 3/2

Ryan R and Danny G

Primary 3

Rachael M and Dean R

Primary 4

Bryan B and Callum Mc

Primary 5/4

Aimee C and Laura T

Primary 5

Ben H and Brodie Mc

Primary 6

Abby R and Emma P

Primary 7/6

Sophie C and Jamie Mc

Primary 7

Kyra D and Nicole W


Congratulations!  Our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 1st May


Our focus skill for this week is CREATE

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of creating in their learning this week are:

Primary 1F

Evie and Ross

Primary 1B

Jack K and Aleisha

Primary 2/1

Megan and Kelsey

Primary 2

Farla and Ryan S

Primary 3/2

Lauren M and Sasha K

Primary 3

Harry and Zac

Primary 4

Sam and Marcus

Primary 5/4

Lisa and Abbie S

Primary 5

Cameron Mc and Hannah

Primary 6

Jack B and Joseph

Primary 7/6

Cameron M and Naomi T

Primary 7

Ronan and Summer F

Congratulations!  Our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 27th March


Our focus skill for this week is APPLY

Pupils who have been demonstrating the skill of applying in their learning this week are:

Primary 1F

Dawid K and Jade L

Primary 1B

Calvin and Summer B

Primary 2/1

Amy-Leigh F and Hadia J

Primary 2

Erica D and Neive H

Primary 3/2

Neve Mc and Ryan R

Primary 3

Katie C and Lana C

Primary 4

Ewan Mc and Dean H

Primary 5/4

Tyler S and Neve M

Primary 5

Blake N and Joshua Mc

Primary 6

Sean S and Hannah F

Primary 7/6

Kassie R and James Mc

Primary 7

Ben E and Chloe F


Congratulations!  Our ‘Skillionaires’ will be recognised at our assembly on Friday 20th March

Red Nose Day 2015


Well done to everyone’s amazing efforts on Friday at making your face ‘funny for money’. 

P1F performed a fantastic assembly highlighting how Red Nose Day helps change children’s life in the UK and across Africa. Thank you to everyone who came along to the assembly.

We managed to raise an incredible £318!!! The money raised will go to Comic Relief which funds projects tacking social injustice in the UK and across the world.