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We have had a very successful and busy week in P7/6.


We have been continuing to work on and develop our knowledge of fractions.  The plan is that by the end of next week we will be ready to assess our knowledge and understanding of this part of our numeracy focus and move onto decimals.


After the October holiday we will be introducing ‘Literacy Circles’.  Every week each member of the reading group will be given a ‘role’ for their reading homework.  On a Wednesday morning they will have to present their ‘role’ to the rest of the group.  This approach to reading comprehension allows the children an experience of thinking about their reading and what they take from it from a variety of angles, hopefully allowing the children to find a method of fully understanding what they are reading that suits their individual learning style.

Over the past few weeks I have been introducing the different roles in class.  This will continue up to the October break.


The children have been working on their IDL topic this week using ICT as a research tool.  My focus with the class is ‘Fair Trade’ and I have chosen to bring the issues of fair trade to a more local and ‘real’ level for the children.  We are looking at ‘Fair Price for Farmers’.  We began our topic work this week and I was extremely impressed with the team work skills and variety of research strategies displayed by all the children.

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Mrs Harrison’s original plan was to look at Eco via clean water issues across the globe.  However, driven by the children’s wishes and interest in current news affairs this has now changed to a Global Citizenship focus on the problems and issues faced by the Syrian refugees.


Mrs Logan had the children working extremely hard during PE this week!  They were doing a ‘bootcamp’ and there was lots of rosy cheeks and heavy breathing throughout!  Great work guys!

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The weather is being very kind to us at the moment – much kinder than it was during the summer holiday! – so we have been able to continue with our Daily Mile and outdoor PE sessions.

As a health promoting school we would like to remind parents and carers that a healthy snack and healthy packed lunch are encouraged at school.  As snack time is only 15 minutes long we recommend that each child only bring one snack.

HWB: Team Work

On Wednesday, we teamed up with Miss Moir’s P6 class for an ‘Alphabet Treasure Hunt’! The children had to find a partner from the other class and use their team work skills to find 26 items within the front and back playgrounds. The tricky part was that the items had to begin with each letter of the alphabet!  Myself and Miss Moir were extremely impressed with the way all of children behaved and engaged with this task! During the plenary the children expressed many positive comments, including: ‘it was nice to work with people from another class’, ‘i enjoyed sharing my ideas’, ‘We’re not finished yet’!!  

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Modern Language (French)

We had a general knowledge quiz on France and French culture on Wednesday. The children used their ICT research skills to carry out research in pairs.   They did a great job finding out lots of information about France and Paris.

Current Affairs

I was extremely proud of my class today.  We were looking at 9/11 footage and had a variety of discussions around this extremely sad and devastating event.  All the children participated in the discussions and showed a genuine interest in discussing the thoughts, behaviors and emotions from a variety of perspectives, including terrorism. What stood out was a genuine empathy for those affected.  Caiden suggested a minute silence to give us all a chance to reflect and remember those affected.  As a class we had a minute silence at 11.09 yesterday morning.

House Captains

Our P7s were all invited to stand as candidates for House Captains.  Our class had a very impressive 5 volunteers out of a possible 9!  Each candidate had to prepare a speech to try and persuade the rest of their house to vote for them.  Special recognition goes to Caiden who was the only boy from both of the P7 classes to stand!  Well done Caiden! Votes will be placed on Monday and the new House Captains announced during next Friday’s assembly.  Good luck 🙂

Pupil Council

Our class pupil council representatives were decided today.  Representing our class we have Ruby (P6) and Bailie (P7).  Well done and the best of luck in your new roles 🙂

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs)

All P6 pupils have been invited to stand as candidates for this role.  Any child that is interested has to hand in a written explanation of why they believe they should be chosen for this role.  This has to be handed in on Monday (14th September)

Celebrating Success

We had an outstanding 6 Head Teacher awards plus 1 Depute Award this week!!

Amyleigh, Aiden C and Ruby received their HT award for demonstrating excellent fraction knowledge.

Ruby also received a HT award for perseverance during a maths challenge set by Mrs Harrison.

Emma received her HT award for getting 100% in a start of term Numeracy assessment.

Anthony received his Depute HT award for perseverance during the challenge set by Mrs Harrison.

Well done to all who received an award this week, and good luck to everyone for next week!

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 🙂 🙂

Miss Preston and Mrs Harrison

P6 Class News!


Pizza Fractions


Class Clocks


Hi Everyone,

Since the beginning of term we have been very busy creating a fun filled classroom with lots of lovely colourful displays.

We have also been looking at our new topic, Climate Change, learning about Fractions and looking at Kandinsky art work. Next week we will be working together to create a class frieze through our topic which will be displayed in the corridor. Watch this space…

P6 have also been doing some french writing and learning how to work together through P.E and Health and Wellbeing. P6 and p6/7 worked together outside to complete an Alpha hunt, where they had to find something for every letter of the alphabet in the playground, garden etc. This was great fun and the children really enjoyed working in pairs to find everything. Well done to Ryan, Naomi, Shannon and Amy-Leigh.

Here are some more pictures of our displays in class so far.

Have a great weekend!

From p6


Class Charter


Kandinsky Artwork






Primary 7 Update :)

We have been working on fractions of an amount in numeracy using our dividing skills. We were also mixing colours for our new art project, we are creating our own Murrayfield street to go on the wall and we have been working very hard in partners. In P.E we were doing a hardcore workout that we had to concentrate and use our strength. We took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside to enjoy the nice sun. We all completed a mini alphabet treasure hunt in the front and back playground. For literacy we are taking part in a Dr Who competition where we all have to write a 3 minute script for a scene, we will be working extra hard on this project and we cant wait to get our entries in! We hope you have a nice weekend, goodbye! 🙂

P7/6 update :)

We have had an extremely busy week in P7/6.


All children in our class have now been issued with their reading books.  All areas of their literacy have now been assessed.  Miss Preston will be focusing on development of spelling, grammar and writing skills.  Mrs Harrison will be focusing on reading skills.  We will be linking our writing into our topic which for term 1 is Global Citizenship, Fair Trade and Eco.


As with literacy all the start of term assessments are now complete.  Our focus areas are place value, fractions, decimals, percentages and data handling.  We will be linking our numeracy learning to a variety of real life and interdisciplinary contexts using a variety of teaching materials and media.


Throughout the term we will be looking at ‘teamwork’ skills as our HWB focus.  This week we had a challenge!  Each team was given a number of plastic cups.  The aim of the challenge was to build the highest tower.  All teams worked very well in this challenge – each team having to work together and pull on their skills of resilience and patience as ultimately each tower fell down at least once! :O

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Congratulations to the winning team, who managed a very impressive ’13 cup high’ tower!  Well done to Amyleigh, Caiden C, Cameron, Aaron W & Summer 🙂


Expressive Arts

Our EXA focus this week was art, looking at the artist Kandinsky.  Last year our P7s (P6 then) learnt about concentric circles.  Mrs Harrison discussed and drew on our P7s existing knowledge, who shared this with our P6s.  As a class we then transferred this k&u into a more complex piece – The Autumn Tree.  I’m sure you will agree that the results were fantastic.  (pics to follow on Monday)

On Monday String Sounds performed to the whole school.  Our P6s and Miss Moir’s P6 class were then entertained further in a class workshop.  It was fabulous to see and hear the differences between the three instruments (big bass, cello and violin) and hear them working in harmony.  We especially enjoyed hearing tunes we knew like the ‘Jaws’ soundtrack played on the big bass!

We were exceptionally lucky to be entertained by M&M productions on Wednesday with a performance/pantomime of the Wizard of Oz!  It was fabulous!  The costumes, characters and props were fantastic!

Modern Languages

We have been using our ICT skills to research information on France.  Next week we will begin to revise our existing knowledge of the French language and begin to develop this.  We will also start to look at how to write in French.  Once we have our ‘French’ heads back on we will begin to look at some Spanish too 🙂

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School uniform:

Can I please take this opportunity to remind all parents/carers that plain black indoor shoes are part of our school uniform.  This is particularly important in the upper years where  children are developing an awareness of ‘brands’ and the apparent status that comes with them.  In line with our school uniform policy, if you choose to wear a white shirt/blouse then a school tie has to be worn.  Ties are not required if wearing a yellow polo shirt.  No hoodies are allowed.


Our class homework schedule is:

Monday                       Spelling, reading, reading comprehension and math issued.

Wednesday                 Children’s reading will be listened to by class teacher.  New reading homework issued due on           Monday.

Thursday                     Spelling, reading comprehension and math homework to be handed in.

Hope you are all having a great weekend.  See you on Monday!

Miss Preston and Mrs Harrison xx




Primary 2A

P2A have been very busy this week :

We enjoyed hearing the string instruments on Tuesday afternoon. We heard the double bass, cello and violin.

We also had a special treat watching the Wizard of Oz.

Some of us really liked the wicked witch the best and some of us liked Dorothy and Toto. We ALL enjoyed watching it.

We have been making self portraits with patterned jumpers with Mrs Burton in Art.

We have been revising o’clock in time and we all did well.

We have been doing adding and take away sums.

We have been reading and practising our key words.

To keep fit we have been doing our daily run/walk around the playground. In PE we have been practising skipping, jumping and balancing.

In outdoor PE we were practing throwing bean bags and quoits and also dribbling footballs. We had a competition

in teams.


String Sounds


On Monday 31st August the school had the wonderful opportunity to listen to a trio of musicians known as String Sounds.

String Sound

“United by a passion to engage new audiences with classical music, StringSound (violin, cello and double bass) combine their expertise and creativity to devise concerts that will excite, delight, and ignite the imagination of little listeners.”

The children thoroughly enjoyed listening to a selection of folk music from around the world and participating in a few active games which were fun and entertaining.

All P6 children were then chosen to take part in a mini workshop, were they listened to more music and even managed to try out a few of the instruments. The double bass proved very popular.

Take a look at the photos. The children had great fun!!

Miss Moir



P6 Newsletter

Good Morning Parents and Carers of P6 pupils,


We have had a fantastic start to school and are looking forward to the year ahead. We have had fun painting, writing, completing some numeracy tasks and completed a mini project that linked with our class charter.


Here is our newsletter. Have a read to find out about more fun things with p6!

p6 Newsletter 1

P7/6 Term 1 Newsletter

We hope you enjoy reading about our plans for term 1.

Thank you to all parents who made it along to our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evening last week.

If you ever wish to discuss any aspect of you child’s learning or experience at school, please do not hesitate to contact the school to arrange a meeting, or simply grab us at the end of the day.

Miss Preston/Mrs Harrison

2015 08 27 – P7_6 Newsletter – Term 1