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This Week in P1S…

We all had a great October break and were refreshed and ready to start the new term.

We have been learning through play:

Robert: I was working with Cameron to build a scary castle.

Zoe: I worked with my friends to make a puppet show.

Millie: I was forming my sounds using the playdoh.

Andrew: I made a robot using the Numicon that has 9 eyes.


In literacy:

Leyla: I was learning to blend sounds.

Elsie: I was learning to spell words writing the start, middle and end sound.

Adriana: I wrote a story about my October Holidays.


In Numeracy:

Jack: I was ordering numbers to 20.

Megan: I was making numbers up to 10 using the numicon.


We have had a great week and are looking forward to next week.


Keep up the good work! Miss Simpson

This week in P5

  • P5 had the opportunity to participate in the Handball festival on Wednesday and I am very proud to say that they were all fantastic Murrayfield citizens. They showed great sportsmanship and even encouraged the other teams when playing.
  • The boys and girls in P5 are working very hard to improve their mental addition strategies and this is showing improvement when doing our mad math minutes.
  • This week we have also explored atmosphere and setting within a text. The children were all very enthusiastic when discussing  vocabulary to describe atmosphere and setting.
  • Thursday was filled with excitement about the Halloween party and this was a great success. A big thank you to the Parent council from P5.
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Primary 2A

What have we been learning?

In Art

We learned about mixing primary colours – Dionne, Callan, Brogan

We learned how to make secondary colours – Warren

We painted Autumn leaves – Aleisha

In maths

We have been getting faster at taking away – Jana

We have been doing tricky pages – Callen

We have been learning about Bar charts – Ross


We were writing a story about our holiday – Sean

We are trying to remember capital letters, full stops and finger spaces – Eva, Jana, Alex

Skillionaires this week :  Apply

I can write a story about my holiday – Sean

I can make a picture of autumn leaves – Dionne


Some of us had spooky fun at the Halloween Disco last night – so some are tired today.

Enjoy your weekend!



Primary 2B

A warm welcome back to everyone and we hope you have had a wonderful break.

This week we have:

*Been making fire engines using 2D shapes.

*Been working in pairs with our literacy words.

*Made some Halloween lanterns in our vertical groups.

We hope you have an exciting and spooky weekend for halloweeeeeeeen.

Primary 2B

Primary 2B

This week we have been learning:

Jade: numbers to 20

Leland: to tell the correct time on the clock

Amy-Leigh:numbers before, in between and after within 0-20

Summer B: looking at fireman sam and writing what equpment he uses at work.

We hope you all have a lovely october holiday.


P1S News

This week Learning Ladybird has been helping us learn:

Lucas: We were blending sounds using the dice. Blending helps us to read.

Jamie: We have been practising forming our sounds.

Leyla: We have been learning to put numbers into the right order.

Millie: We have been learning through playing. I made a numberline using the Numicon shapes.

Zoe: I like doing my Maths work.

We hope everyone has a lovely and fun-filled October break. We are already looking forward to the next term.


Primary 2A

What have we been learning?

Callan – We have been reading our books and answering questions on the worksheet

Jack – we were learning numbers to 20

Aleisha – we have been adding and taking away

Payton – we did the mild,spicy and hot challenge with time this week

Sean – we were learning half past and o’clock

Callan – we were writing about The Accident

Mrs Mclay – We were drawing people who help in the school. Sara drew me very nicely.

The skill this week was UNDERSTANDING

Skillionaires  were  – Brogan -” I can answer questions about me book”

Adam – “I know the difference between 6 and 4 is 2.”

Well done everyone

We all wish you a happy holiday!


End of term 1 blog :)

Look out for final updates and some fun pics on Friday 🙂

The children have worked extremely hard over our first term.  Everyone settled in and gelled as a class, albeit it chatty one 🙂  As we are nearing the end of a number of areas of our learning a variety of assessments have taken place or will be taking place this week. Assessments vary between written, self/peer, observations and presentations.

Numeracy:  The children have all worked extremely well on our fraction/decimal/percentage topic.  This can be a very tricky area of numeracy however I am very pleased with how all the children have addressed the challenges faced.  We linked the introduction of decimal learning into ‘Money Week’ which took place last week.  In groups the children were faced with the challenge of planning a party of their choice with a budget of £100.  The variety of ideas and control of the budget was most impressive by every group.  We will be using ICT and some ‘real life’ contexts to build on our decimal and percentage learning this week.

Literacy: The majority of this term’s literacy work has been linked to our whole class topic of ‘Citizenship, Eco and Fair Trade’.  We have been developing our Listening and Talking skills through a variety of group based tasks.  We have also been focusing on improving our writing by adding depth using a variety of the 4 key areas of VCOP: Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation.  After the October holiday we will begin ‘Literacy Circles’ and ‘Reading Routes’ to develop comprehension skills.  The children have been learning a variety of different Literacy Circle roles in preparation for this set of primarily homework based comprehension tasks.

Health & Well Being: Our main HWB focus this term has been to get to know each other and develop our team work skills of listening to others, sharing opinions and negotiation.  This has been done via a variety of paired and group tasks.  Assessment is via teacher observations and peer/self evaluations over the term.  P6 and P7 were separated into their year groups as of last Thursday for a 4 week period for their HWB specific lessons.

P6: Tobacco Workshop – these sessions are run by an external team who come in each Thursday to discuss the dangers of smoking.

P7: Drug & Solvent Misuse – these sessions are run by the class teachers, again each Thursday, to discuss the dangers of misuse of both legal and illegal drugs.

HWB/PE: We have been blessed with the weather this term and have been lucky to have not missed any of our outdoor PE sessions.  Our whole school initiative of the ‘Daily Mile’ has also happened almost every day.  As a school we are lucky to have Mrs Logan as our PE specialist.

Topic/IDL: This term’s topic of Citizenship, Eco and Fair Trade was split into two separate entities (driven by timetable commitments).  Mrs Harrison has been focusing on the Citizenship and Eco areas and my focus has been Fair Trade.  Driven by the interest shown by the pupils this aspect of their learning was amended to focus on the current Syrian refugee situation.  Mrs Harrison will update the blog with regards to the learning within this area.

As the concept of ‘fair price for farmers’ is topical at the moment we focused on the price of milk, linking the issues faced by producers closer to home.  In groups the children have been researching the issues faced by British dairy farmers, considering production costs vs selling price, climate issues relating to our very wet Summer, comparisons between supermarket prices etc.  On Tuesday (13th Oct) the groups will present their findings to the rest of the class. I have had a sneak preview of the presentations and I have to say it is obvious that the ICT research, knowledge of PowerPoint and team working skills have been of a very high standard.  I am looking forward to the final presentations tomorrow! We are also extremely lucky to hopefully have Mr Findlay, a local dairy farmer and father of two MPS pupils come in this week to answer our questions.  Unfortunately this was not possible prior to the end of term IDL assessment but as a class we have a number of very interesting questions prepared.

Our whole class topic for term 2 is Rain-forests.  I am really looking forward to this topic as I think it allows the children to excel themselves through artistic and imaginative expression of their learning!

Modern Languages:  Our primary focus is French.  In preparation for P7 and S1 we are beginning to concentrate on our written French.  Over the past two weeks we have been learning how to write facts about ourselves.  Going into term 2 we will continue to develop our French vocabulary to enhance our French conversational and written skills.  We will begin to embed French into our daily routines in term 2, for example, instruction and responses throughout the day will be in French.  Some basic Spanish words will also be introduced over the coming months.

RME: Mrs Harrison has been teaching RME this term so she will update the blog with details.  I know there has been lots of fun activities and learning taking place.


Can I please take this opportunity to remind you that:

*  Bathgate Academy Open Evening is on Wednesday (14th)

*  All after school club letters must be returned by Wednesday (14th)

Both Mrs Harrison and I hope that term 2 in our class will continue to be filled with fun and learning 🙂

Miss Preston x

In P5 this week

P5 have been working incredibly hard this week.

We have learned interesting facts about 3D shapes and can discuss the properties of these shapes with our peers.

In PE with Mrs. Logan the boys and girls worked hard on upper body strength.

We have used our spelling words this week to create a word search. Our word search was completed and assessed by our Peers.

We used reading routes this week to explore a Drama text and the punctuation used within this.

The P5’s also created remembering questions relating to their texts.

A huge congratulations to Connor Martin for receiving the first secret Head Teachers award for outstanding presentation!

Our Skillionaires  for this week were Sam Parker for recalling 3D shapes during maths and Abbie Sneddon for writing remembering questions relating to a text.

Part of our homework this week have been to find a interesting peice of reading to share with the class. Thank you for those whom shared their articles. Some were VERY interesting.

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Primary 2A

What have we been learning?

Freya – We have been learning to write stories about a fireman.

Aleisha – we have changed the house corner into The Health Centre Sean – so we can pretend to be Doctor and patients

Brogan – we decided what we wanted to have in the Health Centre

Adam – we have learning about time

Jana – we have been learning ee and oo sounds

Jack – we have learning w and y sounds

Aleisha – we have learning sum and difference

Payton – we have been practising more take away

Warren – we were drawing Fairytale Characters and adding pattern

with Mrs Burton


This weeks Skillionaires were Jana and Bailey . Well done girls.