We have had a busy week in P7/6.
On Monday we started our new topic on Rainforest. In pairs the children were researching information on ‘Layers of the Rainforest’ and where about in the world rainforests are located. Information found was written in their individual fact files. The children were using ICT and reference books. A whole class trip has been planned for early January that will finish off our rainforest topic; further details will be given after the Christmas break.
In numeracy we have been consolidating our knowledge and understanding of fractions and decimals. Next week we will begin to link this knowledge to percentages. We will be using our enterprise challenge to develop our understanding of money. Through the budgeting and planning of our enterprise challenge and our topic we will be enhancing our knowledge of data handling.
In literacy we have all been given a new reading book. Literacy circle homework is now in place to enhance and develop the children’s comprehension of their reading. Each reading group will be given the responsibility of allocating rewards and sanctions for effort in homework. Mrs Harrison will be focusing on reading comprehension via reading routes.
The children were given a challenge of designing and creating an eye catching and informative poster. The posters were based on their HWB topics of Dangers of Tobacco (P6) and Substance and Alcohol Misuse (P7). The posters will be used as an assessment piece for their literacy.
We are hosting some PE students from WLC – for the next 3 weeks the children will be getting an extra hour of PE. Can I remind parents that PE kit is a part of the school uniform. As we move into winter it is still our intention to have an hour of outdoor PE (weather permitting). Outdoor PE is on a Monday, can I please ask that you ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for outside. Thanks. 🙂
Our P7s began their journey onto secondary education. On Wednesday and Thursday all of our P7s had their first transition visit to Bathgate Academy. They had a fabulous time. They had a treasure hunt around the school and even had a chance to meet a few of the teachers. Every single one of the children should be exceptionally proud of the way they behaved. They did themselves and Murrayfield PS extremely proud! Well done guys!
Enterprise Challenge
Ms McCrae has given each class a challenge to ‘Make Your Money Grow’! This challenge will run over the whole academic year. We have decided that our first enterprise activity will be to design and hand make Christmas cards. These will be sold in packs of 5 for £1.oo. A pre-order form will be sent out next week. Our plan is to raise as much money as we can over the year to put towards an end of year class trip!
Vertical Groups
This week each teacher gave their first lesson on their element of the GIRFEC health and well being indicators. Bruce 3 worked really well together learning about Nurture. In groups, the children were given a variety of nurturing statements which they had to discuss and put in order that they see as most important. The statements included nurturing within the home and within school.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
See you on Monday.
Miss Preston 🙂 x