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Welcome back P7/6

Welcome back everyone!  I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and didn’t over indulge on the chocolate eggs too much 🙂

An inter-school football tournament will take place next Tuesday (19th) at the Community Centre.  Pupils from P6 and P7 are invited to attend.

The tournament will take place 3.45 – 5.00pm.  A Parental/Carer concern form will be sent home with pupils tomorrow.  It is important that we receive this back, confirming how your child will be getting home in order for your child to attend.  The children will be taken from school to the Community Centre by teaching staff.

Please do not hesitate to contact me on the school telephone number should you require any additional information.

Miss Preston 🙂



Happy Easter from P7/6

Well done to all our P7 and P6 pupils who did a fabulous job during this year’s CAB sessions and during the conference.  Special mention to our Aaron W and Jay for confidently standing up and in front of all the children and visitors to say their parts.  Well done boys!

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Logan very kindly brought in his Great-Grandfather’s original WWII RAF ID book and the badge from his RAF uniform.  This was a wonderful thing to share!  Thank you Logan.


We had an Easter Egg hunt in class on Thursday … all the children loved it! Well done to Rachel for finding the big egg and winning the prize!

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It has been a long, busy term … Time to chill! LOL! 🙂 🙂


Wishing you all a lovely Easter break!

Miss Preston xx

Watch out for the P6 Spitfire Pilots :)

Miss Moir was very lucky to be given an actual Spitfire pilot helmet from a close family friend. Miss Moir’s friends father was a Spitfire Pilot during the Second World War and he had kept his helmet. Although the class felt it smelled a little (due to it being made of real leather and it’s age) they really enjoyed trying it on.

Here are some snaps of the class….(these will definitely be kept for their p7 leavers assembly 🙂 )

From Miss Moir

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This week in P7/6

We have had another very busy week in P7/6!

We have been continuing to develop our division skills.

“I’m really enjoying it” – Aiden McC

“I’m finding it a bit tricky” – Aaron A


We have started using Thinking Dice to develop our HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) to enhance our comprehension during literacy circles.

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P6 attended the transition Hockey and Basketball Festival at Bathgate Academy.  They did fantastically well with Team Murrayfield 2 winning Silver medal in the basketball tournament.  Congratulations to everyone for participating and representing our school so well!


“It was nice to meet and play against the other schools” – Aaron W

“I liked seeing old friends again who are now at different schools” – Summer

On Thursday the P7s had a visit from Mrs Henderson from the Numeracy team at Bathgate Academy.  She was extremely impressed with the range of strategies the children shared!  Ms Miller and I also learned a few new strategies too! 🙂 The children were given a brief introduction to algebra … Emma, Abby R and Eva were extremely funny and somewhat bamboozled by the whole concept of ‘x’!  They did make me giggle! 🙂 🙂

“I just don’t get ‘x’, I mean, it just doesn’t make any sense. My head hurts!” – Abby R

WWII Interdisciplinary Topic

We completed our learning about WWII leaders and did a fantastic job on our leader display.  Mrs Cordiner and I were extremely pleased with the end results!

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We are building a WWII word wall!  IMG_2164

As part of our WWII learning we were extremely lucky to have a local historian in to share a variety of genuine WWII artifacts with us!   The children all really enjoyed the handling session and represented the school exceptionally well with their engagement, manners and genuine interest in what the lady was saying.

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Anthony did a fantastic job modelling the army jacket!IMG_0816  “It’s really itchy!!” – Anthony 

On Thursday and Friday our P6s had a chance to meet the nursery pre-school pupils.  When they move onto P7 these are some of the children they will be ‘buddy’ed’ up with 🙂  They had their first buddy responsibility of helping the nursery children with their Jammy Jog!

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A huge thank you to all for supporting this fun event for Sport Relief!

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All us teachers certainly enjoyed ourselves 🙂 🙂 🙂

Thank you to everyone who came along to Parent’s evening, it was really nice to see you all and share your children’s learning with you.


A reminder that our Family Quiz Night is on Wednesday!  Hope to see you all there!

Miss Preston and Miss Akram x





The past fortnight in P3T…

We have been learning….

  • how to take away single digits from 2 digit numbers
  • show our thinking on a number line and using arrays
  • singing our numbers songs to count to and back from 100
  • what a Proper Noun is and how to include them when we are writing
  • Looking at our fantastic pyramids!!!!!
  • We have finished our Ancient Egyptian stories!!

Congratulations to Jack and Makayla for more sporting achievements and Ava for donating toys to African children.

Today we have had great fun for our Jammie Jog for Sports Relief.

Photos to follow shortly.

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What another busy busy week!!!

We have been working hard to use our imaginations this week.  We created our very own monster and wrote a description of our monster using WOW words! Mrs Wedlock was very impressed with the high standard of work, it was so good that we have put our  monster work on our writing wall.

We hope all the Mum’s, Dad’s and Gran’s enjoyed looking at all of our hard work at parents night.  Mrs Wedlock is extremely proud of each and every one us for the progress we have made so far in our P1 journey.

Here are some pictures of us enjoying our Jammie Jog for Sports Relief. Thank you for your support for this event!IMG_2069 IMG_2070 IMG_2071 IMG_2072 IMG_2073 IMG_2074 IMG_2077

Fairtrade Winners

Well done to all the entries from P4-P7 for their fabulous Fairtrade Designs.

Congratulations to Kyle from P6

Kyle Harkins P6
Kyle Harkins P6

Lara from P5

Lara Finlay P5
Lara Finlay P5

and the winner Alyx from P7

Winner Alyx P7
Winner Alyx P7

Well done to all the children in P1-P3 who collected Fairtrade logos to stick onto the letters.

Primary 2A update

Freya and Warren were the Skillionaires this week – well done! – Brogan

We helped hand out the prizes for the winners for the Fairtrade mug designs- Alex

What have we been learning?

We have been measuring using a ruler – Sean

We wrote our things for the parents night – Payton (How well are we doing comments)

We have been learning “igh” words – Jana

We have been learning “ng ” words – Aleisha

We were trying to make the Moggy story make sense – Jack

(They had to rewrite the story in correct sentences).

Last week we won the most improved class – Payton

So this week we get our extra Golden Time! – Miss Adam


Primary 2B News Flash

This week primary 2B have been learning:



“We have been reading more non-fiction books and I really enjoyed the Roller Coaster one.” – Summer B

“We have been putting words into the correct order.” – Hadia

“We have been looking to see if we can read the ‘tricky’ words in our tasks.” Calvin



“We have been learning the 2 times table in class this week.” – Aaron

“We know that even numbers are in the 2 times table.” – Zoe

“We have been moving round to different stations in class for maths.” – Callum



“In P.E we have been learning how to skip which was quite tricky.” – Kirsty


**On Wednesday 23/3/16 there will be a Quiz night for all to attend. For more information please contact the school office.