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P3 – World Book Day Activities

P3 would like to thank everyone for supporting our Biscuit and Blether that we co-hosted with P3/2 this morning.
We had a great time, sharing our stories with our friends and family.

During the week, we made our lollipop stick book characters with Mrs Mackie – don’t they look great?

Throughout today, we had to Drop Everything And Read (D.E.A.R.) whenever we heard the bell ring 3 times – Mrs Stewart loved the opportunity to sit down for ten minutes and lose herself in her book!

Have a lovely weekend and Happy Reading! 🙂

Murrayfield blog P5


We have been learning about Mary Queen Of Scots and the Tudor times.


We have been learning about fractions and multiplying by 10’s 100’s and 1000s. Mrs Macgregor was teaching us about the factions and so on. We have also learned a new strategy that is called something like the counting up strategy.


In literacy we have been learning about openings and endings. We have also been encouraging people to read our favourite books.

Health and wellbeing

We have been doing P.E and have had a king queen dodgeball tournament with p5, p5/4 and p6.


By Artemis Russell p5

News from P5/4

Primary 5/4 have started their new topic Scottish Myths and Legends.  They have been learning about the Kelpies.

In Numeracy we have been focusing on Money.

For writing this week we revised VCOP and designed our own mythical creatures. We then wrote a character description of our mythical creature.

We have also teamed up with P4 to play Benchball in prepartion for the Primay 4 tournament in the Partnership Centre on Wednesday 13th March.

This week’s Raffle Prize winner is Calvin – Well Done!

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Glancy and P5/4

P4 News!

We have had a busy and exciting week in class.

We have been learning lots about the importance of Fairtrade this week. We have watched films and learned about Fairtrade cotton and how some of our clothes can be Fairtrade. We learned that cotton originally comes from plants. We have learned about the history (and future) of chocolate and look forward to sharing this with you during our class assembly next Friday!

Over the past few days we have learned the rules of bench ball and will be taking part in a tournament at the partnership centre on the 13th March. We are enjoying our practises so far.

We enjoyed beginning a new arty topic with Miss Adam and look forward to seeing how our pictures turn out.

We hope you have a spectacular weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Calder

Rotary Club Quiz 2019

Murrayfield’s team had their thinking caps on tonight when they won the Rotary Club, Whitburn’s Annual Primary School Quiz.  There were some tricky questions and some new categories to contend with this year but we thoroughly enjoyed the evening and you kept us all on tenterhooks until the very end.   Great work Murrayfield!

Well done to all the teams who took part, to the Rotary Club Whitburn for organising, to Polkemmet Primary for hosting and to the families and friends who came along to support everyone.


World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

Next Thursday the children will be participating in a range of activities related to books and reading to celebrate World Book Day. They will also be asked to turn a lollipop into a book character, learning tips on how to be a good reader and writer and listening to stories. The Junior Librarians will be sharing stories in the playground at lunchtime. The theme for this years World Book Day is “share a story”.


Every child will receive a £1 book token which can be used towards the purchase of a book or can be used to buy one of the special world book day books. Book tokens can be used from Thursday 28th February. World book day books are sold in book shops and supermarkets.




P4 News

It has been a short but smashing week in P4!

We wrote about our exciting long weekend news and practised writing in paragraphs.

We have started learning about our new mini topic, Fairtrade. We have made some posters to advertise Fairtrade products and would like to invite you all to our Fairtrade assembly in two weeks time on the 8th March.

We joined up with P5/4 and P5 to do some problem solving and calculate how much money we raised during our Scottish Celebration evening! Thank you to everybody who helped and donated. We are continuing to raise money as P5 are hosting a raffle for the remaining Irn-bru.

Well done to Jamie for collecting his head teacher’s award for excellent effort in homework.

We enjoyed learning about saving money with the credit union this morning during assembly and we hope to learn more about this soon!

Have a lovely-jubbly weekend!

Primary 4 and Miss Calder

Reading superstars in P1

This morning we were finding out about the different ways an author can present  text to make his or her writing more interesting.

We found out about bold, italics, size and underlining.

We made shapes with our bodies to try and help us remember what each one was. Can you tell?

We read the story about Little Red Riding Hood together. Then, in our groups we looked for evidence of each one in our story.  It was tricky to do  but we were able to find most of them.

We are excited about looking for the different ways of presenting text in our reading books!


Dounans school camp meeting reminder

A reminder for parents that we are having a meeting tomorrow night, Thursday 21st February at 4pm for this year’s school camp.

Don’t worry if you can’t make it.  We are doing it a bit earlier this year and will meet again the week before in case you have any questions before we leave.

Please remember to bring your completed EE2 forms with any medical and dietary requirements clearly listed.  This will give us plenty of time to make arrangements with Dounans to provide any required support.