Category Archives: Rights Respecting School

What’s been happening in P1?!



We have had a very busy week! 🙂

The Gruffalo came to visit us! He set us a challenge…… We had to measure his footprint to see if his foot was bigger than ours!! – Lucas  W

We were learning the sound “s” and “p” this week – Keira

Last week we did “m” and “c” – Aaron S

We have been learning the numbers 0-5 – Aaron R

We had to draw the Gruffalo and write about him – Fraya

The boys and girls of P1 have been super busy being great learners and listeners with lots of Dojo points that we have to set the Dojo point chart higher! 🙂

We go outside to do our daily mile every day even if its raining! So if pupils could bring a suitable jacket/coat to school, thank you.
Just a reminder our P.E. days are Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Also a quick note to remind you of what is required in your child’s P.E. kit. These items can be kept in the same bag and stored in the class room. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly written on all items of clothing. This will cover both indoor and outdoor P.E. –



Track suit bottoms

Warm hoodie

Outdoor trainers

Have a lovely weekend from P1 and Miss Akram 🙂

(Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.
Article 13 – You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.)

Get Caught Reading! challenge @ Murrayfield PS for Book Week Scotland

Congratulations to everyone who entered our Get Caught Reading! challenge. The pictures are displayed on our Get caught Reading! display and on the LCD.

Our pupils and staff were caught reading on trampolines, broomsticks, ponies, sun loungers and even at the swimming pool!

Prizes and certificates were awarded at today’s assembly to Lyle, Carra, Eryn, Zoe, Jaxon, Kirstin and Melanie.

20161104_140417-1 carra-berry dsc00355 eryn-potter jaxon-hay kirsten untitledlyle-strachan melanie-clark mrs-cordner mrs-mcglynns-cat mrs-t ms-macrae rhida