Category Archives: Rights Respecting School


Safer Internet Day 2018

Key messages

Safer Internet Day (SID) is organised by the joint Insafe/INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission*, each February to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology, especially among children and young people. Celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month, each year on Safer Internet Day millions of people unite to inspire positive change and raise awareness of online safety issues and participate in events and activities right across the globe.

Safer Internet Day aims to not only create a safer internet but also a better internet, where everyone is empowered to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

Safer Internet Day aims to reach out to children and young people, parents and carers, teachers, educators and social workers, as well as industry, decision makers and politicians, to encourage everyone to play their part in creating a better internet.

By celebrating the positive power of the internet, the 2018 Safer Internet Day theme of “Create, Connect and Share Respect: a better internet starts with you” encourages everyone to join the global movement, to participate, to make the most of the internet’s potential to bring people together.

With a global, community-led approach, Safer Internet Day 2018 encourages everyone to join and play their part. There are many ways to do this:

  • Children and young people can help to create a better internet by being kind and respectful to others online, by protecting their online reputations (and those of others), and by seeking out positive opportunities to create, engage and share online.


  • Parents and carers play a crucial role in empowering and supporting children to use technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively, whether it is by ensuring an open dialogue with their children, educating them to use technology safely and positively, or by acting as digital role models.


  • Teachers, educators and social workerscan help to create a better internet by equipping their pupils and students with digital literacy skills and by developing their critical thinking skills, which will allow them to better navigate the online world. They can empower them to create their own content, make positive choices online and can set a personal example of online behaviour for their pupils and students.


  • Industry can help to create a better internet by creating and promoting positive content and safe services online, and by empowering users to respond to any issues by providing clear safety advice, a range of easy-to-use safety tools, and quick access to support if things do go wrong.


  • Decision makers and politicians need to provide the culture in which all of the above can function and thrive – for example, by ensuring that there are opportunities in the curriculum for children to learn about online safety, ensuring that parents and carers have access to appropriate information and sources of support, and that industry are encouraged to self-regulate their content and services. They must also take the lead in governance and legislation, and ultimately ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people through effective child protection strategies for the online world.


  • Everyone has a responsibility to make a positive difference online. We can all promote the positive by being kind and respectful to others and seeking out positive opportunities to create and connect. We can all respond to the negative by reporting any inappropriate or illegal content.


We invite everyone to join us, and Safer Internet Day supporters across the globe, to help create a better internet on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 and, indeed, throughout the whole year. A better internet starts with you!


Find out more about the global campaign for Safer Internet Day at

Find out more about the UK campaign for Safer Internet Day at


* Safer Internet Day would not be possible without the support of the European Commission. Currently the funding is provided by the Connecting Europe Facility programme (CEF). Find out more about the EC’s “European Strategy for a Better Internet for Children” on the European Commission’s website.

Christmas Jumper Day – Friday the 15th

Hi Parents/Carers,

On the 15th of December we are having a non-uniform day.  We would like children to come to school in Christmas Jumpers and donate a £1 towards Save the Children.

You do not need to splurge on a new jumper,  you can get the children to be creative and make their own unique Christmas jumper!  There will be a prize for the best “SUPER SILLY SWEATER”! 🙂 This means get your tinsel, baubles, pom poms at the ready! At Murrayfield we are always encouraging our pupils to be creative so lets get our silliest sweaters on for December 15th! 🙂

By taking part in Christmas Jumper Day we as a Rights Respecting school are looking out for the rights of children in need, who require their rights to be protected.  [UNCRC article 2: All children have these rights, Article 3:  Adults must do what is best for us,  Article 6:  I should be supported to live and grow, Article 24: I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food, Article 27: I have the right to have a proper house food and clothing]

“Make the world better with your sweaters. By joining in on Christmas Jumper Day, you’re helping to save children’s lives. Together we can be there when children need us most. When they’re in danger we can keep working to keep them safe. When they’re sick, cold and hungry we can keep working to bring them food and water, medicine and shelter. Because of your help, we can keep making the world better
for children everywhere.” (Save the Children)

Discover more about the work of Save the Children visit:

P1 news

Busy bees as always in P1!

Nativity rehearsals have been taking over now!  Our Nativity is on Thursday 14th December at 9.30am or 1.45pm.  Hope to see you all there! 🙂

In numeracy we have continued to work with our number bonds and focused on number bonds of 9 this week.

Our new sound of the week was “d” and we have been working so hard to blend our sounds and read words 🙂

We have also been working hard to use our knowledge of sounds to even write words and make sentences!

Note:  Zumba and Stay and Play after school clubs have now finished.

If you have twitter, please make sure to check out Murrayfield’s twitter account.  I hope to tweet all of P1’s daily learning in the New Year so look out on Dojo for details of my own twitter profile.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Akram 🙂

[UNCRC article 28:  I have the right to an education.

UNCRC article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.]

Christmas Jumper Day – 15th December

Hi Parents/Carers,

On the 15th of December we are having a non-uniform day.  We would like children to come to school in Christmas Jumpers and donate a £1 towards Save the Children.

You do not need to splurge on a new jumper,  you can get the children to be creative and make their own unique Christmas jumper!  There will be a prize for the best “SUPER SILLY SWEATER”! 🙂 This means get your tinsel, baubles, pom poms at the ready! At Murrayfield we are always encouraging our pupils to be creative so lets get our silliest sweaters on for December 15th! 🙂

By taking part in Christmas Jumper Day we as a Rights Respecting school are looking out for the rights of children in need, who require their rights to be protected.  [UNCRC article 2: All children have these rights, Article 3:  Adults must do what is best for us,  Article 6:  I should be supported to live and grow, Article 24: I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water and good food, Article 27: I have the right to have a proper house food and clothing]

“Make the world better with your sweaters. By joining in on Christmas Jumper Day, you’re helping to save children’s lives. Together we can be there when children need us most. When they’re in danger we can keep working to keep them safe. When they’re sick, cold and hungry we can keep working to bring them food and water, medicine and shelter. Because of your help, we can keep making the world better
for children everywhere.” (Save the Children)

Discover more about the work of Save the Children visit:

Stay and Read for P1 with Mrs Mackie and Miss Akram

Hi all,
on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th of November we are holding a stay and read session in our classes for our Primary one children and their parents/carers. 🙂
We are inviting you in to our class at 2.30pm.
You can come along to either one of these sessions or both if you can :). It will be different books read to the children on both days.
This is a great opportunity to come in and see the great learning that takes place in our class as well as helping your child with an art/craft based on the book we read that day.
Thank you,
Miss Akram and Mrs Mackie


[UNCRC article 3: Adults must do what is best for me.

UNCRC article 28:  I have the right to an education.

UNCRC article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.]


P1 news

Yet another busy week in Primary 1.  We have been looking at number bonds of 6 and 7 in Numeracy.  In Literacy we revised all our sounds and looked at how we can use words to create a sentence.  We listened out for beginning and end sounds in words, and some of us even managed to listen for the correct words out of two choices.  We are focusing on listening and attention at all times in Primary 1.  Ask us what makes a good listener! 🙂

We did lot’s of writing this week! We wrote a letter asking the government to save the habitats of bears and not cut trees.

On Tuesday we ventured out in to the community again and went looking for leaves again.  However, the main reason we went out in to the local area was to pick up rubbish as we have been focusing on Hedgehogs in our Scottish Wildlife topic.  We wanted to tidy up the hedgehogs’ habitat and make it lovelier for them. We learned how important recycling is for not only animals but us too. We then used our leaves to create our own hedgehogs.   On Thursday we went to Vue in Livingston with the whole school to watch Sing.  We all enjoyed our trip and were very good listeners throughout the trip. 🙂  We came back to school that day and worked hard to write a letter to a hedgehog asking him to eat bugs and worms.  On Friday we bought some treats in aid of Children in Need and enjoyed coming in to school in our “dots and spots”.

Our word boost words this week were: delicious, gobble, trudge and howl.  Make sure to ask us what they mean and even act them out! 🙂

Here is what we have to say about our week;

I liked learning our number bonds – Emily K

I liked counting our 1 to 100 song – Fraya

I liked making our hedgehogs with leaves – Aaron S

I liked listening to our story about the bear and his habitat – Hunter

We ALL liked going on our walk to find leaves and rubbish we could recycle – Robyn

I liked writing our letter to the hedgehog – Amy

I liked going to the cinema – Rachel

I liked learning our number bonds to 5, 6 and 7 bonds – Alfie

I liked learning our sounds – Robbie

I liked writing a letter to say “don’t cut trees” to save the bears’ habitat – Max

We learned about animals that are nocturnal – Emily K

Have a lovely weekend, Miss Akram 🙂


[UNCRC article 3: Adults must do what is best for me.

UNCRC article 13: I have the right to find out and share information.

UNCRC article 28:  I have the right to an education.

UNCRC article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment.]

Update from the P1 family

We have had a busy week as always in Primary 1! Busy but fun of course 🙂

We have focused on our number bonds of 5 this week in numeracy and can demonstrate how to make 5 in various ways such as: fingers, numicon, cubes etc.  We also continued to practice our number formation.

In Literacy we were learning our sounds “b” and “e”.  We also looked at comparing “b” and “p” as we tend to get ourselves confused with these two sounds!   We started worst boost this week and our storybook this week was called “Leo’s dream”.  The children really enjoyed not only learning our new word boost words; investigate, reply, celebrate and enormous but also loved the story itself and we managed to discuss emotions through this book also.  Please make sure you ask us what each of our word boost words mean or even ask us to mime the word :).  We got ourselves a little confused over celebrate starting with the “c” letter but makes a “s” sound so we learned that not all of our sounds follow the rules and our English language is actually a little confusing sometimes! 😮

In our topic Scottish Wildlife we looked at habitats this week and enjoyed drawing our favourite animal and it’s habitat.  We also made a line drawing

of a fox and managed to follow Miss Akram’s directions step by step to create this drawing 🙂 as we are focusing a lot this term on listening and attention skills.

What we have to say about our week of learning this week:

I liked doing our count to 100 song – Aaron R

I liked learning the numbers to 5 – Enily Kyle

I liked learning my sound “e” and “b” – Max Purdie

I know that 4 and 1 make 5 – Ross M

I learned that enormous means something very very big – Gabriels

I know that balloon starts with our b sound – Aaron S

I like our boost word “investigate” – Fraser

I know that investigate means to find out about something – Amy

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Akram 🙂

(UNCRC – article 28:  I have the right to an education
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment)

This week in P1

What have we been learning in Primary 1;

Kiera – We have been practising our numbers with Miss Mann

Lucas W – We were practising  writng, reading and finding “the” on Monday

Olly – We have been learning the sound “o”

Max – We made a witches hat

Amy – We have been colouring in our sounds

Aaron R – we have been learning our sounds

Aaron S – We have been learning to add with Miss Mann

Alfie – I liked colouring in our sounds

Emily K – I liked learning about fireworks and keeping safe

Gabriels – I liked learning everything

We started our new topic Scottish wildlife this week as well and have been busy every day practising our nativity songs.  (Yes, sorry the Christmas prep has commenced!  Santa cams are well and truly on!)

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Akram 🙂

(UNCRC – article 28:  I have the right to an education
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment)