Category Archives: Primary 7

P6 & P7 Dalguise Residential Camp: Monday 4th – Friday 8th November 2013

There will be an ‘Information Session’ on Thursday 31st October at 3.30pm for all parents/carers of P6 & P7 pupils who will be attending this year’s residential trip to Dalguise, Perthshire.

This will be an opportunity to find out a little more about some of the activities the children will experience and a chance to ask any questions you may have.  If you have any queries/questions regarding this trip and are unable to attend this meeting, please don’t hesitate to contact the school to discuss these further.

An information sheet and suggested clothing list for parents/carers was sent home at the end of term.  If your child has not received this then please collect a copy from the school office.

Primary 6 & 7 ‘Active Spelling’

This week Primary 6 & 7 have been taking part in some ‘active spelling’ using words from our ‘Road Safety’ mini topic. We used our bodies to spell out the words and even managed to act them out during a game of charades!
This was an introduction to a rolling programme of sessions, aimed at making sure we interact with letter patterns and sounds!
We really enjoyed taking part and it has helped us to be able to ‘magpie’ these words and use them in our own writing.