Category Archives: Primary 6

P7/6 News

Hello and welcome to our latest blog entry. This week we have:

  • We started to look at and discuss the meaning of the word RESPECT!
  • In maths we looked at numbers in 100,000’s and rounding 4 digit numbers.
  • We started our Make It Grow fund raising effort. We will be doing a neon themed disco and we will be looking for everyone to wear bright clothes & buy glow bands to help raise money.
  • We looked at things which concern us in our community and rated these from 1-10 (with 1 being the most serious and 10 being the least serious).
  • We started on making posters of the things which concern us in our community as part of our Big Write.
  • We all had an amazing time at the Halloween Party held at the school last night – please check the blog soon for photos!

A big thank you to Amie Lee and Neve for helping with this week’s blog.

See you all next week!!

P6/5 News Week beginning 10th October 2016

Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to make our Rainforest assembly on Friday 14th October.  I’m sure you’ll agree, the children were fantastic!  Well done everyone!

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This week the children have been focusing on up level their writing, by using a wider range of connectives.  The children used some connectives when they wrote letters to persuade loggers to stop chopping down the trees. They are also looking forward to having a dress down day on Friday 28th October, themed GO GREEN, GO WILD DAY to raise money to help go towards saving and replanting trees in the rainforest.  Pupils can donate £1 and come to school dressed up like an animal or wear green to represent the trees and plants of the forests. A fun way to help the pupils of the school become more eco-friendly and make contributions to saving Planet Earth.

This week’s skill was ‘Remember’.

Our Skillionaires of the week: Katie Wilson and Caitlin McInytre.


We also had Callum Gibbs sharing a wider achievement at assembly.  Callum recently climbed Ben Nevis!  What an amazing achievement!


P5 children will be attending a Handball tournament on Wednesday 26th October.  Please ensure that all EE2 forms and permission slips are returned on the first day back after the holidays.

Have a great holiday 🙂

Get caught reading! Whole school challenge


Today at Assembly a whole school challenge was issued.

Will you ‘Get caught reading‘?

Just email a picture of yourself reading to the school at

For the subject write : Your name caught reading!

What unusual place can you Get caught reading?

  • up a tree?
  • in a den?
  • on the beach?
  • in the park?

we’re looking for lots of creative places…

Photos will be displayed and prizes will be given out during

Book Week Scotland (21st-25th November)


Learning in P6/5 Week beginning 3rd October

This week the class worked in problem solving partners to tackle more challenges using the strategies draw it out or trial and error. In the plenary we discussed the importance of reading and understanding the instructions.

In art we have been using pencil to draw Rainforest animals to add to our classroom display.

As part of our Rainforest topic we investigated food chains and discussed deforestation. We discovered positive and negative effects of deforestation; and are hoping to write about our own views. The children became quite passionate about the subject and had great ideas about working towards saving the rainforest. We hope you can make our assembly next week, where we are looking forward to sharing our knowledge about the rainforest.

We found many different food chains like:  leaf – worm – Toucan – Anaconda

In cursive handwriting we focused on capital I and J. We supported each other by peer assessing and recording two stars and a wish.  Next week we’re hoping to focus on capital K and L.

In Drama with Mr Richards, we played some fun games, which involved listening to clapping sounds.

The children have been interested in Hurricane Matthew this week and we have been watching the news to learn about the destruction it has caused.

Please come to our assembly on Friday 14th October.

Dean, Harris and Khizar helped contribute to this week’s class blog entry.

P7/6 News

Welcome to the latest blog entry from Primary 7/6. This week we have:

  • In maths we learned about rounding and decimals.
  • We drew pictures challenging the idea of stereotypes – we looked at jobs which both men and women can do
  • With DJ Paul we focused on letting the music play and switching tracks. We are now ready  for the show next week!
  • We finished our happi coats as part of our Japanese topic.

Many thanks for all of the parents/carers for coming along to parents night last night. It was lovely to meet you all!

Big thank you to Zak, Aiden M., Katie and Connal for helping write the blog this week.

Have a great weekend!


Learning on P6/5

This week’s learning has been challenging and interesting.

We began the week by learning how to write capital G and F in cursive.

On Wednesday Mrs Harrison was missing in action from the classroom (actually she was at a course all day :)) and Mrs Waugh took over to teach the class about living creatures in the rainforest.  The pupils work in groups to learn about the Rhinoceros Beetle, Toucan, Spider Monkey, and Jaguars.

Zac learnt that Toucans have a body length of 66.95cm approx (22 inches).  Their beak can be 19 centimetres long!

Callum McM learnt that the Jaguar is the third biggest cat in the feline family.  It stalks it prey in the rainforest.

In Maths the pupils participated in a mild, spicy and hot challenge based on following clues to find the right seat for Willy Wonka, James, Matilda, Sophie, Danny and Mrs Twit. The idea was to develop the use of the strategies: Act It Out or Draw it or Trial and Error. The problem solving was enjoyed by all and we are hoping to tackle more problems to be come more confidence.


In art, we looked at the body shapes of animals to learn how to draw detailed illustrations. Each person in the class drew an amazing pencil drawing of a toucan.  Next we are hoping to learn how to use tone and texture to shade our illustrations.

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We also have a pupil in our class, who we are enjoying getting to know.

Mrs Harrison was helped by Zac Wilson, Callum McMillan and Caitlin McIntyre to complete P6/5’s blog entry this week.

Latest P7/6 news

Hello and welcome to the latest news from Primary 7/6! This week we have:

  • Primary 7 class members went to BLES and picked up new skills including painting, building & electrical! They had an amazing time!
  • We continue to work on improving our handwriting skills by using handwriting cards.
  • We saw DJ Paul on Tuesday afternoon who helped us learn more about mixing, using the decks and DJ skills.
  • We continued our topic work on Japan – we created our own Coy Carp pictures using pastel crayons and pencils.
  • We also learned how to write the Japanese numbers from 1 to 10!
  • We created origami models of kimono’s and happi coats.
  • Our Big Talk task to help with our writing this week was to talk about our aspirations for the future.
  • We had a “biscuit and blether” with parents/carers today who came in and looked at our French/Spanish etc language resources – we also got to eat some pain au chocolate, croissants, salami and cheese – all washed down with hot chocolate!! Thanks to everyone for coming along this morning.

Thanks to the whole class for writing this weeks blog! See you soon



P7/6 Big Talk Task

Primary 7/6 Big Talk Task for Thursday 6th October 2016:

I would like you to talk about what you would do if you were given 3 wishes. What would your wishes be and what would your reasons be for choosing those particular wishes? (Please note that one of your wishes cannot be for more wishes!)

Ask an adult at home what they would wish for and why!

Be ready to talk about this next week.


Mr Richards

Rookie Rockstars

Here are some lovely photos of our Rookie Rockstars taken from backstage at Thursday night’s concert. Apologies if we did not manage to get a photo of your child. They were so excited that it was hard to pin them down for more than a few seconds at a time!

What a terrific night and thank you to all of our Rookie Rockstars. You were amazing!

If you click on the photos, you should be able to scroll through them and see the full picture.

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Learning in P6/5

Primary Six pupils had a music assessment this week. They were asked to sing in tune and clap in rhythm. Many of our Primary Six pupils are hoping to be selected to play a musical instrument.

In Mental Maths we have focused on developing the strategy of rounding to the nearest multiple of ten to add on or subtract a number, e.g. 49 + 11 or 76 + 9 =.  Dean thought this strategy was fun and Lara said it is an efficient strategy for solving problems.

On Thursday night, we had a Rookie Rockstars concert. We hope you enjoyed the concert and managed to order our CD.

In reading, we were learning about how to summarise a text. We learnt through reading about the rainforests, that tribal people harvest the plants and they help to keep the ecosystem healthy.

One of the challenges we completed this week was to make up an A-Z list of rainforest creatures.

On Wednesday afternoon, the pupils got to choose a careers masterclass to learn more about what it would be like to be in a specific job in the future. The jobs ranged from Archaeologist, Animal Welfare Inspector, an Engineer, Graphic Designer, Farming and Police Officer.  The main theme we gained from the masterclass is that we can be whatever we want to be!   We need to try hard to achieve our goals!