Category Archives: Primary 3

Update from P3G

The class started their Romans topic with Mrs Mackie this week and have been sharing some of their learning with me. They were keen to show me the information books they will be using to help research the topic and were telling me about how the Romans made mosaics, which are pictures and patterns created by arranging little tiles together.

The children have also been introduced to Roman Numerals and will be learning more about how to recognise, read and order them and about how these are still used in modern day.

In science, we will be continuing with our forces work for the next couple of weeks and will be looking at the effect of these on the shape and motion of objects.

Boys and girls, your science challenge this week, should you choose to accept it, is to find out what the term ‘friction’ means for Thursday.

In writing, we have been looking at the traditional form of Japanese poetry known as ‘Haiku.’ While working with Mrs Millar, the class learned that Haiku poems consist of 3 lines. The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables. They also learned that the lines rarely rhyme and that Haiku poetry is often based on nature.

This session we have created our Winter Haiku word banks and are in the process of creating our poems. Here are a couple of completed examples:


                   Snow is falling down.

                   Ice skating children and

                   Icicles shining                    

                                      Zoe McMillan






    I see snow outside.

   All the trees are icy now.

   Snow covering cars.

                      Warren Robinson


Finally, in class maths we are learning about money and have been familiarising ourselves with coins from 1p – £2. Mrs Mackie even showed the class the new 12-sided £1 coins which will enter circulation in March 2017. We will be working with and using a range of coins and developing our knowledge of the symbols (£ and p) associated with money. We will also be investigating different combinations of coins and money equivalences and looking at strategies and mental methods of calculating costs and change in problem solving.

You can help out your child by exploring coins at home together, e.g. look at their values, sort out different ways of making the same amounts, ordering from lowest to largest values etc. Homework for this will be issued next week related to work taking place in class. It will be issued on the Thursday, to be returned by the following Thursday.

Here are a couple of links for games that will support you and your child at home:


  • Select ‘Mixed Coins’
  • Then select from the column that is headed ‘Exact Money’
  • Start by selecting the ‘Up to 20p’ box. If your child appears confident with this, then they can challenge themselves and move onto the next box ‘Up to £1’


This link should take you straight to the correct game and level. Follow the instructions on the screen and work through the 20 examples together, helping your child to combine totals where necessary.


We will be covering lots of this in class, so don’t worry if your child is not ready to move on too quickly. We will also be doing lots of work on addition and subtraction and the strategies that can be used to help us combine/ subtract numbers more easily. We will update the blog with some of these strategies in a few weeks time, so that you can see how we work things out in class.

Happy Weekend!


Happy New Year from P3T!

We have made a great start to this year’s learning and have had a very busy week in P3T.

We have already started our Romans topic and have been learning some cool facts already from our information books. Did you know that the Romans made pictures out of little tiles! These were called mosaics. We have been using our adding skills to colour winter mosaics.

We have been learning about Roman Numerals- where we can still see them in our world today, how to recognise them and put them into the correct order. We have already made a clock display for the class with our numbers and Roman numerals too.

In science, we have been learning about forces and focusing on pushing and pulling forces. We have also looked at friction and how different materials can make things go faster or slower.

We all have our new reading books and spelling is up and running again after the holidays. Please help your child to bring their reading book to school every day and homework should be returned on a Thursday.


Mrs Bowman and Primary 3T

Happy New Year from P3G

Happy New Year Everyone!

We  have had a good holiday and have come back refreshed and ready to learn…especially now that we are now technically Primary 3G and a 1/2!!!  We are looking forward to the next 6 months of Primary 3 and all the new and exciting things we are going to learn.

We hope you have all had a lovey holiday and that you enjoy reading all about what we have been up to this week.

We found out on Wednesday that our new topic is ‘The Romans’ and we have already completed sections of our KWL (what we already Know, What we would like to find out and how we are going to Learn about it/what we have Learned) grid which will help inform Mrs Mackie and Mrs Waugh’s planning.

We are all very excited and have even started reading some of the topic books in the classroom already!

We are going to continue with our science topic from last term, which is looking at Forces and Magnets. We have already been learning lots about the push and pull forces.  Please test us out at home by asking us to explain what these are.

From P3G, Mrs Mackie and Mrs Waugh

P.S  Thank you to everyone who has already supplied new indoor/gym shoes, where necessary, for the new session.  Great to see everyone wrapped up in warm coats, hats, scarves etc too!

Thank you, from Mrs Mackie and Mrs Waugh





In the unlikely event of school closure, learning will continue through our school Glow Blog.  Let us know you have found our blog by sending us a comment.  You can add a comment (include your name) to this post and we will know you are accessing our Glow Blog.  Don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have any difficulties.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Primary 3T Learning this week

This week has been very hectic with lots of Christmas activities needing finished. Our Christmas boxes were finished on Monday as well as our Christmas tree pictures for our hall display.

We have been learning our concert songs and have even filmed ourselves singing them to see how our performance could be better. We think we sound AMAZING!!

This week in language we have been writing Japanese Haiku poems about winter and have been thinking about the syllables in words.

We have also been learning how to express tenses in our writing by adding -ed or -ing on to words.

We have been learning more about shapes and can tell you which properties they have.

Hope to see lots of people at the concert.



Get Caught Reading! challenge @ Murrayfield PS for Book Week Scotland

Congratulations to everyone who entered our Get Caught Reading! challenge. The pictures are displayed on our Get caught Reading! display and on the LCD.

Our pupils and staff were caught reading on trampolines, broomsticks, ponies, sun loungers and even at the swimming pool!

Prizes and certificates were awarded at today’s assembly to Lyle, Carra, Eryn, Zoe, Jaxon, Kirstin and Melanie.

20161104_140417-1 carra-berry dsc00355 eryn-potter jaxon-hay kirsten untitledlyle-strachan melanie-clark mrs-cordner mrs-mcglynns-cat mrs-t ms-macrae rhida

Primary 3G and Children in Need

Primary 3G have had a really busy week practising for their Children in Need Assembly.  They have been selling raffle tickets and have made quite a lot of money.  The money is going to the Children in Need charity and it will help children to have better homes, lives, give them food and some things that will help them survive.  We have been learning about needs and wants in our class and even though we know that toys are wants, we wish that we could help children who don’t have toys to have some nice things to play with.


Next week, we are holding a bake sale and our children and adults raffles will be drawn.  Make sure to buy your raffle tickets to help us to raise even more money for Children in Need.

This post was written by the children of P3G and typed in by Mrs Millar.

Mrs Waugh, Mrs Mackie and Mrs Millar are so proud of all the boys and girls who managed, even when the microphone stopped working, to carry on and deliver a very special message.