It is also the P1 and P2/1 Assembly tomorrow at 9.15am. Hope to see lot’s of parents there!
Miss Akram and Mrs Mackie
(UNCRC article 24: I have the right to good quality health care, to 24 clean water and good food)
Category Archives: Primary 3
Building our early morning learning at Breakfast Club
Our Breakfast club children got off to an early start in “building their learning” this morning. There was huge excitement when they discovered a box of Lego in the cupboard and as soon as they had eaten their breakfast, they came over to start creating! Dot in the Kitchen very kindly donated some trays for them to use to keep the bits tidy on the tables. We are looking forward to seeing some lovely masterpieces from them.
Meanwhile, some of our other “early learners” worked to piece together cogs and to see how they worked together to make the different cogs spin. There was a lot great learning going on, well before the bell even rang. The best thing is that they were all having so much fun, they didn’t even realise how much learning was going on!
Another group of early morning explorers tackled Tangrams and either used the pieces to build their own pictures or decided to try to make the pictures shown on cards.
It is lovely to see our pupils eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and to see them safe and happy in the school environment, ready to go into their classes and learn. If your child has not yet come along to the breakfast club, please feel free to come along for a quick look or ask a member of staff for details. The more, the merrier!
Brick Club
I have just received training in LEGO based therapy and I am hoping to begin work soon with some groups of children in our school.
LEGO® based therapy is a social development programme based on the highly structured, systematic and predictable nature of LEGO play. Through LEGO therapy, children can learn to communicate with others, express their feelings, change their behaviour, develop problem-solving skills and develop a relationship with the world around them.
In order to get started, we will need to build up a bank of LEGO resources to enable us to work with the children. We would be very grateful if you could have a look for any LEGO or DUPLO in new or very good condition which you would be happy to donate to the school to help us. Loose LEGO would be great, as would any small, complete boxes of LEGO or DUPLO with instructions included, as instructions are required for some of the activities.
Thank you for your help and support.
Kind regards
Mrs Millar
Assembly dates 17 – 18
Below is a list of the class assemblies planned until Christmas. Please note that these dates maybe subject to change. All assemblies start at 9.15am in the school hall.
- 29th September – P1 and P2/1
- 6th October – P3/2
- 13th October – P6
- 27th October – P7
- 3rd November – p4
- 1st December – P7/6
- 8th December – P6 and P5
Calling all knitters!
Some of the children at Murrayfield are making good use of twiddle muffs in school. Twiddle muffs can help children, who need to fidget, to concentrate and focus on listening tasks.
- Do you like knitting or do you know someone who likes knitting?
- Do you have some balls of wool you could donate?
- Would you be interested in a parent/carer craft club at the school?
Please click on the link below for a pattern for Twiddle muffs.
Mrs Turnbull will be pleased to receive them any time.
Overdue update from P3G
Hello from P3G,
Here’s a little update about some of the learning that has been taking place and some of the new areas we will be working on this term.
Enterprise: Make it Grow
As part of our financial education, the classes have been challenged to design an enterprise project under the heading ‘Make it Grow.’ The challenge is to be able to make our starter loan of £10 grow into a profit. This week, P3G have been busy generating ideas for our project and will be carrying out further research regarding pricing, resourcing and purchasing items. We need to be able to get our project off the ground using this initial £10 only and are required to keep an ongoing financial record of our costings. What a great way to put all our learning about money into good use!!! We will keep you updated on the progress of our enterprise project.
Mathematics: Money
We have been continuing to learn about money and have been familiarising ourselves with coins from 1p – £2. We have been working with a range of coins and developing our knowledge of the symbols £ and p. We have also been investigating different combinations of coins and money equivalences, e.g. 2x 50p coins is equal to £1.
We are continuing to look at addition and subtraction strategies to help with calculating total costs and correct change required, from a given amount, in problem solving.
Remember, you can support your child by exploring coins at home together, e.g. look at their values, sort out different ways of making the same amounts, ordering from lowest to largest values etc.
Here are links for games that will help support you and your child at home:
- Select ‘Mixed Coins’
- Then select from the column that is headed ‘Exact Money’
- Start by selecting the ‘Up to 20p’ box. If your child appears confident with this, then they can challenge themselves and move onto the next box ‘Up to £1’
This link should take you straight to the correct game and level. Follow the instructions on the screen and work through the 20 examples together, helping your child to combine totals where necessary.
Mathematics Future Focus: Time
In the next couple of weeks, we will be learning about time and will have opportunities to make and read hours (o’clock) and half hours on a variety of clock faces. Although we will start by looking at analogue clock faces, we have noticed that some of the boys and girls are wearing lovely watches, lots of which are digital, so we will take the opportunity to look at this too!
Numeracy: Additional Support Parents Can Offer
Remember you can help and support your child‘s understanding of addition and subtraction processes by encouraging them to practice counting forwards and backwards from any given number, e.g. can you count backwards from 43, until I tell you to stop. It would also be helpful to work on ‘number before’ and ‘number after’ a given number, e.g. what is the number that comes before before 50.
Head Teacher Awards: For writing an excellent newspaper report, with great use of the success criteria.
Congratulations to:
Summer Brookes
Kirsty Jankowski
Hadia Javed
Tia Johnstone
Literacy: Writing
This term we will be using our imagination for creative writing and will be learning about writing beginnings, middle and endings. We will be using our knowledge of VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) to up-level and improve our writing. We have already started to look at this and have been using story strings to create interesting stories. Look out for our Big Talk homework which will help support us with this writing focus.
Look out for our future updates,
P3G : )
Update for p3T…
This week we have been learning more about the Romans. We have been making mosaics and learning about the Roman army. We learned about the uniform and the life of a Roman soldier. We also learned about different marching drills that the soldiers did in battle.
In number we have been learning to add within 100. We have been using a counting on strategy and a number line to help us. We also have been remembering our partitioning skills to add numbers to 100. We used our numicon to find the tens and units in numbers and then used this to help us to add.
In maths we have been learning about time and have been making and reading hours and half hours on clocks. We are now learning to read quarter past and quarter to on an analogue clock.
In science we have continued our work on forces and have explored pushing and pulling as well as discussing gravity.
In language, we have been learning some ordering and summarising skills and we will continue this in class. The children have chosen a Scot’s poem to recite and I can’t wait to hear them say their poems. This week has been very exciting as we have been able to use our sound mats and clicker 6 in spelling and we have nearly finished work on our p3 common words.
We have been writing newspaper articles and the children should look at newspaper stories with adults at home to help them with this. We have been learning about alliteration- using the same sounds at the beginning of words, the features of newspapers such as headlines, facts and opinions and opening and closing paragraphs.
Looking forward to next week.
Mrs Bowman and p3T
News from P3G
This week in writing the children were looking at features of a newspaper and how to write newspaper reports. Thank you to everyone for helping with your child’s Big Talk homework, it made a huge difference to the children’s understanding and readiness to write.
I was very impressed by the boys and girls’ ability to discuss their findings with each other, such as the content of a newspaper and the fact that the ‘really big/important stories’ are on the front page. In class we were identifying and labelling:
We have been looking closely at headlines and have been discussing the use of alliteration and wordplay to make them more interesting, funny etc. We noticed that articles reporting on more serious issues often had a catchy, hard-hitting headline.
We looked at what alliteration meant and will have a chance, in class next week, to create our own catchy headlines. We will be continuing with newspaper report writing for the next couple of weeks and are looking forward to being roving reporters (around the school!)
The children are welcome to bring in cuttings, from newspapers, of articles they have found interesting and we can add them to our big book planning sheets.
We have also been learning about the difference between fact and opinion and have been playing sorting games and creating our own statements to help develop our understanding of this. Sometimes we have found it quite tricky to write in the third person and not to write about our own experiences, thoughts and opinions but this is an area we will keep working on.
Look out for next week’s Big Talk homework.
Mrs Waugh
P3T and P3G Big Writing
Big Writing – Big Talk Homework
Hi Parents/ Carers,
This week for Big Writing we will be looking at different examples of newspaper articles and will be writing our own reports in class. Before we write our own, we will need to know more about this style of writing and identify the key features of newspaper reports. The Big Writing approach suggests sending home ‘Big Talk’ homework, the night before, to prepare (mentally) for what they will be writing about the next day. The advice is to find a quiet time to have a discussion about the writing topic/ style etc with your child as this will then give them a starting point of familiarity/ personal experience for their writing.
We have sent home a slip with The Big Talk focus, but have given pupils a couple of nights to try and fit this in before they have their writing sessions in school.
This week’s talk homework task is to talk to an adult/ older sibling about the different features of the newspaper reports (You may need to borrow a newspaper from a family member or friend.) Ask your child the following types of questions:
- Do you notice anything different from the way stories are presented?
- Look at newspapers and talk about how they differ from other types of writing such as, postcards, letters, poems etc?
- How are the paragraphs organised, is the layout of a newspaper report the same as a page in a fictional book?
- Have you noticed anything interesting about the type of language that is being used throughout the report?
We look forward to hearing the children’s contributions and key findings about newspaper report writing and will use their knowledge to help create our own checklists and success criteria for the writing that will take place in school.
Mrs Bowman, Mrs Mackie and Mrs Waugh (whoops nearly wrote Buchanan!)
This session we will be encouraging all children to stay as healthy as possible and to make the right healthy choices. We will be focusing on encouraging and promoting healthy eating across the school. Here is how you can help your child:
*eat breakfast – remember we have a Breakfast Club Monday to Friday from 8.15am. A Murrayfield breakfast includes toast with flora spread and/or jam, choice of low sugar cereal with milk, water or low sugar apple or orange fruit juice
*choose healthier snacks – fruit, low salt or sugar snacks, try to keep sweets and crisps to a minimum as these snacks tend to be low in nutrients and high calories
*drink water – we encourage all pupils to drink water during class time and have (non-fizzy) juice for lunch or morning break.
*grow your own – all classes have access to our school garden where a range of vegetables and fruits are grown. Maybe you could try to grow some of your own in pots at home
*eat together – we encourage all pupils to socialise with their peers during their lunch. Sitting eating a meal together is a great way of finding out about your child’s day
Please let us know if you have any tips on how to encourage children to make healthier food choices. Perhaps you have a great packed lunch idea or healthy snack suggestions. We would love to hear about your ideas.