Category Archives: Primary 1

Cinema Trip

A few parents have asked about snack for the cinema trip on Thursday. I would suggest just giving what you would normally just give for snack in school.  Something that is easy to open and not in a plastic tub which could accidentally be left behind.  Also, too much snack and they might be ill on the bus journey back!  :o)

Lots of learning in P1

As always, it has been a busy week in P1 with lots of learning going on.

This week in Literacy we have learned the ‘b’ and the ‘h’ sounds.  We have been taking part in lots of activities to help us recognise, say, read and write the sounds.  We have even been blending them with other sounds to read words.

We wrote invites to our grown ups asking them to come along to our nativity ‘The Sleepy Shepherd’ on Wednesday 12th December.  We have been working hard on learning our nativity songs and would love to share them with you. Tickets will be on sale soon from the school office (we even designed the tickets – how talented are we?).

In Numeracy this week we have been revising missing numbers on number lines  as well as developing our skills in  counting and addition.


We also learned about firework safety and the things we can do to keep ourselves and others safe while having fun.  We designed posters to help others learn the firework safety code.  We each chose a rule and then had to draw a picture which gave a clear message of how to stay safe.

Afterwards, we wrote an acrostic poem together then we painted firework pictures without using paintbrushes or even our hands!

We also learned about the Hindu festival of Diwali and how millions of people celebrate it.  We listened to a Diwali story about Rama and Sita and even made our own Diwali lamps.

We are looking forward to lots more learning next week.  Have a good weekend!


Dyslexia Awareness Week

Did you know that 1 in 10 people are dyslexic?

Dyslexia ranges from mild to severe. 1 person in 10 is dyslexic and of those, 1 in 4 has severe dyslexia. It often runs in the family.

Dyslexia can affect reading, writing and spelling. 

If you have dyslexia you may –

  • Have difficulty matching sounds to letter combinations
  • Be confused by similar looking / sounding letters (for example p, b and d)
  • Have difficulty remembering common letter patterns in spelling
  • BUT
  • You may be able to cope well verbally – talking may be a strength.

Dyslexia can also affect:

  • short term memory
  • ability to follow directions or instructions
  • organisational skills

Everyone is different and dyslexia affects people in different ways.  Not everyone with dyslexia will experience the same things.

Dyslexia is not a sign of low intelligence.  Some of the most successful business people are dyslexic.


The process of identification of dyslexia involves the child, the class teacher, the parents and the Support for learning teacher. A profile of strengths and needs is developed. Targeted intervention and strategies are put in place, assessments carried out and an identification can be made dependent on progress made and the continuing needs of the child.

Log on to to find out more about dyslexia

or if you are between 8 and 18, log on to



Safer Internet Day 2019

Safer Internet Day 2019 will be celebrated globally on Tuesday 5th February with the slogan: ‘Together for a better Internet’.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved and join a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

The day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role we all play in helping to create a better and safer online community. It calls upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers, and wider, to join together and help to create a better internet.

Each year for Safer Internet Day the UK Safer Internet Centre creates a range of resources to help educational settings and wider to celebrate the day. This includes:

  • Lessons plans, assemblies and films tailor made for all ages
  • Resources to support social media involvement on Safer Internet Day
  • Registration as a Safer Internet Day Supporter
  • National research looking at young people’s use of technology

The UK Safer Internet Centre invites everyone to join Safer Internet Day supporters across the globe to help create a better internet on Tuesday 5th February 2019, and throughout the whole year!

UK Safer Internet Centre

The UK Safer Internet Centre is a partnership of three leading charities – Childnet International, the Internet Watch Foundation and South West Grid for Learning, (SWGfL) – with a shared mission to make the internet a better place for children and young people.

The partnership was appointed by the European Commission as the Safer Internet Centre for the UK in January 2011 and is one of the 31 Safer Internet Centres of the Insafe network.

The UK Safer Internet Centre delivers a wide range of activity to promote the safe and responsible use of technology by children and young people:

  • coordinates Safer Internet Day in the UK, reaching millions every year. In 2018 Safer Internet Day reached 45 of young people and 30% of parents in the UK.
  • founded and operates an online safety helpline for professionals working with children in the UK, including teachers, police officers, GPs and more
  • operates the UK’s hotline for reporting online child sexual abuse imagery
  • develops new advice and educational resources for children, parents and carers and teachers to meet emerging trends in the fast-changing online environment
  • delivers education sessions for children, parents, carers, teachers and the wider children’s workforce, including free events across the UK
  • trains children and young people to be peer educators and champions for the safe and positive use of technology
  • shapes policy at school, industry and government level, both in the UK and internationally, and facilitates youth panels to give young people a voice on these issues.

For more information visit and the websites of the partners: Childnet, the Internet Watch Foundation and SWGfL.

Murrayfield Primary School Website launched

Murrayfield Primary School, Catherine Terrace, Blackburn – School Website

At Parents Evening, we showed you our Murrayfield website and promised that we would share the link with you.

Here it is!

As always, please feel free to share any feedback.  We hope you find it helpful.

A busy week in P1

We can’t believe how quickly the time is passing in P1.  It must be because we are always so busy!

This week we went along to the French cafe in P5 with Mrs Craig.  We tried lots of different French food.  Some we loved but others we weren’t too sure about!



We have also been working hard on our literacy skills and have been sliding the sounds we can heard together to make words.  We had to listen carefully and decide whether the sounds came at the start, the middle or the end of the word.We have also been playing games which help us to recognise and remember the different sounds we have been learning.

In numeracy we have been working on recognising and using numbers 7,8,9 and 10 .  We looked for the numbers within a mix of lots of different numbers, did lots of counting to 10 and back to 0 again, made the numerals from play-doh and wrote the numbers. We even made number 8 spiders because a spider has 8 legs!

Next week we will be looking for evidence that Autumn has arrived, finding out about our sense of touch and revising all of our sounds and numbers that we have been learning about.

School trip to Cran Gevrier

Last weekend, Mrs Millar, Mrs Craig and Miss Gall went for a whistlestop trip to Cran Gevrier, near Annecy in France as part of a visit organised by the Bathgate/Cran Gevrier Twinning Committee, to develop twinning relationships between Bathgate Cluster feeder schools and schools in Cran Gevrier.

We were delighted by the response from our teaching colleagues in Cran Geverier, who came to meet us to talk about how to support our pupils’ learning.  After eating a delicious lunch rhey spent the afternoon with  us, showing us some of the beautiful sights in and around Cran Gevrier and Annecy.  We were then treated to another delicious, traditional meal of “Croziflette” and “jambon cru”, courtesy of the chairperson of the Twinning Committee.  It was a really wonderful weekend and we are all looking forward to sharing our memories with our children at Murrayfield and helping them to learn more about our French neighbours.



Plan, Play and Review in P1

Today in Plan, Play and Review we have been very busy  trying out our new activities.  Our choices this week are:

Loose parts play with pasta shapes – what pictures can you make?

Build a road for a car to travel down or a path for a person to walk along.

Playing a game about our emotions.

Using our sense of taste and investigating different tastes.  What one tasted sour?

Painting our faces (don’t worry not our real faces) to show our emotions.  Ask us about the different colours we used for our emotions?

P1 Photos

Just a reminder that West Lothian Courier will be in school tomorrow morning to take photos of our new Primary 1 pupils.  Don’t forget to brush their hair and send them in with a smile!  We will try our hardest to keep them as pristine as possible for the photos.