Category Archives: Primary 1

Get caught reading! Whole school challenge


Today at Assembly a whole school challenge was issued.

Will you ‘Get caught reading‘?

Just email a picture of yourself reading to the school at

For the subject write : Your name caught reading!

What unusual place can you Get caught reading?

  • up a tree?
  • in a den?
  • on the beach?
  • in the park?

we’re looking for lots of creative places…

Photos will be displayed and prizes will be given out during

Book Week Scotland (21st-25th November)


P1W 7.10.16

Another busy week in P1W!

A thank you to all the parents who came along to our first parent’s night!



  • we have now been introduced to all of set 1 sounds (m, c, k, s, p , a, t, i, n)
  • we have been listening for these sounds at the start and end of words.
  • we have been learning to write these sounds (even in the shaving foam)


  • we have been practising finger patterns for numbers to 10 and different ways we can show 10.
  • we have been counting on and back within 20.
  • we have been counting and writing numbers to 5.


We also enjoyed talking about our favourite tv programmes and drawing them onto our tv’s. We done a super job with our drawing and colouring so Mrs Wedlock put them on the wall.

What we have enjoyed this week in P1S

Jaxon – ‘I have enjoyed Golden Time and playing with the cars.’

Katie – ‘I liked working and using the numbers.’

Lucy – ‘I liked drawing the number 3.’

Deron – ‘I learned to count items and write the numbers.’

Sophie T – ‘I liked using the scarves to look for the start and end sounds of words.’

Lily – ‘I enjoyed learning about n, c, s and a.’


Have a great weekend 🙂

This Week in P1S

Another busy week in Primary 1. We have been learning more sounds – a and t. We have been listening for the start sound of a word and even tried to identify the end sound.

We were counting out objects and then finding the numeral to match.

We also discussed the same and different. We looked at each other and talked about what made us the same and what made us different. Then we searched the classroom for items that were the same and items that were different.


Rookie Rockstars

Here are some lovely photos of our Rookie Rockstars taken from backstage at Thursday night’s concert. Apologies if we did not manage to get a photo of your child. They were so excited that it was hard to pin them down for more than a few seconds at a time!

What a terrific night and thank you to all of our Rookie Rockstars. You were amazing!

If you click on the photos, you should be able to scroll through them and see the full picture.

[gallery columns=”4″ ids=”7096,7097,7098,7099,7100,7101,7102,7103,7104,7105,7106,7107,7108,7109,7110,7111,7112,7113,7114,7115,7116,7117,7118,7119,7120,7121,7122,7123,7124,7125,7126,7127,7128,7129,7130

P1W 23.09.16

We have been very busy in class this week learning lots of new things.

We have been introduced to our Learning Ladybird (he tells us what we are learning) and our Successful Spider (he tells us what to do in order to be successful). They are used throughout the day to help the children understand what they are learning and how they are going to achieve it.


  • We have been counting on and back within 20.
  • We have been using numicon to make number sandwiches.
  • We have been learning about numbers 1-4. We have been trying to write them in the sand, on whiteboards and tracing them on our hands and tummy.
  • Ask us about penguin 1, ticklish 2, butterfly 3 and feathery 4, they have been helping us draw and count items to 4.


  • We have learned the sounds m, c, s, p and a.
  • We have been gluing and stciking coloured collage to help us remembe the colour of each sound.
  • We have been practising to write the sound on big paper using coloured pens, pencils and crayons.
  • We have been learning songs to go with each sound, Mrs Wedlock liked the song for ‘a’…….she might’ve played it about 100 times!!! But the wee ants were too cute 🙂


  • We have been learning to draw a story, we have to include WHO is in our story, WHERE we were and WHAT we were doing.
  • Next weeks story will be – I went to a party………
  • At home can you spend some time talking to your child about a time that they have been to party to help them gather some ideas for their drawing/writing this week.

We love snack and a chat time in class. Here is a picture of some us doing what we love best……CHATTING!!

snac-and-chat-2 snack-and-chat

P1S are Rockstars

We are all very tired this week after becoming rockstars in the afternoons. Rookie Rockstars came in and we learned songs about Bullying and being good friends. We liked using the air guitars and drums and being amazing Rockstars.

El Nombre (puppet) came to visit our class to help us with our numbers. He has been helping us write super 3s and 4s.

We also discussed who we live with at home before drawing a picture in our writing jotters. We learned lots about our families and our pictures were fantastic.

Here is our completed class charter.



Have a lovely September weekend 🙂


Wow what a busy few weeks we have had since school started.

We have been very busy settling into the new routine of school. Our P7 buddies have been extremely good at helping us learn the routines of getting ready in the morning and packing up at the end of the day.  They even joined us for lunch on our first day to help us in the dinner hall.

In class we have been talking about what rules we should have to help us have a happy and safe classroom.  We all made rockets to go up on our Rights Respecting Rockets display.  This is where are class charter is and helps remind us of the expectations.

We have been learning some sounds and have enjoyed playing games to help us rmember them. We have played ‘m/c’ bingo, smartboard sorting games and gluing and sticking for the sound m.  Next week we will be learning about ‘s and p’.

In numeracy we have been practising to count forwards and backwards and have been exploring and investigating the maths area in the classroom.  We enjoyed playing with the marbles and numbered cups and the really tricky maths puzzles.

We have been practising to write numbers 1 and 2 and our sounds m and c.

This week we have been painting portraits of each other to help us get to know everyone in the class.  We had to pay attention to facial detail and use appropriate colours.  Mrs Wedlock is going to put our portaits up on display outside our classroom.

Thank you to all parents for remembering to return homework on time, I’m really looking forward to looking at everyone’s work to see how hard youve all been working at home.

For information –

  • OUTDOOR P.E is on a Monday with Mrs McGlynn
  • INDOOR P.E is on a Wednesday with Mrs Wedlock.
  • Please name ALL items of clothing, this helps prevent items from going missing/unclaimed.

P1S News

We have had another busy week in P1S this week.

We have been sorting pictures on the smart board and deciding if they start with the ‘m’ sound or the ‘c’ sound. We have also been using the coloured cubes to identify the start sounds of words.

We have also discussed classroom rules and why they are important and decided on our own classroom rules. Look out for a picture of our class charter coming very soon.

This week we painted portraits of each other, focusing on facial detail. It was great fun and quite messy.

Have a great weekend.

Our First Full Week in Primary 1

P1S have had a busy and tiring first full week in school. We are enjoying going for our school lunch and think the school dinners are delicious.

In Literacy we have been learning about ‘m’ and ‘c’. We have learned how to make the correct sound and where the sounds are made in our mouths. We even got a torch to look in to the back of our mouths to see where ‘c’ is made. We have been using playdoh to make the letters and using the correct colour of pens and pencils to try and write the letters.

In Numeracy we have been working on finger patterns to show different values.We have also been counting to and from 10 using our fingers to help us. We have learned about the numbers 1 and 2 and have been counting objects.

We have been talking about our families and have drew a picture of who we live with.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂