Category Archives: Primary 1



This session we will be encouraging all children to stay as healthy as possible and to make the right healthy choices.  We will be focusing on encouraging and promoting healthy eating across the school.  Here is how you can help your child:

*eat breakfast – remember we have a Breakfast Club Monday to Friday from 8.15am.  A Murrayfield breakfast includes toast with flora spread and/or jam, choice of low sugar cereal with milk, water or low sugar apple or orange fruit juice

*choose healthier snacks – fruit, low salt or sugar snacks, try to keep sweets and crisps to a minimum as these snacks tend to be low in nutrients and high calories

*drink water – we encourage all pupils to drink water during class time and have (non-fizzy) juice for lunch or morning break.

*grow your own – all classes have access to our school garden where a range of vegetables and fruits are grown.  Maybe you could try to grow some of your own in pots at home

*eat together – we encourage all pupils to socialise with their peers during their lunch.  Sitting eating a meal together is a great way of finding out about your child’s day

Please let us know if you have any tips on how to encourage children to make healthier food choices.  Perhaps you have a great packed lunch idea or healthy snack suggestions.  We would love to hear about your ideas.



In the unlikely event of school closure, learning will continue through our school Glow Blog.  Let us know you have found our blog by sending us a comment.  You can add a comment (include your name) to this post and we will know you are accessing our Glow Blog.  Don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have any difficulties.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

P1S update

This week has been a busy one in P1S. The children have been practicing for their nativity performance on the stage in readiness for next week. They have also been learning about the seasons in mathematics and have been continuing to learn about woodland animals with the Percy the Park Keeper topic. This week they have been learning a traditional dance for their Christmas party. A letter about the party will go out tomorrow. This week the children have been building and decorating the class Christmas tree which was great fun.

Get Caught Reading! challenge @ Murrayfield PS for Book Week Scotland

Congratulations to everyone who entered our Get Caught Reading! challenge. The pictures are displayed on our Get caught Reading! display and on the LCD.

Our pupils and staff were caught reading on trampolines, broomsticks, ponies, sun loungers and even at the swimming pool!

Prizes and certificates were awarded at today’s assembly to Lyle, Carra, Eryn, Zoe, Jaxon, Kirstin and Melanie.

20161104_140417-1 carra-berry dsc00355 eryn-potter jaxon-hay kirsten untitledlyle-strachan melanie-clark mrs-cordner mrs-mcglynns-cat mrs-t ms-macrae rhida

P1W 25.11.16

What a busy, busy few weeks we’ve had in P1.

Practice has started for our Nativity performance.  This year our Nativity is The Innkeepers Breakfast.  The Innkeeper is trying really hard to have his breakfast but he keeps on getting interupted!!! We have been learning the songs and next week we are going to start practising our lines on stage. We hope you cna make it along to see our performance!

In Numeracy we have been:

  • learning to count on from a given number
  • learning to write numbers 6-10
  • sequence numbers 0-10 backwards and forwards
  • adding 1 more/2 more
  • identifying the number before/after/in the middle number

Some of us have been challenging oursleves and making bigger numbers with the numicons.  Do you know if you start with a 10 and add on another numicon you can make big numbers??

In Literacy we are going to be starting to write about the Christmas Story.  You can chat to your child about the Story of Christmas at home to help with this. We are familiar with some of the story through our Nativity practice.


Share our Learning!! Have you signed up to come along and see your child’s work? Please come along on the 1st December to chat to your child about their learning.  Ask at the office for more detials.

18.11.16 P1S

This week in primary 1S we have been learning…

  • We were learning about things we do in the daytime and night time
  • We have been practicing our songs for the nativity play
  • We have been making different numbers within 10
  • In the gym hall we played some different catching games like cat and mouse and tunnel tig.
  • We learnt about the letter b and played some letter games.

P1S News

We have had a lovely week this week and we shared what we did during the October Week. We even drew pictures of what we did and who we were with. We then tried to write the sounds that we could hear.

In Maths we have been learning about the numbers 6 and 7. El Nombre visited again and this time he brought along Little Juan. Little Juan and El Nombre helped us write super 6s and 7s. We even did some careful counting.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂