Category Archives: Primary 1

Building our early morning learning at Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast club children got off to an early start in “building their learning” this morning.  There was huge excitement when they discovered a box of Lego in the cupboard and as soon as they had eaten their breakfast, they came over to start creating!  Dot in the Kitchen very kindly donated some trays for them to use to keep the bits tidy on the tables.  We are looking forward to seeing some lovely masterpieces from them.

Meanwhile, some of our other “early learners” worked to piece together cogs and to see how they worked together to make the different cogs spin.  There was a lot great learning going on, well before the bell even rang.  The best thing is that they were all having so much fun, they didn’t even realise how much learning was going on!

Another group of early morning explorers tackled Tangrams and either used the pieces to build their own pictures or decided to try to make the pictures shown on cards.

It is lovely to see our pupils eat a healthy breakfast in the morning and to see them safe and happy in the school environment, ready to go into their classes and learn.  If your child has not yet come along to the breakfast club, please feel free to come along for a quick look or ask a member of staff for details.  The more, the merrier!

Brick Club

I have just received training in LEGO based therapy and I am hoping to begin work soon with some groups of children in our school.

LEGO® based therapy is a social development programme based on the highly structured, systematic and predictable nature of LEGO play.  Through LEGO therapy, children can learn to communicate with others, express their feelings, change their behaviour, develop problem-solving skills and develop a relationship with the world around them.

In order to get started, we will need to build up a bank of LEGO resources to enable us to work with the children.  We would be very grateful if you could have a look for any LEGO or DUPLO in new or very good condition which you would be happy to donate to the school to help us.  Loose LEGO would be great, as would any small, complete boxes of LEGO or DUPLO with instructions included, as instructions are required for some of the activities.

Thank you for your help and support.

Kind regards

Mrs Millar


Assembly dates 17 – 18

Below is a list of the class assemblies planned until Christmas. Please note that these dates maybe subject to change. All assemblies start at 9.15am in the school hall.

  • 29th September – P1 and P2/1
  • 6th October – P3/2
  • 13th October – P6
  • 27th October – P7
  • 3rd November – p4
  • 1st December – P7/6
  • 8th December – P6 and P5

What’s been happening in P1?!



We have had a very busy week! 🙂

The Gruffalo came to visit us! He set us a challenge…… We had to measure his footprint to see if his foot was bigger than ours!! – Lucas  W

We were learning the sound “s” and “p” this week – Keira

Last week we did “m” and “c” – Aaron S

We have been learning the numbers 0-5 – Aaron R

We had to draw the Gruffalo and write about him – Fraya

The boys and girls of P1 have been super busy being great learners and listeners with lots of Dojo points that we have to set the Dojo point chart higher! 🙂

We go outside to do our daily mile every day even if its raining! So if pupils could bring a suitable jacket/coat to school, thank you.
Just a reminder our P.E. days are Monday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Also a quick note to remind you of what is required in your child’s P.E. kit. These items can be kept in the same bag and stored in the class room. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly written on all items of clothing. This will cover both indoor and outdoor P.E. –



Track suit bottoms

Warm hoodie

Outdoor trainers

Have a lovely weekend from P1 and Miss Akram 🙂

(Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go to school to the highest level you can.
Article 13 – You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others, by talking, drawing, writing or in any other way unless it harms or offends other people.)

Calling all knitters!

Some of the children at Murrayfield are making good use of twiddle muffs in school. Twiddle muffs can help children, who need to fidget, to concentrate and focus on listening tasks.

  • Do you like knitting or do you know someone who likes knitting?
  • Do you have some balls of wool you could donate?
  • Would you be interested in a parent/carer craft club at the school?

Please click on the link below for a pattern for Twiddle muffs.

Mrs Turnbull will be pleased to receive them any time.

P2/1 PE kit help!!!

Good morning mums and dads. I have been checking all PE kits to ensure that our class have the correct clothing for indoor and outdoor PE sessions. Most of our class have full PE kits but some have only partial kits and some don’t have any at all! Can you please ensure that your child has the following: shorts/t-shirt for indoor PE (they should already have indoor shoes in school) and for outdoor: jogging bottoms/long sleeved top/water proof jacket and outdoor shoes (trainers).
Thanks for your help in this matter. :o)

Update from P2/1 Superheroes!

This week we have been learning;

We have been learning about sharing in 2s, 3s, and sharing fairly – Miryn

We have been writing about an apple tree – Logan

We made Dandelions with paint – Scott

We were writing about a rainy day – Lewis

We planted our own Butterbeans – Cody-Leigh

We had ours sports day flat races – Amber

P2 red group were learning how to do chimney sums – Melanie

Have a lovely weekend from P2/1, Miss Walker and Miss Akram! 🙂




Update from the superheroes of P2/1

W have had a SUPER week in P2/1.  This is just some of the things we have been learning this week;

  • We learned how seeds grow  – Cody-leigh
  • We made our own flowers in art and had to label all the parts of the flower independently – Peter
  • We planted our own flowers – Alivia
  • We planted butter beans in our own little cups – Alex
  • We made our own greenhouses and planted seeds in them – Macaulay and Melanie
  • Our butter beans have already started to open – Amber
  • We have been practising our sounds and learning to spell words – Lewis
  • P2s have been practising their handwriting – Melanie
  • We have been looking at weight, size (lengths) and volume – Scott

Have a lovely weekend from P2/1, Miss Walker and Miss Akram 🙂

P2/1 News

This week we have been learning;

  • We have been learning the life cycle of the butterfly – Lewis
  • We made leaflets on livings things like; flowers, spiders, ladybirds and butterflies – Peter
  • We had to read about fidget spinners and answer questions on them (P2) – Amber
  • We have learning about subtraction – Cody-Leigh
  • We learned what the word endangered meant – Miryn
  • We had words of the day this week that we had to use in a sentence; magnificent, explain and generous – Aiva, Cody-Leigh and Miryn
  • We have been looking at tens and unit again to do big number addition sums – Amber
  • We were looking at the letter A – Oliver
  • We have been learning about the number 8 – Oliver
  • In early intervention we were doing a spelling test – Melanie

Have a lovely weekend from P2/1, Miss Walker and Miss Akram! 🙂 Let’s hope Mr Sun stays out for us! 😀

Update from P2/1 Superheroes

This week we have been learning;

  • about things that are alive and not alive – Miryn
  • we went out to the playground to look for things that are a live and found a ladybird – Cody-Leigh
  • We all had a turn to hold the ladybird and I counted it’s spots – Amber
  • we made seagulls with the boys and girls from the nursery – Charlie
  • We learned about acrostic poems and we chose things that are a live to write them about like; trees, flower, ladybird, plant and spider – Melanie
  • We started learning about take away – Miryn
  • we had lots of fun dancing today at the Dance-a-thon – Kian
  • Have a look at all the hard work we have been doing below! Have a lovely weekend from P2 and Miss Akram 🙂