Category Archives: Primary 1

What’s been happening in P2/1?

This week, as well as doing lots of numeracy and literacy work, we went to the library.  We listened to a story.  It was called ‘The Huge Bag of Worries’.  We got to look at the different books in the library that were for our age group.

After the library we went on an autumn walk and looked at the different colours we could see.  We collected little bits of leaves to make an autumn palette.

We wrote stories about autumn and compared the colours of autumn to the things we could see growing in the school garden.  Ask us about what we saw and what their colours were.

Here are some of the other things we have enjoyed this week:

Jay – I loved going to the library and reading the books.

Kayleigh – I liked collecting the autumn leaves and making colours of autumn.

Rhys – I liked Golden Time this week and playing with the cars.

Kerryn – I liked going to the hall at parents’ night and seeing all the different things.

Cooper- I liked playing in the playground with my friends.

Blake – I have liked playing outside.

David – I liked visiting the library with my class.

Lucy – I like doing all of my work.

Skyla – I enjoy doing hard work in the classroom.

Calvin – I liked going for an Autumn walk with my class.

Riley – I liked doing my numbers.  I know that 6 comes after 5.

Tyler – I enjoyed doing my writing and looking for the colours of autumn.

Viktoria – I really liked the P6 assembly.

Alex – I liked playing in the doll house.

Adam – I like my writing this week.

Mackenzie – I liked building in the construction area.

Ruby – I liked going to the book fair and getting a book.

Ally –  I liked going to the book library.

Oliver – I like playing with the stickle bricks.

Kian – I enjoyed visiting the book fair where I got my Spider-man book.

P7 Pupil Consultation, Friday 6th October 2017, West Lothian Civic Centre

We were proud to have two of our Primary 7 House Captains, Lara Findlay and Aarin Higgins represent us at the P7 Pupil Consultation on Friday 6th October 2017 at  West Lothian’s Civic Centre.  There, they met with other P7 pupils from selected Primary Schools across the Authority to give their views on the quality of the education they receive.  Following the Consultation, they were given a quick tour of the Council Chambers.  What a terrific experience!

What has been happening in the P1 “family” this week…….

This week we were very busy bees learning but also practicing for our first ever assembly!

So in amongst our assembly rehearsals we managed to do lot’s of learning.  In literacy we were looking at the sounds “i” and “n”.  We could discuss everyday objects around us beginning with the sounds “i” and “n”, we practiced forming the letters and revised our “m” and “c” sounds  to make sure we can still recognise these initial sounds.  We also looked at our first reading books and really enjoyed describing what these wordless stories were about by looking at the pictures and the character’s faces to talk about emotions as well.

We spent time this week to practice writing our names.

P1 especially enjoy our number song as they get to excercise and count at the same time (see our photo below :)).  They are all really enjoying number recognition and formation in P1, more than before as we have introduced a “stick or swap” concept where children are given the choice which play “station” they would like to play in to explore numbers.  We had lot’s of fun playing and exploring numbers 7, 8 and 9 this week! 8 was the trickiest and we had lot’s of voices saying “I can’t do it….YET.  I’ll try but”.  We have a strong growth mindset ethos in our school which has been embedded in to our lovely boys and girls of P1 already.  The ethos is that they should never give up and to always try their best! With practice comes success  🙂

I’m sure you would agree that the children did a TREMENDOUS job with their first ever assembly! Super proud! 🙂 Lot’s of Dojo points were given to them all and a little suprise awaits them on Monday 🙂  Thank you for also taking part in donating towards our cause, Macmillan Cancer Research,  I will update everyone on how much we raised next week.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Akram 🙂

(UNCRC – article 28:  I have the right to an education
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment)

What a busy week!

We have had such a busy week in P2/1 with lots of rehearsals going on for our assembly and lots of other learning too!

Here are some of the things that we have enjoyed this week:

I loved doing the assembly. – Cooper

I liked playing all of our number games. – Rhys

I liked saying my words at the assembly. – Riley

I enjoyed writing my number 8 and 9. – Kayleigh

I liked going to the dinner hall to eat my lunch! -Ruby

I really liked  doing work with my mummy and daddy (Families Connect). – Brooke

I liked playing outside in the playground this week . – Oliver

I liked doing my work in numeracy and I liked reading. – Skyla

I liked doing the assembly in front of all the grown ups. – Kerryn

I liked playing games in the gym hall. – Harris

I liked finding all of the number 9s in my numeracy activity. – Kian

I loved the assembly.  I liked getting up to say my words. – Aaron

Numeracy was my favourite this week.  I liked writing my numbers. – Lucy

I like playing and I liked getting my Head Teacher’s Award. – Ally

I liked all of school this week.  – Calvin

A HUGE well done to all the girls and boys for your assembly this morning.  You were all stars!

We will be starting our new topic about Autumn next week. If you are out and about have a look for signs that Summer has left (was it even here?!) and that Autumn is well on its way!

Have a good weekend! :o)

Breakfast Club – Rise and Shine

Good morning Blackburn!

We don’t let the grass grow under our feet in the mornings here at Murrayfield.  Children love joining in with our Wednesday “Wake up, Shake up” classes because they are great fun.  Why don’t you come along to Breakfast Club and join in the fun if you are in P1 – P7? ( Sorry parents – if you are interested we can see if we can arrange a session for you to join in too!)

Breakfast club gets us off to a fantastic start every morning.  It’s free to all pupils and we love to welcome newcomers.  Doors open at 8.15am.

Update from the P1 “family!”

Firstly the boys and girls in P1 have been saying how they “love this family” as they refer to the class and all the pupils. As a teacher this is lovely to hear from our little people that they see the class as a family 🙂

Secondly we have been such busy bees in Primary 1 that we haven’t updated our blog together for the past 2 weeks! Apologises! So a little update from myself on how P1 have been getting on.

We have nearly completed our set 1 sounds, we know our sounds; m,c,s,p,t and a.  We even gave blending our sounds a shot one day and reading 3 letter words!  The children tried reading the words man,mat,cat and map as a class.  They were all amazed at how learning their sounds will help them read :).  We are on to our sound i this week with the introduction of their first words ‘a’ and ‘the’ soon too!

We are doing an amazing job with our number recognition and formation and will be working on numbers 7,8,9 and 10 this week.

Our topic focus has been on “helping” and how we can help others.  The children have enjoyed listening to the story of The Good Samaritan and were able to draw parts from the story.  They have been able to discuss why helping others is good and helping others is sometimes called charity.  To hear more about their learning on this topic please come along to our joint assembly with  P2/1 on Friday the 29th of September.  The assembly begins at 9.15am, however, please allow yourself plenty of time to arrive and be seated as we are expecting this to be a busy assembly.

Hope to see you there! 🙂  Have a great weekend.

Miss Akram

(UNCRC – article 28:  I have the right to an education
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment                                                                         article 24: I have the right to good quality health care, to 24 clean water and good food)