What has been happening in the P1 “family” this week…….

This week we were very busy bees learning but also practicing for our first ever assembly!

So in amongst our assembly rehearsals we managed to do lot’s of learning.  In literacy we were looking at the sounds “i” and “n”.  We could discuss everyday objects around us beginning with the sounds “i” and “n”, we practiced forming the letters and revised our “m” and “c” sounds  to make sure we can still recognise these initial sounds.  We also looked at our first reading books and really enjoyed describing what these wordless stories were about by looking at the pictures and the character’s faces to talk about emotions as well.

We spent time this week to practice writing our names.

P1 especially enjoy our number song as they get to excercise and count at the same time (see our photo below :)).  They are all really enjoying number recognition and formation in P1, more than before as we have introduced a “stick or swap” concept where children are given the choice which play “station” they would like to play in to explore numbers.  We had lot’s of fun playing and exploring numbers 7, 8 and 9 this week! 8 was the trickiest and we had lot’s of voices saying “I can’t do it….YET.  I’ll try but”.  We have a strong growth mindset ethos in our school which has been embedded in to our lovely boys and girls of P1 already.  The ethos is that they should never give up and to always try their best! With practice comes success  🙂

I’m sure you would agree that the children did a TREMENDOUS job with their first ever assembly! Super proud! 🙂 Lot’s of Dojo points were given to them all and a little suprise awaits them on Monday 🙂  Thank you for also taking part in donating towards our cause, Macmillan Cancer Research,  I will update everyone on how much we raised next week.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Akram 🙂

(UNCRC – article 28:  I have the right to an education
article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment)

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