Category Archives: Nursery

Murrayfield Nursery Class

It has been another busy week in the nursery with the children enjoying the Scottish theme. We have been practising songs for the assemblies that are coming up with the songs “3 Craws” and “Ye Cannae Shove your granny off a bus”. This week at group time the children investigated ice with the problem of a lego man trapped in a block of ice. The children had to come up with how to get the lego man out. This was a great chance to explore freezing and melting with the children. Next time you are in the nursery look out for the Scottish hills and hill walkers that the children have created.

This terms Nursery newsletter is attached here     Murrayfield Nursery Class Newsletter

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Murrayfield Nursery Class

The nursery team were excited to welcome the children back after their holidays. The areas in the nursery had been moved around and the children had fun during the first day exploring the new opportunities for play. As usual the building bricks proved very popular with a lot of construction and boat building going on as well as the house corner with some cooking and washing up taking place. In the afternoon some of the children helped to prepare snack and demonstrated great skill when spreading the margarine on the crackers.  This coming week the focus will continue to be on Winter and developing independence but the writing area will become a post office as the children in both sessions have shown an interest in writing and making letters.

This week in Nursery

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We were very lucky to have new toys and resources delivered in to the nursery this week.  The new blocks and water tray has significantly enhanced children’s cooperative skills.  The children have played so well together and have become more responsible and respecting of their toys.

We also started our 2 week focus topic of Winter.  Children have been able to describe the change of weather and some were even able to talk about hibernation.

The week ahead is going to be a busy but yet another fun filled week for the children.  We have Moustale puppets performing on Tuesday, which we are all looking forward to!

Children have been busy creating crafts for the Christmas Fair, which is on Wednesday 2nd December from 6-8pm, please try to attend as each child has created a personalised calendar.

Up up and away!

Last week the focus was chosen by the nursery boys and girls.  The majority of children wanted to learn about helicopters and aeroplanes, so we decided to focus on Air transport.  Children really enjoyed making their own hot air balloons, pretending to be aeroplanes and learning all about the different purposes of helicopters.

The christmas treat has been confirmed as a UV puppet show and permission forms have been distributed.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Nursery team!

Looking forward to all the fun this week brings! Children have already had so much fun today with all the new toys that have been delivered in to the nursery (Pictures to follow this week!) :).


Look at all the fun we have had in Nursery so far!

The children have had so much fun in our first term at Nursery.  They have had lot’s of visitors come in such as;  the ‘Traditional Tunes for Tiny People’ music Workshop,  NHS dental nurses to teach them how to brush their teeth, a farmer and a policeman; to coincide with our topics.  We have also been busy re-developing our Nursery back garden, creating a water and music wall.  The following pictures are of the children having lots of fun at nursery in their first term.  IMG_0238 IMG_0250IMG_0220 IMG_0641 IMG_0696 IMG_0727 IMG_0755 IMG_0658 IMG_0678 IMG_0955 IMG_0808 IMG_0992 IMG_0847 IMG_0988

I hope to update the blog on a weekly basis so you can see all the learning and fun your child has at nursery! 🙂 Keep checking for these updates.

Miss Akram

Online Journals

We are LIVE!

The online journals are now accessible for parents and carers.  Please check your emails for a username and link to access your child’s online journal. The nursery team have been working hard to establish each child’s online profile and intend to build on them with continous quality observations throughout the year. We hope you enjoy finding out about the learning experiences and progress your child has during their time at nursery.  The nursery team would greatly appreciate parents and carers recording comments alongside the observations.