Category Archives: Language Centre

Language Centre Diary Dates

ELECTIONS The Language Centre will be closed on Thursday 5th May and Thursday 23rd June due to Government Elections. The school will be used a polling station on both occasions.


The P3 children will begin the  transition process on the 18th April 2016. After that date they will attend their main stream class all day on a Thursday. They will attend the language centre on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as usual.

Language Centre Excursion

Welcome back everyone. This is going to be a very busy term!

On Wednesday 13th April 2016 the children in the primary classes will be visiting the Almond Valley Heritage Trust- Mill Farm. When we are there the children will be learning;

  • The names of farm animals and their young,
  • The names of farm buildings.
  • The names of the tools and equipment that are used on a farm.
  • The type of food farm animals eat.
  • What the farmer has to do to keep the animals clean and safe.

Parents and carers please remember that we will be outside for most of the afternoon and if this morning is anything to go by it could possibly be quite chilly, so warm waterproof coat, hat gloves and possibly welly boots!


Murrayfield Language Centre

Welcome back we hope that you had a great holiday. Last term was a very busy term in the language centre. Through various topic activities the children were learning-

  • new vocabulary.
  • listening and talking skills.
  • strategies to help organise and sequence ideas.
  • phonics- how to use what they know about sounds to help them read and write words.

Working with the speech and language therapists the children experiences opportunities to develop their conversational skills.

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Language Centre

Welcome to the language centre page of the Murrayfield  blog.

Last week we were finding out about the names of different vegetables. We discussed the size, shape and colour of the vegetables. We chopped them and made them into soup, we used lots of words to describe the taste of the soup.



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The children in the Language Centre have been learning more about day and night during the Winter season. 

After the big storm they were amazed to find that Percy the Park Keeper had a storm to deal with too and very kindly made new animal homes for the story characters.  They reflected on what Percy and the story characters might say to one another and used their sound mats to write their ideas in speech bubbles.

We have also transformed the playroom into an elves workshop and are busy preparing for Christmas!

Brilliant Buddies Book Review!

For three weeks now, P6 have been reading with P1F. We have shared a variety of books from the Scottish Book Trust. We have read Jumblebum, Paper Dolls and What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

We have been doing lots of exciting things with our buddies, like reading and writing our own book reviews. ‘It was a pleasure to read to them’ said one P6. We feel that this has developed our confidence when reading out loud. One of our P6’s said ‘it has build our confidence to read better to them!’.

Some of the P6’s went down to the language centre and wrote our book reviews with the children in the language centre. We used our creativity and also evaluated the three books.

We can’t wait to read to our buddies next week!

Pumpkin Carving – Pupil reflections

‘Some pumpkins are fat and some are thin’ (Ella)

‘Pumpkins are different colours – green, orange, white and even green and orange together’ (Jaidon)

‘Eugh inside it is stinky.  There is goo and loads of seeds’ (Robbie)

‘Pumpkin need eyes’ (Reece)

‘You have to dig really hard to get all the seeds out’ (Lochlann)

‘Put a little candle in it’ (Andrew)