All posts by Miss Moir

P7 Transition Ceilidh

Good Morning Everyone,

As promised, here are the pictures from the Transition Ceilidh that the P7’s took part in on Tuesday 7th February 2017.

The children had a wonderful time and as you can see it was a huge success with a great turn out from all the schools who took part 🙂



P7 News

Just a quick note to say I hope everyone has a lovely February break and a well deserved rest.

The P7 Transition Ceilidh was a huge success and the children had a fantastic morning. All P7 pupils were a credit to Murrayfield and thoroughly enjoyed the dancing along with the live Ceilidh band (and the Haggis Bon Bons were a treat too!)

I will add some photos of the event as soon as my Ipad is up and running again. I have some lovely photos and some videos which I am sure to share at the leavers assembly too (he he).

Take Care

Miss Moir

News from p7

Good Morning,

P7 have had a busy week in their groups completing work for myself while I have been completing my Maths Recovery Training at Bathgate Academy. I have learned a lot and I am looking forward to putting my training into practice. I have already started by playing some games with my class this week and I have some photos to show you. The children really enjoyed it which was great to see! Our topic is also up and running in class and I have a few photos of artwork and our display, which I hope to display some writing on when we have completed it next week.

The children are also preparing themselves for the p7 Transition Ceilidh on Tuesday morning. Don’t forget your EE2’s as we need them for you everyone to attend. I also have some lovely photos of them practicing yesterday  with p6/5 and p7/6. It was a squeeze but well worth it.

Hope you have a lovely weekend. As we finish on Thursday next week for our February break I shall be handing out spelling, reading and maths homework on Monday.

Have Fun!

Miss Moir


P7 News

Good Afternoon Parents and Carers,


Primary 7 and primary 6/5 will be selling raffle tickets this week for 2 Scottish Hampers (an adults hamper and a child’s hamper) to celebrate Burns Day!

If you are interested in buying a strip for the raffle please start bringing in your pennies this week. Parents may buy their raffle tickets at Assembly on Friday 27th January or at the biscuit and blether after the Assembly. Tickets will be £1 per strip for the adult raffle and 50p for the children’s 🙂 Good luck everyone.

Primary 7 will also be taking part in the Transition Ceilidh on Tuesday 7th of February from 9.30-12.30pm. All children must attend this as it is part of their transition and must wear school uniform on the day. They may bring a snack and a drink but lunch will be at school as normal. An EE2 form will be sent out this week and should be handed no later than Monday 6th February.

Thanks again for all your continued support!

Miss Moir

P7 News

Thank you so much to all parents and carers who made it to the p7 and p7/6 assembly today. If you could not make it due to other commitments then Mr Richards kindly filmed it and we will put into the blog asap. The children were a credit to Murrayfield and their performances was great. Mrs Millar and I are very proud of them.

P7 will be starting their new topic next week which is…..The Jacobites!


The children will be working alongside p6/5 for this topic and will be researching historical events, writing newspaper articles and will even be taking part in some hot seating and debating! Mrs Harrison and I are very excited.

Just a final note that homework will be starting next week as usual. Spelling and Reading homework will be handed out on a Monday and MUST be completed by Thursday to complete guided reading tasks and discussions on reading activities. Maths homework will be handed out on a Thursday to be completed over the weekend and handed in on the Monday. This blocks focus will be Multiplication and Division alongside Problem Solving, Time and Shape. To support you child you can set them mini challenges at home through asking them the time or random multiplication questions.

Here is a link for a few websites that will support you and your child at home:

I will also be completing targets from last block and new targets for this block so please check your child’s homework for these.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Moir and p7


Happy New Year from P7 and P7/6

Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a lovely winter break and a great Christmas and New Year.

It has been a short week this week, but p7/6 and p7 still manged to do a few things in class, including some persuasive writing and winter art.

Just a quick note to remind all parents and carers that next Friday (Friday 13th January) is p7/6 and p7 joint assembly so please come along to see your child perform and learn some information on Chinese New Year.

Here are some lovely snaps from the p7/6 and p7 Christmas party. The children had a great time and we even managed to play some very funny games. Brilliant fun.

Have a nice weekend

Miss Moir

P7 News

Hello to all parents, carers and pupils,

Primary 7 have been very busy this week practising their Christmas concert performance and creating their lovely enterprise for the Christmas Fair. I was very pleased to see that all the lovely tree boxes sold (with a little help from Mrs Harrison) and that the Christmas Fair was another busy but fun event this year 🙂

Just a little reminder that I still have tickets left to be sold for the choir concert on Wednesday evening at Bathgate Academy. Thank you to those of you who have already bought tickets and have sent me the slips so that I know how many children will be taking part at the event. If you would still like tickets you can buy them from myself or Mrs Millar for £1 and under 5’s go free.

Next week will be very busy with school performances, the panto on Friday and Rookie Rockstar concert on Thursday afternoon.

Can I please ask that for our class performance that your child wears (or brings to school) something Christmassy? I am thinking a Christmas jumper, or tinsel, or a santa hat or anything they can find that is sparkly and fun.

Thank you

Miss Moir

P7 Artwork and Space Presentations

Primary 7 were given mini topic to complete while I was out of class last week….and the standard of these presentations was excellent!

The class also worked on some beautiful paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, which they planned themselves. They thought about colour, texture and brushstrokes to keep their paintings looking similar while taking their time to keep their artwork neat and tidy.

Have a look at the wonderful images and the presentations.

Well done P7

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Just a little note from Miss Moir

Hello Everyone,

As you may well have known I was away at a course from Tuesday to Thursday. When I came back to class on Friday I was truelly overwhelmed by the amount of staff who came to me to praise my class. The Primary 7’s were split into different classes to complete a mini topic on Space and to create a presentation to show me on my return, and every single member of my class were a credit to themselves as well as the school. Their behaviour was impeccable, and they all worked very well together on their presentations. I had no doubts that they would be great, as they work so hard in class and are a very conscientious group. But, to hear it from other members of the staff was just lovely.

I really just wanted to say a huge big thank you to my class for just being them. They are such a wonderful, lovely and caring bunch. I felt that although I can give them praise in class and rewards, sometimes something written down truelly shows how proud I am of them.

Well done Primary 7! Let’s keep this up and continue to have a wonderful year together.

Miss Moir


P7 Big Talk Homework

Hello everyone,

This week Primary 7 will be looking at advertisements for their Big Writing. Advertisements can be in the form of posters, billboards and adverts on the television.

For you Big Talk homework I would like you to look at some adverts while watching TV. There will be lots of them now that it’s coming up to Christmas (shhh, I know it’s too early to discuss but it’s fast approaching!) Think about how these adverts draw your attention. Is it the words they use, the colours, the products they are selling, or the animation? Think also about adverts for being fun/exciting things or for sad/thought provoking things. You can discuss all these things with an adult and bring in your ideas for Tuesday.

Thanks again for all your help. Have fun!

Miss Moir