All posts by Miss Moir

Upper School Photo’s

I thought I would put up some of the photos of the boys and girls of the upper school having fun while learning.

Primary 7 and P6/7 worked together in their outdoor P.E by taking part in a variety of exercises and routines before completing a running challenge in teams. The children had lots of fun and were very puffed out by the end.

The Upper school also took part in the dance competition last week, were they all danced various dance moves, non stop for 1 hour. It was brilliant fun and the teachers also had a great time showing their moves on the dance floor.

Here are some photos-some are very funny 🙂

Miss Moir

P7 News

Good Morning,

We have had a fun week in Primary 7 this week with finishing off our artwork and learning about Angles, Triangles and 2D shapes. The class also had a brilliant time outside on Thursday morning were they took part in a fitness activity and did rely racing. They worked incredibly hard and really enjoyed racing against one another in teams.

Next week reading will be completed for Tuesday instead of Monday and Big Talk homework should be in for Wednesday. I would like the boys and girls to research famous landmarks of Paris for a special piece of writing.

Here are some photos of the boys and girls having fun outside during there p.e session.

Have a nice long weekend,

Miss Moir


Internet Safety

Good Morning Everyone,

Looking forward to the Biscuit and Blether this Morning. Mrs Harrison and I will be discussing different ways to keep your child safe online and will be showing a variety of websites for different age groups.

In case you cannot make it, here is a link for the website we will be using and a leaflet explaining how to keep you child safe online.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Moir and Mrs Harrison

Internet Safety Letter


P6 and P7 Conference

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Welcome back after the Easter Holidays. I hope everyone had a well deserved break and rest. We even managed to get some sunshine which was lovely too see 🙂

Since coming back P6 and P7 have been busy learning the CAB song for the conference and a small group supported Mrs Millar in creating the video to show what Murrayfield learned during the visit from the Fire Service. The conference was a great success and the boys and girls really enjoyed visiting Blackburn Primary School and sharing their experiences with everyone together.

Here are some photos of the conference for you to try and find everyone.

P7 have also created some lovely spring artwork this week and have been learning about angles in Maths. Pictures to follow.

Have a nice weekend,

Miss Moir

P7 News

A huge congratulations to Hannah Spence for winning the Buddy Bench Design competition. It will be so lovely to see her design painted on a bench and for it to be here for a long time after she leaves to go onto High School.

Well done to those who also participated in this competition-Aimee Clifton, Laura Thomson and Lenny Murage.

Also a huge congratulations to Amy McAulay for winning the Red Nose Competition. Her VW Camper Van design blew Mrs Harrison away. Watch out all you designers out there!

Hope you have a wonderful Easter break everyone

From Miss Moir


Fire Safety Talk with p6 and P7

Yesterday, the upper school were visited by the local fire service who came in to talk about their daily routines and helping the community. The boys and girls asked lots of excellent questions for their CAB conference and even managed to see the fire engine and how it works.

Here are some photographs of the children learning about the fire service.

P6 and P7 Internet Safety

Good afternoon,

This morning the p6’s and p7’s took part in an Internet Safety chat with Mr Davie Thomson, the community police officer from St Kentigern’s High School.  The discussion was based around the use of mobile phones and keeping themselves safe online through security settings. The children watched a short clip from Think you Know ( and then discussed keeping themselves safe through their security settings on social media. Setting their security settings to private will keep your child safe online and limit the people who can see what they are posting. Mr Thomson reminded the children that if they are worried about anything online they should discuss this with their parents as it is their responsibility to keep their child safe online.

The children were made aware of the age limits and restrictions of social media and learned a lot from this experience.

We hope to work with Mr Thomson in the future for further Internet Safety talks.

What’s on in P7

Good Afternoon Parents and Carers,

This week has been another busy week in P7. We have been learning about 3D shapes and how to describe them through different vocabulary (vertices, edges and faces) and have been focusing on subtraction and addition in Numeracy. In Literacy we have written about our final thoughts on The Jacobites and have been expressing our own thoughts and opinions about our reading books. We have also been looking at what kind of learners we are in HWB and have been using ICT to support our research and note taking. On Monday the class took part in a Tennis Tournament with a tennis coach. The children had great fun learning different passing and serving skills and then played one on one with a partner. Afterwards they then played a huge tournament with the whole class. The class had lots of fun and hope to continue to have similar activities in the future.

Next week the Upper School will be visited by the Police and the Fire Service. The Fire Service will be coming to discuss how they support the community and for the children to ask them questions for the CAB (Community Action Blackburn) conference in April.

The Police will be visiting the Upper school to discuss internet safety and the proper use of electronic devices.

Here are some photos of the class showing their tennis skills.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Moir


P7 News :)

Hi everyone,

P7 have had a busy week with lots of extra curricular activities. On Tuesday a lovely artist from Edinburgh called Astrid came in to do some artwork with the children. She asked the children to design different letters of the alphabet for a mural at the Blackburn Partnership Center when it is completed. The designs have turned out lovely and I have some photos to share of the children working hard with Astrid’s ideas.

The children also completed their verse for CAB and were singing with YAP musicians today which was lovely to listen to and take part. The song will be sung at the CAB conference in April with the rest of the Bathgate cluster and will be recorded after this. The song has been adapted to be about people who help us to the song of “Count on me,” by Bruno Mars.

Also a little note to say a huge congratulations to Wiktoria Tyloch who won the class display contest. The class were challenged to create a Learning Pit display, using ideas from Growth Mindset. These displays were about ideas of how some people can feel like they are in a pit when learning something they do not feel confident with, and then how they could get out of this pit with help and support. It was a tough decision as everyone created lots of fantastic ideas but the final winner was Wiktoria. The display is nearly finished and it looks fabby.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend,

Miss Moir

P7 Class Trip!

Dear Parents and Carers,

So sorry for taking so long uploading the photos from our class trip last week. There was a problem with the blog but luckily it is fixed now 🙂

The class has such a good day and learned a lot about the Jacobites and their March to Culloden. The children even managed to use some of their stick building skills from last year to create shelters and then freeze frame scenes for a drama. After this they marched on to Culloden where,  sadly it  was not the outcome the poor Jacobites had hoped for at this point.

This week in class we have been working on our writing and creating some fantastic newspaper articles about The Battle of Prestonpans. Thank you for the continued support at home-this is really helping the children with their ideas in their writing. This week the children will be setting the scene through a picture. Look out for The Big Talk homework activity.

Just a little last to note to say Aimee Clifton, Summer Harkison, Laura Thomson and Lenny Murage have been working very hard at The Bathgate Orchestra and will be taking part in their first performance tonight! I am so proud of them for working so hard with their instruments and learning lots of very hard songs. Good Luck 🙂

Have a nice weekend!

Miss Moir