All posts by Miss Moir

P7/6 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a busy week in P7/6 with lots of competition winners. Congratulations to Katie Clifton for winning the Upper School Helmet design through Bikeability. Her helmet was beautifully drawn with planets on it, which linked to p7/6 class topic. Also, a huge well done to Rachel for showing resilience during her cycling- she kept going and never gave up.Well done to everyone in class who took part and raised money for Bikeability and the STV children’s appeal. The school raised over £1000 which was outstanding!

In class this week we managed to finish 2 displays for out class topic-the solar system and completed a Maths challenge on finding the radius of all the planets in the solar system! Well done to Lewis Dickie for his sheer determination with his division and to Dean Robertson for supporting others in his group with a calm and positive manner. Well done boys!

Here are some photos of our winners from Bikeability and our class display.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Moir

p7/6 News

Good Afternoon Parents and Carers,

We had a busy week in class last week filled with lots of literacy, numeracy and topic, including creating 3D planets out of paper mache which worked a treat. Our class display is really coming on now and will hopefully be looking smashing for Parents Night.

In Numeracy I introduced the class to CPA-concrete, pictorial and abstract maths. This concept allows everyone to use different strategies to support their numeracy through physical items, pictures or numbers. It took a little while for the children to grasp the idea but once they got into it they really enjoyed it. These strategies are now on display on the Number Talks wall in class.

Congratulations to Zac Wilson and Lewis Dickie for receiving Head Teacher awards for fantastic vocabulary within their personal writing last week-keep up the great work.

Miss Moir

P7 and P7/6 News

Today, P7 and P7/6 took part in the live Joe Wicks school workouts this morning. It included an intense work out with lots of different body movements to strengthen and stretch the core muscles. All the boys and girls in Murrayfield really enjoy the Joe Wicks workouts which you can find on Youtube.

Here are some photographs of the children taking part and working hard.

Have a lovely September holiday.

Miss Moir

P6/7 Class Trip Photos

Good Afternoon Parents and Carer’s,

After a wonderful day out discovering things about space, I would like to share some photographs of the class having fun and learning through different experiences at the Chamber Street Museum.


The children created a telescope with paper and a plastic lens, and studied several different rocks found on earth from space. Both classes also got to explore the museum in The Science and Animal zones.

Well done everyone for being well behaved and a credit to Murrayfield.

Miss Moir

P7/6 News

Good Morning everyone,

We have had a few busy weeks settling into our p7/6 routine and have already been working hard on different aspects of the curriculum. We have completed some Imaginative Writing, have been working on Place Value within Numeracy and have started our new topic of The Solar System.

On Monday the children will have their first trip this year to The National Museum of Scotland for their class topic. The children are really excited. The Wednesday after the children will be completed a personal account of their trip which will co-inside with their Big Talk and Big Writing.

This week I shall be giving homework out on Tuesday and I would like it handed in on the Friday. Homework will consist of Reading, Spelling and Numeracy. I will also expect Big Talk homework to be completed for every Wednesday which will support the children’s writing.

Here us a breakdown of homework activities:

  1. Spelling-sentences, copy each word 3 times and create a new way to remember how to spell spelling words.
  2. Reading-set reading for each group along with a literacy circles activity.
  3. Numeracy- an activity that will relate to weekly activity in class.

Homework will usually be given out on a Monday and be handed in on a Thursday but due to class trip I shall do Tuesday to Friday this week. Big Writing will take place on a Wednesday so Big Talk homework (which will relate to the genre of writing) will be given on a Friday for everyone to have plenty time to discuss or complete the activity.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Moir


Blair Drummond Safari Park

Good Afternoon Everyone,

For the p7 treat this year the children decided to go to Blair Drummond Safari Park. We had an absolutely brilliant day out and weather stayed dry for the children to play in the park and go on the boat trip. The children were a credit to the school as usual with their behaviour and manners towards others,

Here are some pictures of the day out. It was a great idea to wish the pupils good luck and celebrate their final year at Murrayfield.

P7 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have managed to finish our class display just in time for the holidays 🙂 we have been looking at France and learning some French language and decided to create a street scene of Paris for our display. It looks really lovely and the class should be proud of their efforts.

This week while the boys and girls went to their St Kents Transition days, the P7’s took part in a Zumba class. It was great fun and everyone was very hot and tired after all the dancing.


Next week the boys and girls will have finished their reading books and I would like them to write a book report. We will discuss how this should be done and they can do a comparison of the books they have read or write a simple book report they have just finished.

Only 2 weeks to go….hoping it doesn’t go too quickly as then it will be time to say goodbye 🙁

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Moir


P7 Bathgate Transition Information

Good Morning,

The children from p7 who will be going to Bathgate Academy will start their transition on Tuesday 6th of June and their last day will be Friday the 9th June. They should still come to Murrayfield on Monday as usual and wear their normal school uniform throughout their transition dates. The bus passes have arrived and will be given to the children on Monday. The school bus leaves at 8am outside the Mill center and they should arrive at Bathgate Academy at 8.30 for registration each morning.

Children who wish to buy their lunches should take money with them as they will not be given their money cards until during or after the holidays. I would suggest that children bring their own snack with them as the tuck shop at break time can be very busy and a little overwhelming at first. Children have been given their booklets which has their timetables and classes in them. Please make sure that they take their P.E kits on the appropriate day and on Thursday morning for their Sports Day. Mrs Millar and I will see them at Bathgate academy on the Tuesday morning and I will also see them at sports day on the Thursday morning.

Although it is a voting day on Thursday 8th June, Bathgate Academy will be open as usual. Murrayfield is a polling station so any p7 pupils not attending Bathgate transition week will have the day off school.

I am sure everyone will have an amazing week and will enjoy every minute of their transition. It is a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and get used to their timetables and the layout of the High School.

Enjoy it P7! You will be amazing.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Moir

P7 News

It’s been another great week in P7! We have been looking at division in maths and have been sharing strategies to support our learning. The children learned a strategy called bar modelling and some have found this strategy really supportive within the division concept. Good Job!

Within Literacy the children have been focusing on Wanted posters and have created some amazing work on characters from a book they have read. The children looked at vocabulary of Wanted Posters and their layout and used these to create ideas for their own posters.

As it has been a beautiful week, we had a fun outdoor session with p6/7 and p6/5. It was so lovely to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and practice some stations for Sport Day next week.

Have a good weekend!

Miss Moir

P7 News

p7 have been really enjoying their outdoor P.E sessions this term, especially with all the lovely weather we have been having recently. This terms focus has been athletics, and the children have been working on their team building skills through races and jumping. Yesterday, the focus was the long and short jump and Aaron W managed to capture some amazing action shots! Take a look and see if you recognise anyone.

We have been continuing our French topic and our Big Writing focus was the new prime minister of France-Emmanuel Macron. The children wrote reports on him, either personal or persuasive and I am impressed with standard I have seen so far. Great Job guys.

Have a lovely long weekend,

Miss Moir