All posts by R Sneddon


The latest news from P5. This week:

* We welcomed Mrs Melia, a PGDE Student from Edinburgh University, into our class and she will be with us for the next 6 weeks. We are looking forward to learning a lot form her!

* We have been working hard on our times tables this week and I’m sure a wee challenge will be coming up soon.

* This week we have looked at Heart Start training and we are building our confidence in  how to deal with various life situations.

* P5 are busy creating Power point presentations on Scottish landmarks and the excitement and enthusiasm is fantastic.

*Netball skills are developing very well and most of the P5’s had more appropriate outdoor PE kit this week. Thank you.

*We want to wish Sam and Emma Parker good luck at the Scottish schools championships tomorrow.

* Good luck to Lara Findlay and her pony in their competition this weekend.

This week in P5

A big thank you to all the P5’s who take their homework so seriously and for the wonderful research on Charles Rennie MacIntosh. We have had a wide variety of research from posters to a power point presentation and even a questionnaire.

Keep an eye out for our Charles Rennie MacIntosh art.

We have looked at the map of the UK this week and discerned between England, Scotland and Ireland. We used knowledge gained from our learning to map cities on a blank Scotland map.

We are currently working on Netball skills in our outdoor PE. P5 worked very hard on throwing and catching skills. This was quite chilly this week and I think many P5’s realized that they might not all have the correct outdoor PE kit.

A big congratulations to Lara Findlay for her achievement during the Christmas break with her  horse riding. We are very proud of you and keep working hard!


A Fantastic fun filled week this week!

Our Christmas party was filled with beautifully dressed girls and dapper boys. P5 has some fantastic dancers and we all had great fun participating in all the fantastic games!

The pantomime Aladdin was a real treat and great fun to watch. We even had a proposal from the lovely lady Twanky! What a special and great way to end the term.

We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas from everyone in P5!R0013228 R0013229 R0013230 R0013232 R0013233 R0013234 R0013235 R0013236 R0013237 R0013238 R0013241 R0013242


A big congratulations to everyone for their fantastic efforts with the Christmas Concert. The staff and children worked hard getting everything ready and the final result was brilliant.

I am very proud have been part of such a fantastic group singing in a new language. You were AMAZING P5!

A big thank you for the fantastic effort in making your time machines. I am looking forward to continuing our journey through Scotland’s History. (pictures to follow)

A week full of thank you’s!! P5 you have impressed me yet again with the level of your homework. What fantastic creative ways to practice your spelling words. WOW.R0013227R0013226R0013224R0013222R0013225R0013223

This week in P5

A great big thank you to all the parents who supported us by coming to watch our assembly. We hope you felt very Scottish when you left.R0013153


Jingle – jingle

It is officially December and P5 have started practicing for our part in the Christmas concert. Learning a new language is exciting and a lot of fun.

We have been busy this week working with subtraction and the children are becoming more confident in discussing the strategies they are using when subtracting.

P5 have  worked with Mrs. McGlynn in RME and are illustrating the Passover. It is looking amazing! R0013211 R0013212 R0013213 R0013214 R0013215

We had a sneak peak at the historic Village at Scara Brae and the children used this information to create some very good quality questions!

What has been going on in P5 this week.

PE this week we had the opportunity to play volleyball with Mrs. Logan. In pairs the children worked on catching and throwing skills.R0013057R0013058R0013066

We have started getting ready for our assembly with P4 and P5/4.

We hope to see you there. The 27th November 2015.

In Numeracy we have been working on place value.We even managed to get to Billions!

P5 is also working on time and show a good knowledge of telling o’clock and half past .We are working on quarter to  and quarter past and have designed our own clocks to help us with this.

We have had some fantastic peer learning this week during reading routes and it is always lovely to see peers working collaboratively and enhancing each others learning.R0013049R0013050

We enjoy celebrating wider achievement and have been so lucky to have two friends share their achievement in swimming. Connor Martin received a badge for completing 25m. Sam Parker achieved gold in 50m front crawl, 50m breast stroke, 25m fly, 50m back stroke and 200m front crawl. Unbelievable! I am tired just typing it.

Well done boys!


This week in P5

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We had great fun researching and learning about the gunpowder plot. We used our knowledge gained to have a class debate. Was it a Government plot or Terrorist act?

In Reading routes this week P5 looked at statements, questions and exclamations and the punctuation marks used for this.

In Handwriting this week we have concentrated on the formation of f and k when using joined handwriting.

This week we continued to use upper body strength during PE with Miss Harrison.

P5 exceeded expectation with the creation of colorful informative fire safety posters. We have displayed these throughout the school.

This weeks Skillionaire focus was – Analyse.

This weeks Skillionaires are:

Aarin Higgins for being able to breakdown difficult addition problems in numeracy.

Harris McEwan for being able to test himself using mad math minutes.

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This week in P5

  • P5 had the opportunity to participate in the Handball festival on Wednesday and I am very proud to say that they were all fantastic Murrayfield citizens. They showed great sportsmanship and even encouraged the other teams when playing.
  • The boys and girls in P5 are working very hard to improve their mental addition strategies and this is showing improvement when doing our mad math minutes.
  • This week we have also explored atmosphere and setting within a text. The children were all very enthusiastic when discussing  vocabulary to describe atmosphere and setting.
  • Thursday was filled with excitement about the Halloween party and this was a great success. A big thank you to the Parent council from P5.
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In P5 this week

P5 have been working incredibly hard this week.

We have learned interesting facts about 3D shapes and can discuss the properties of these shapes with our peers.

In PE with Mrs. Logan the boys and girls worked hard on upper body strength.

We have used our spelling words this week to create a word search. Our word search was completed and assessed by our Peers.

We used reading routes this week to explore a Drama text and the punctuation used within this.

The P5’s also created remembering questions relating to their texts.

A huge congratulations to Connor Martin for receiving the first secret Head Teachers award for outstanding presentation!

Our Skillionaires  for this week were Sam Parker for recalling 3D shapes during maths and Abbie Sneddon for writing remembering questions relating to a text.

Part of our homework this week have been to find a interesting peice of reading to share with the class. Thank you for those whom shared their articles. Some were VERY interesting.

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