All posts by Miss Black

Primary 2B Newsflash

This week in primary 2B we have been learning about:

Money – “I can identify different coins and their colour up to £2″- Aaron

Minibeasts – ” For our topic this week we have been learning about the life cycle of a lady bird, ant and butterfly.” – Jordan

Literacy – “We have been practicing using word document on the laptop to type out our keywords” – Zoe

Reading – “Our group are able to make up questions relating to the answers we have in our booklets”- Summer S

Last week our chicks went home and it is very quiet in the classroom now. We also got a certificate for looking after the chicks.

chicks day 4 001 chicks day 4 021 Here are some pictures for you to have a look at.

Primary 2B News Flash

This week primary 2B have been learning:



“We have been reading more non-fiction books and I really enjoyed the Roller Coaster one.” – Summer B

“We have been putting words into the correct order.” – Hadia

“We have been looking to see if we can read the ‘tricky’ words in our tasks.” Calvin



“We have been learning the 2 times table in class this week.” – Aaron

“We know that even numbers are in the 2 times table.” – Zoe

“We have been moving round to different stations in class for maths.” – Callum



“In P.E we have been learning how to skip which was quite tricky.” – Kirsty


**On Wednesday 23/3/16 there will be a Quiz night for all to attend. For more information please contact the school office.

Primary 2B Newsflash

Primary 2B Newsflash

This week primary 2B have been learning:


“We have been writing about toys from the past by making a list. We had to use a comma to make a list of toys.” – Brooke

“We have been reading non-fiction books in class.” – Hadia

“Non-fiction books are books that have real facts in them.” Jack

“We have been learning to play bingo in groups using our flashcards.” – Abbie



“We have been learning what odd and even numbers are.” – Evie

“Even numbers are numbers that have a partner. Odd numbers do not have a partner.” – Summer B

“We have been using Numicon to help us with our sums.” – Summer S

“Mrs Stewart was helping us to identify where numbers live on a 100 number square.” – Amy-Leigh



“In P.E we have been learning how to stay fit.” – Kesley


**Next Friday is……

A Jammie Jog Day – Friday 18th March for Sports Relief

£1 to wear your pyjamas to school and £1 to join in the jog.


This week in P2B……

This week in class we have been learning…..

“In maths we have been learning lots about about measure using a ruler.” – Summer S

“We have been learning lots about old and new toys.” – Hadia

“Practising our numbers and where they live on a number line.” – Leland

“We had our Mild, Spicy, Hot challenge last week and we now know lots about 2D and 3D shapes.” – Brooke

“We have been busy writing about character descriptions using adjectives.” -Jack

“We have been learning lots about nouns and we now know that nouns are naming words. For example, Summer – name, School – Place and Camera – Thing. ” -Lyle


Primary 2B

This week in class we have been learning:

-About the Owl who was afraid of the dark – Tia

-The owl is called Plop and cannot fly – Abbie

-We have been practising our lines for our assembly next week – Brooke

-We have been learning about displaying information on graphs – Jack


Primary 2B are going to have a prentend ‘camp fire’ activity next week realting to our IDL on ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. During this activity the children will be sitting round the paper ‘camp fire’ and telling stories and singing songs. They will also be able to eat marshmallows. If you have any questions regarding this lesson please do not hesitate to phone.

Our assembly will be on Friday 20th. Hope to see you there.



Primary 2B

This week Primary 2B have been learning:

“Numbers up to 20” – Hadia

“About bar graphs and what information we can put in them” – Abbie

“New words in our early intervention class” – Brooke

“How to stay safe during Bonfire Night” – Zoe

“Our lines for assembly” – Kirsty


Primary 2B would like to remind everyone that our assembly is on Friday 20th of November.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Primary 2B

A warm welcome back to everyone and we hope you have had a wonderful break.

This week we have:

*Been making fire engines using 2D shapes.

*Been working in pairs with our literacy words.

*Made some Halloween lanterns in our vertical groups.

We hope you have an exciting and spooky weekend for halloweeeeeeeen.